Book Chapters

* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
No. Faculty Title Author Book Page Publisher Year
23 CHOI, JIN NAM Beyond the Iron Rice Bowl : Life stage and family dynamics in unemployed Chinese workers Richard H. Price, Jin Nam Choi, Sandy Lim Unemployment in China : economy, human resources and labour markets 108-127 Routledge 2007
22 YUN, SEOKHWA Moderating effects of prior international experience on the relationship between current experiences and expatriate adjustment Riki Takeuchi, Seokhwa Yun Current Topics in Management 11 177-199 JAI Press 2006
21 LEE, KYUNGMOOK 인간존중 기업문화와 지식정보사회 이경묵 인본주의와 지식정보사회 265-305 집문당 2005
20 LEE, KYUNGMOOK 사회적 자본 생성과 조직 역량 이경묵 사회적 자본과 인적자원개발 149-205 한국직업능력개발원 2005
19 Cho, Theresa Seung Ah Isomorphism in reverse: Institutional theory as an explanation for recent increases in intraindustry heterogenity and managerial discretion Donald C. Hambrick, Sydney Finkelstein, Theresa S. Cho, and Eric M. Jackson Research in organizational behavior volume 26 307-350 JAI Press 2005
18 PARK, JINSOO Semantic Web Jinsoo Park The Blackwell encyclopedia of management. Management information systems 279-281 Blackwell 2005
17 PARK, JINSOO Ontology Jinsoo Park The Blackwell encyclopedia of management. Management information systems 233-236 Blackwell 2005
16 LEE, KYUNGMOOK 한국기업의 지배구조 변화와 전망 이경묵, 이지환 (한국기업의)조직관리 41-89 博英社 2005
15 PARK, WON-WOO M&A 성공을 위한 HR 및 Cultural Due Diligence 박원우 (한국기업의)인적자원관리 368-406 博英社 2005
14 KIM, SEONGSU 전략적 인사관리와 인적자원 아키텍처 김성수 (한국기업의)인적자원관리 305-326 博英社 2005
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