
Professor(Youngone Corporation Chair) / Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management
Phone02-880-8797 RoomBldg 59, Room 705 emailsk2@snu.ac.kr

Professor Introduction

Seongsu Kim is Youngone Corporation Professor of Human Resource Management (HRM) at the Graduate School of Business, Seoul National University. Professor Kim held faculty positions at Case Western Reserve University and SUNY-Stony Brook previously.

Dr. Kim’s research has focused on changes/innovations in HRM and organizational culture in Korean and global companies. He has written extensively on the impact of HR strategies on employees’ attitudes and firms’ performance. His research has been published in top-tier journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, OBHDP, Personnel Psychology, Long Range Planning, Journal of Management, etc.

He has received numerous research awards including Scholarly Achievement Award from the Academy of Management (2016), Scholarly Achievement Award from Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2017), and the Gallup Research Award (2016).

He is a member of the Board of Directors at CS Wind since 2022. He was previously on the Board of Directors at Amorepacific and Daerim C&S. He has also been consulting or lecturing at numerous companies such as Samsung, SK, Hyundai, LG, Lotte, Hana Bank, etc.

Education & Experiences


Ph.D. Anderson School of Management, University of California, Los Angeles (Field: Human Resource Management). 1995
M.B.A. Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago. 1990
B.A. College of Business Administration, Seoul National University. 1987


  1. Professor, Graduate School of Business, Seoul National University, 1997-present.
  2. Former faculty member at Case Western Reserve University & State University of New York (SUNY)-Stony Brook.


  1. Scholarly Achievement Award, Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology, 2017.
  2. Scholarly Achievement Award, Academy of Management, Human Resources Division, 2016.
  3. Teaching Excellence Award, Graduate School of Business, Seoul National University, 2012.
  4. Research Excellence Award, Graduate School of Business, Seoul National University, 2012.
  5. The Mercer Award, William M. Mercer Consulting, 2004. (Prize: US$10,000).
  6. International Research Award, Korean Academy of Management, 2002.
  7. Best Paper Award, Academy of Management, Careers Division, 1997.


[Refereed Journal Articles]

  1. Tai, K., Lee, K., Kim, E., Johnson, T., Wang, W., Duffy, M., & Kim, S. (2022). Gender, Bottom-line Mentality, and Workplace Mistreatment: The Roles of Gender Norm Violation and Team Gender Composition. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(5): 854-865.
  2. Han, J., Liao, S., Han, J. & Kim, S. (2020). Narcissism and Empowerment: How Narcissism Affects the Trickle-Down Effects of Organizational Empowerment Climate on Performance. Journal of Management Studies, 57(6): 1217-1245.
  3. Lee, H. W., Pak, J., Kim, S., & Li, L. (2019). Effects of Human Resource Management Systems on Employee Proactivity and Group Innovation. Journal of Management, 45(2): 819-846.
  4. Pak, J., & Kim, S. (2018). Team manager’s implementation, high performance work systems intensity, and performance: A multilevel investigation. Journal of Management, 44(7): 2690-2715.
  5. Lee, H. W., Choi, J. N., & Kim, S. (2018). Does gender diversity help teams constructively manage status conflict? An evolutionary perspective of status conflict, team psychological safety, and team creativity. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 144:187-199.
  6. Park, T.-Y., Kim, S. & Sung, L.-K. (2017). Fair pay dispersion: A regulatory focus theory view. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 142: 1-11.
  7. Park, J., & Kim, S. (2017). Pay Dispersion and Organizational Performance in Korea: Curvilinearity and the Moderating Role of Congruence with Organizational Culture. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(9): 1291-1308.
  8. Oh, I., Blau, G., Kim, S., & Han, J. (2017). Human Capital Factors Affecting Human Resource Managers' Commitment to HR and the Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Value on HR. Human Resource Management, 56(2), 353-368.
  9. A Tenhiala, TL Giluk, C Simon, I Oh, S Kepes, S Kim. (2016). The Research-Practice Gap in Human Resource Management: A Cross-Cultural Study. Human Resource Management. 55(2): 179-200.
  10. Oh, I. S., Kim, S., & Van Iddekinge, C. H. (2015). Taking It to Another Level: Do Personality-Based Human Capital Resources Matter to Firm Performance? Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(3): 935-947.
  11. HJ Yoon, SY Sung, JN Choi, K Lee, S Kim. (2015). Tangible and Intangible Rewards and Employee Creativity: The Mediating Role of Situational Extrinsic Motivation. Creativity Research Journal. 27: 383-393.
  12. Park, J., & Kim, S. (2015). The differentiating effects of workforce aging on exploitative and exploratory innovation: The moderating role of workforce diversity. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 32(2): 481-503.
  13. Han, J. H., Bartol, K. M., & Kim, S. (2015). Tightening up the Performance-Pay Linkage: Roles of Contingent Reward Leadership and Profit-Sharing in the Cross-Level Influence of Individual Pay-for-Performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(2): 417-430.
  14. J Park, S Kim, & H Yoon. (2013). Reexamining the Pay Differentials-Organizational Outcomes Relationship in Korea: The Role of Organizational Identification. Seoul Journal of Business, 19(1): 43-70.
  15. Kim, S., Mone, M. A., & Kim, S. (2008). Relationships among self-efficacy, pay-for-performance perceptions, and pay satisfaction: A Korean examination. Human Performance, 21(2), 158-179.
  16. Lee, K., Rho, S., Kim, S., & Jun, G. J. (2007). Creativity-innovation cycle for organisational exploration and exploitation: lessons from Neowiz-a Korean internet company. Long Range Planning, 40(4), 505-523.
  17. Lee, E., & Kim, S. (2006). Best Practices and Performance-Based HR System in Korea. Seoul Journal of Business, 12(1), 3-18.
  18. Frenkel, S. J., & Kim, S. (2004). Corporate codes of labour practice and employment relations in sports shoe contractor factories in South Korea. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 42(1), 6-31.
  19. Kim, S. (2003). The impact of research productivity on early retirement of university professors. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 42(1), 106-125.
  20. Kim, D. O., & Kim, S. (2003). Industrial relations in Asia: transformation or transition? Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 42(3), 311-314.
  21. Kim, D. O., & Kim, S. (2003). Globalization, financial crisis, and industrial relations: The case of South Korea. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 42(3), 341-367.
  22. Frenkel, S. J., & Kim, S. (2001). Employment Relations in a Global Supply Chain. 경영논집, 35: 57-75.
  23. 김동원, 김성수, M. Morishima. (2001). The Impact of Globalization on Industrial Relations: A Comparative Study of Korea and Japan. Seoul Journal of Business, 7(1): 61-87.
  24. Kim, S., & Feldman, D. C. (2000). Working in retirement: The antecedents of bridge employment and its consequences for quality of life in retirement. Academy of management Journal, 43(6), 1195-1210.
  25. Feldman, D. C., & Kim, S. (2000). Bridge employment during retirement: A field study of individual and organizational experiences with post-retirement employment. Human Resource Planning Journal, 23, 14-25.
  26. Feldman, D. C., & Kim, S. (1998). Acceptance of buyout offers in the face of downsizing: Empirical evidence from the Korean electronics industry. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 9(6), 1008-1025.
  27. Kim, S., & Feldman, D. C. (1998). Healthy, wealthy, or wise: Predicting actual acceptances of early retirement incentives at three points in time. Personnel Psychology, 51(3), 623-642.
  28. Kim, S. (1998). Does profit sharing increase firms' profits? Journal of Labor Research, 19(2), 351-370.
  29. Kim, D. O., & Kim, S. (1997). The Effects on Union Membership of Race and Immigration Status Focusing on Asian Americans. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 33(3), 378-396.
  30. Kim, S., & Briscoe, D. R. (1997). Globalization and a new human resource policy in Korea: Transformation to a performance-based HRM. Employee relations, 19(4), 298-308.


  1. S Kim. 2013. The HR System and Organizational Culture at KT. Seoul National University Press.
  2. S Kim. 2013. The Organizational Culture and HR System at Daelim. Seoul National University Press.
  3. S Kim. 2012. Transformations of Woongjin into an Ambidextrous Organization. Seoul National University Press.
  4. S Kim. 2012. Talent Management at Hana Financial Group. Seoul National University Press.
  5. S Kim. 2011. Culture Change at Hyundai Card and Hyundai Capital. Seoul National University Press.
  6. S Kim. 2010. Transformations of HR System in Korean Firms. Seoul National University Press.
  7. S Kim, C Park, T Kim. 2007. Transformations of Compensation Systems in Korean Firms. Seoul National University Press.


  1. Jo, J., Ellingson, J. E., Lee, E-S., & Kim, S. 2018. Constructive Voice in an Organization in Decline: A Loss-Mitigation Model. Academy of Management Meeting.
  2. Park, J., Han, J,. & Kim, S. Songqi Liu. 2017. How Can Labor Market Entrants Overcome Perceived Overqualification? The Moderating Role of Work Change and Turnover. Academy of Management Meeting.
  3. JH Han, KM Bartol, S Kim. 2012. The Formation of Leaders' Attribution of OCB Motives and Its Impact on OCB Performer. Academy of Management Meeting.
  4. A Tenhiala, TL. Giluk, C Simon, I Oh, S Kepes, S Kim. 2012. The Research-Practice Gap in HRM: A Cross-Cultural Study. Academy of Management Meeting.
  5. JH Han, H Liao, MS Taylor, S Kim. 2012. Contextualizing Transformational Leadership: Cross-level Investigation of Follower Extraversion and High Performance Work System as Enhancers of Transformational Leadership. International Association for Chinese Management Research Meeting.
  6. JH Han, H Liao, MS Taylor, S Kim. 2011. Combined Effects of High-Performance Work Systems and Transformational Leadership on Job Performance. Academy of Management Meeting.
  7. JH Han, K Bartol, S Kim. 2011. Interactive Effects of Individual Pay-For-Performance and Profit-Sharing on Employee Performance. The 26th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
  8. JH Han, H Liao, MS Taylor, S Kim. 2010. The Effects of HRM and Organizational Context on Transformational Leadership and Team Performance. Academy of Management Meeting.
  9. HJ Yoon, JN Choi, K Lee, S Kim. 2009. Tangible and Intangible Rewards and Employee Creative Performance. Academy of Management Meeting.
  10. Park. HJ, Kim. S, Lee, E-S. 2007. Examining the Performance Gap Between HR Manager’s Assumptions and HR Practice Implementation. The Ninth International Human Resource Management Conference. Estonia.
  11. Kim, J., Seongsu Kim, and Ryu, S. 2005. The Impact of HR Involvement and Commitment HR Systems on HR Effectiveness and Firm Performance. Academy of Management Meeting.
  12. Seongsu Kim. 2004. Impact of strategic HRM on firm performance. HR Colloquium at University of Hawaii, Manoa.
  13. Seongsu Kim. 2004. The Impact of HR Involvement and Commitment HR Systems on HR Effectiveness 13th Annual HR Roundtable. Mercer Consulting, Inc.
  14. Kim, Seongsu, Mark A. Mone, and Sunghoon Kim. 2004. The Relationships between Self-Efficacy, Pay-for-Performance Perceptions, and Pay Satisfaction. Presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  15. Seongsu Kim. 2004. The Impact of Profrit Sharing on Workers’ Productivity and Firm Profits in Korea. Presented at the Industrial Relations Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, January.
  16. Seongsu Kim. 2001. The Impact of Research Productivity on Early Retirement of University Professors. Presented at the Industrial Relations Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, January.
  17. Kim, Dong-One and Seongsu Kim. 2001. Transformations of Industrial Relations in Asia. Industrial Relations Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  18. Kim, Seongsu and Daniel C. Feldman. 1999. Working in Retirement: The Antecedents and Consequences of Bridge Employment. Academy of Management Meeting.
  19. Kim, Seongsu and Daniel C. Feldman. 1998. Acceptance of Buyout Offers in the Face of Downsizing. Academy of Management Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  20. Kim, Seongsu. 1998. Traditions and Transformations in Korean Human Resource Management: The Case of Samsung. Presented at the Industrial Relations Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, January.
  21. Kim, Dong-One and Seongsu Kim. 1998. The Effect on Unionization of Race and Immigration Status: Focusing on Asian-Americans. Presented at the Industrial Relations Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, January.
  22. Kim, Seongsu and Daniel C. Feldman. 1997. Healthy, Wealthy, or Wise: Predicting Actual Acceptances of Early Retirement Incentives at Three Points in Time. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, August.
  23. Kim, Seongsu. 1995. "Using Early Retirement Incentives to Reduce Workforce: Who Choose to Retire?" Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, August.
  24. Kim, Seongsu. 1994 "Does Profit Sharing Increase Firm Profits?" Presented at the Industrial Relations Research Association Annual Meeting, Refereed Paper Session, Boston, Massachusetts, January.
  25. Kim, Seongsu. 1993 "Profit Sharing as a Strategic Pay Scheme." Presented at Stanford Conference on Organizations, Pacific Grove, California, April.

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