Recent Issues
Vol.20/1 (2014, June)
Corporate Governance, Product Market Competition, and Payout Policy
Author Hee Sub Byun, Jihye Lee, and Kyung Suh Park
Keywords Corporate governance, Product market competition, Market concentration, Interaction effect, Payout policy
This paper investigates how the interaction between internal corporate governance and product market competition affects corporate payout. Empirically, existing papers demonstrate that corporate governance has a significantly negative effect on corporate payout; however, we observe that this negative relation is observed only in less competitive (concentrated) markets, and disappears or decreases in more competitive markets. The result suggests that the substitution effect between internal corporate governance and product market competition in the effect on firm value, as suggested in previous literatures, is also valid in payout policy. Our results will provide practical and institutional implications regarding the most efficient method of finding optimal internal corporate governance structure given market structures.
Vol.19/2 (2013, December)
Sources of HR Department Power: Scale Development and Validation*
Keywords HR department power, scale development, HRM strength
HR department power plays a significant role in increasing organizational
performance by influencing how intended HR strategies and practices are
actually embraced and utilized by organizational members. Referring to
French and Raven’s (1959) taxonomy, we present four bases (sanction,
expert, referent, and legitimacy) of HR department power in the context of
intraorganizational dynamics and develop their measurement scales. Findings
indicate that the HR power bases represent an integrated framework
that helps to build a coherent classification standard, showing meaningful
relationships with HR department power, HRM strength, and organizational
Vol.19/2 (2013, December)
Return and Volatility Transmission Between Oil Prices and Emerging Asian Markets
Keywords cross-market hedging, oil price risk, portfolio diversification, spillovers *
We investigated return and volatility transmission between oil futures
prices and ten Asian emerging indices using a VAR-bivariate GARCH model.
We also analyzed the optimal weights and hedge ratios for optimizing
portfolios to minimize the exposure to risk associated with oil futures price
changes. We found no significant influence of oil futures price returns on
Asian stock returns. However, strong volatility spillover was observed from
oil futures price shocks and volatility to counterpart volatilities. In addition,
optimal weights and hedge ratios suggested that incorporating the oil asset
in a well-diversified portfolio effectively hedged the risks associated with oil
price volatility.
Vol.19/2 (2013, December)
Managing Operational Proactiveness to Facilitate Functional Area Alignment and Enhance Business Performance
Keywords Proactiveness, strategic alignment, business performance, service management
The aim of this paper is to explore the role of operational proactiveness
with respect to achieving functional alignment and enhancing business
performance. Using data from the retail banking industry, we investigate
how operational proactiveness impacts strategic alignment and business
performance. Results show that the operational proactiveness contributes to
business performance through enhanced strategic alignment. Additionally,
with assistance from a panel of experts, outcomes of the study were
subjected to a reality check in order to develop managerial guidelines for
operationalizing the findings of this research.
Vol.19/2 (2013, December)
Earnings Announcements, Analyst Forecasts, and Trading Volume
Author Minsup Song
Keywords earnings announcement, analyst forecast, forecast timing, stock price reaction, trading volume
Empirical evidence shows that a significant proportion of analysts
issue their forecasts at the time of an earnings announcement (Ivković
and Jegadeesh 2004). These forecasts are commonly regarded as analyst
interpretations of earnings news contained in the announcement (Schipper
1991). Although analytical studies suggest that market reaction to news
from earnings announcement could be affected by analysts’ interpretation
information (Kim and Verrecchia 1994, 1997), the vast majority of previous
research has ignored whether and how these analysts’ interpreting forecasts
affect the market reaction to the earnings announcements. Our empirical
results show that sensitivity of trading volume reaction to earnings
announcements is increasing in the number of announcement period
analyst forecasts. The sensitivity of trading volume reaction is greater
when there is small analyst forecast dispersion. We also find that stock
return sensitivity is also increasing with the number of analyst forecasts. In
general, our results suggests that analysts’ interpretation help disseminate
new information contained in earnings announcement to the market.
Vol.19/1 (2013, June)
Evaluation of Reverse Mortgage Programs in Korea
Author Seungryul Ma, Yongheng Deng
Keywords Insurance premium structure, Reverse mortgage, Constant monthly payments, Graduate monthly payments, Total annual loan costs rates
We analyze an actuarial model of reverse mortgage programs in Korea.
Our analyses provide a comparison between the reverse mortgage loans
structured with constant monthly payments and those that make graduate
monthly payments which are indexed to the growth rate of consumer
prices. Using the total annual loan cost measure, we find that the graduate
monthly payments approach is more efficient than the constant monthly
payments approach. Our analyses also confirms that younger age cohorts
are more sensitive to changes in their loan terms. We propose therefore
that the terms of reverse mortgage programs should be structured more
conservatively for the relatively younger borrower groups. The results
provide useful information to reverse mortgage borrowers considering the
various payment options, and pertinent guidelines for the future operation
of reverse mortgage systems in Korea and elsewhere.
Vol.19/1 (2013, June)
Dynamic Heterogeneous Choice Heuristics: A Bayesian Hidden Markov Mixture Model Approach
Author Jin Gyo Kim
Keywords Choice Heuristics, Choice Models, Hidden Markov Model, Heterogeneity, Dynamics, Bayesian Methods, Markov chain Monte Carlo
Standard choice models implicitly assume that consumers, in order
to maximize their expected utilities, compare each of the alternatives
in their choice sets in terms of all available attributes. Consumer-level
utility functions are frequently taken as linear, and overwhelmingly so as
compensatory. However, due to limitations in information process capacity,
characteristics of choice task environment and other internal or external
constraints, consumers may search for satisfying alternatives rather than
optimal ones by invoking other non-compensatory heuristics which free
them from arduous attribute-by-attribute comparison. The question arises
as to how often these non-compensatory rules are applied, and whether
researchers can detect them using only standard data sources.
This study aims to address two main issues regarding consumers’ use
of decision-rules and heuristics in the real world: (1) whether they are
heterogeneous across consumers and (2) whether they are changing for
individual consumers over time. To these ends, we extend the standard
linear compensatory rule assumption to more faithfully capture dynamic
heuristic usage for each consumer. There are three reference heuristics
studied in this paper, the well-known linear compensatory, disjunctive and
conjunctive rules. Conditional on this known set of possible heuristics, a
dynamic heterogeneous hidden Markov mixture choice model is developed
to capture heuristic dynamics at the individual-level. When estimated
on detergent scanner data, the proposed model offers strong evidence
supporting both heterogeneity and dynamics in heuristics usage.
Vol.19/1 (2013, June)
Identifying Subject-Specific Relevant Explanatory Variables in Choice-Based Conjoint Studies
Author Jin Gyo Kim
Keywords Model Specification, Variable Selection, Model Selection, Conjoint, Choice Models, Heterogeneity, Bayesian Methods, Markov chain Monte Carlo
It is customary in conjoint studies to introduce the same set of potential
explanatory variables for each subject, so as best to allow any possible
trade-offs to be made. However, this presumption can mask the possibility
of some subjects’ considering only a subset of the presented attributes.
Moreover, such subsets of relevant attributes can vary considerably across
the population. This paper presents a model which allows researchers to
identify relevant explanatory variables for each subject separately. This is
accomplished via a solution to the well-known variable selection problem in
the context of discrete choice models; the proposed solution can be widely
applied throughout choice studies and in fact to other response types, such
as ratings, direct paired comparisons, and ranks, with appropriate changes
in likelihood function.
When estimated on a choice-based conjoint data for dial-readout scale
products, the proposed model is strongly preferred to the traditional
random-effect specification for choice-based conjoint. A sizeable group of
subjects, approximately 63%, were found to consider proper subsets of all
attributes presented. There was a great deal of heterogeneity in attributes
deemed relevant across subjects: the proportion of subjects who did not
consider a given attribute among the six used in the study ranged from
17.4% to 41.3%. For those who did consider a given attribute, estimated
attribute level part-worths were essentially identical for the proposed model
and the traditional random-effect conjoint model; but this was not the case
for non-considered attributes. In fact, the traditional model was found to
suffer from systematic biases in aggregate part-worth magnitudes. Finally,
and most important for marketing practice, allowing for the possibility that
some subject may not consider particular attributes can lead to substantial
design and revenue differences in supposedly ‘optimal’ products, at both the
individual- and the aggregate-level.
Vol.19/1 (2013, June)
Reexamining the Pay Differentials-Organizational Outcomes Relationship in Korea: The Role of Organizational Identification
Author Jisung Park, Seongsu Kim, Hyunjoong Yoon
Keywords Pay Differentials, Turnover, Organizational Identification, Financial Performance, and Korea
This research examines the effects of pay differentials on financial
performance and employee turnover in Korea by considering a critical
employee-based factor: organizational identification. Incorporating
tournament theory and social identity theory, authors theorize that pay
differentials increase financial performance and employee turnover without
considering employees’ organizational identification. If considered, however,
whereas the positive effects of pay differentials on financial performance
will be weaker, the effects on turnover will be stronger. Using a sample of
Korean cross-industry firms, results show pay differentials have a positive
influence on only financial performance. Also, as predicted, while the positive relationship between pay differentials and financial performance
became weaker, the relationship with turnover became stronger when
employees’ organizational identification is high. Theoretical and practical
implications for strategic pay structures are discussed.
Vol.19/1 (2013, June)
Behavioral Finance: A Survey of the Literature and Recent Development
Author Hyoyoun Park, Wook Sohn
Keywords Behavioral finance, Market anomalies, Market efficiency, Survey of literature
This paper summarizes recent studies in behavioral finance—particularly
regarding market anomalies and investor behavior—that are not reconciled
with the traditional finance paradigms. This paper differs from previous
survey literature in several aspects. We introduce more recent papers in the
field, more literature on behavioral corporate finance, and provide statistics
on the recent trends that are explored in behavioral finance papers. We expand
the research scope to studies on Korean financial markets, introduce
specific funds using behavioral finance techniques, and discuss the challenges
facing behavioral finance.
Seoul Journal of Business

ISSN 1226-9816 (Print)
ISSN 2713-6213 (Online)
ISSN 2713-6213 (Online)