Recent Issues

Vol.4/2 (1998, December)
A Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates Under Non-expected Intertemporal Preferences
Author Jaeho Cho
Keywords A Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates Under Non-expected Intertemporal Preferences
A Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates Under Non-expected Intertemporal Preferences
Vol.4/2 (1998, December)
A Linear Compensation Scheme Resolving Inter-Departmental Conflicts
Author Ick-Hyun Nam
Keywords A Linear Compensation Scheme Resolving Inter-Departmental Conflicts
A Linear Compensation Scheme Resolving Inter-Departmental Conflicts
Vol.4/2 (1998, December)
Managing Global Competition: Japanese Companies in Transition
Author Arie Y. Lewin, Akihiro Okumura, Tomoaki Sakano, and Liisa Valikangas
Keywords Managing Global Competition: Japanese Companies in Transition
Managing Global Competition: Japanese Companies in Transition
Vol.4/1 (1998, Fall)
Evaluation of Audit Quality Based on Financial Statement Information
Author Hay Y. Chung and B. Brian Lee
Keywords Evaluation of Audit Quality Based on Financial Statement Information
Evaluation of Audit Quality Based on Financial Statement Information
Vol.4/1 (1998, Fall)
Time-Varying Risk Premia and Profits from Portfolio Trading Strategies in the U.S. Stock Markets
Author Bong-Chan Kho
Keywords Time-Varying Risk Premia and Profits from Portfolio Trading Strategies in the U.S. Stock Markets
Time-Varying Risk Premia and Profits from Portfolio Trading Strategies in the U.S. Stock Markets
Vol.4/1 (1998, Fall)
The Association of Firm Risk Measures and Accounting Information in the Korean Capital Market
Author Changwoo Lee and Kapsoon Kim
Keywords The Association of Firm Risk Measures and Accounting Information in the Korean Capital Market
The Association of Firm Risk Measures and Accounting Information in the Korean Capital Market
Vol.4/1 (1998, Fall)
Partial Refunds or Money-Back Guarantees?
Author Wujin Chu, Eitan Gerstner, and James D. Hess
Keywords Partial Refunds or Money-Back Guarantees?
Partial Refunds or Money-Back Guarantees?
Vol.4/1 (1998, Fall)
Mutual Trust: A Critical Linkage Between Value Appropriation and Value Maximization
Author Choelsoon Park
Keywords Mutual Trust: A Critical Linkage Between Value Appropriation and Value Maximization
Mutual Trust: A Critical Linkage Between Value Appropriation and Value Maximization
Vol.3/1 (1997, Fall)
Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Expatriates: Theory & Research Findings on American and Japanese Expatriates
Author Young-Chul Chang
Keywords Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Expatriates: Theory & Research Findings on American and Japanese Expatriates
Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Expatriates: Theory & Research Findings on American and Japanese Expatriates
Vol.3/1 (1997, Fall)
Global Stategies for National Culture: Korean Media Policy in International Perspective
Author Sanghyun Yoon and Harvey B. Feigenbaum
Keywords Global Stategies for National Culture: Korean Media Policy in International Perspective
Global Stategies for National Culture: Korean Media Policy in International Perspective
Seoul Journal of Business
ISSN 1226-9816 (Print)
ISSN 2713-6213 (Online)
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