Emeritus Faculty
Strategy and International Management
Professor Introduction
Dong-Sung Cho is Professor of Strategy at Seoul National University. He received doctoral degree from Harvard Business School, and worked at Gulf Oil and Boston Consulting. He was visiting professor at HBS, Michigan, Duke, INSEAD, Helsinki, Tokyo, and Peking. He published 61 books and over 100 papers in major journals. Aalto University granted him honorary doctoral degree.
He was Dean of College of Business Administration, SNU; President of Korean Academic Society of Business Administration; and President of Korean Association of Academic Societies. He sits in the Presidential Council for National Competitiveness of Korea. He is Honorary Consul of Finland in Korea, President of Supporting Committee for the International Vaccine Institute, Director General of the Ahn Jung Geun Memorial & Museum, Director of the Korea National Opera, and Director of the Korea Professional Football League.
He was Dean of College of Business Administration, SNU; President of Korean Academic Society of Business Administration; and President of Korean Association of Academic Societies. He sits in the Presidential Council for National Competitiveness of Korea. He is Honorary Consul of Finland in Korea, President of Supporting Committee for the International Vaccine Institute, Director General of the Ahn Jung Geun Memorial & Museum, Director of the Korea National Opera, and Director of the Korea Professional Football League.
Education & Experiences
*Korean Profile : 060330-DSC profile_in_Kor-.pdf
*English Profile : 060220-DSC-Profile_in_eng.pdf
*Korean Resume
*English Profile
Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts: 1973-77.
- Received Doctor of Business Administration degree. Dissertation title: “International Facility Planning - Regarding the Application of Scientific Approaches.”
- Received George F. Baker Foundation Doctoral Fellowship and 1907 Foundation Fellowship.
INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France: 1973.
- Completed International Teachers Program. Received Ford Foundation Fellowship.
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio: 1972-73.
- Received Master of Business Administration degree. Research Assistant in Marketing.
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea: 1967-71.
- Received Bachelor of Business Administration degree. Ranked first in graduating class.
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea: 1978-present.
- Professor of Strategy and International Business. Courses taught include “Corporate Strategy,” “Competitive Strategy,” “Strategic Planning,” “International Business,” “International Business Strategy,” “General Trading Company,” “Design Management,” “Case Writing Workshop,” “Strategy in Venture Business,” and “E-Business Strategy.”; Assistant Professor: 1978-83; Associate Professor: 1983-88; Professor: 1988-present.
- Dean, College of Business Administration: 2001-2003
- Dean, The School of International and Area Studies: 1999-2001
- Director, The Global-CEO Program: 1996-1997.
- Director, The Case Development Center: 1995-1997.
- Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, College of Business Administration: 1994-95.
- Managing Director of SNU Development Foundation: 1990-91.
- Associate Dean of University Planning and Coordination: 1988-90.
The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina: 1998.
- Visiting Professor. Taught MBA “Corporate Strategy” and “Business in Asia.”
University of Michigan Business School, Ann Arbor, Michigan: 1996.
- Visiting Professor. Taught two sections of MBA “Corporate Strategy”.
The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia: Summer Semester, 1994.
- Visiting Professor. Taught MBA “Business Policy” and “Business in Asia”.
The University of Tokyo (東京大學), Tokyo, Japan: 1993.
- Visiting Research Professor. Research on “Environment Creating Corporation.”
Hitotsubashi University (一橋大學), Kunitachi, Japan: 1992-93.
- Visiting Professor Granted by the Ministry of Education. Research on “Industrial Policies on Big Business Groups.”
Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, Finland: 1991-2000.
- Visiting Professor. Taught an MBA “Corporate Strategy” and an Executive MBA “Strategy Formulation” each year for ten years.
INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France: 1985.
- Visiting Professor. Taught strategy courses in various executive programs.
Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts: 1983-84.
- Visiting Associate Professor of General Management. “Case Writing Seminar” and prepared strategy cases for the Advanced Management Program jointly with Professor Francis Aguilar, and conducted research into the global strategy jointly with Professor Michael Porter.
The Institute of Developing Economies (亞細亞經濟硏究所), Tokyo, Japan: 1983.
- Visiting Research Fellow. Conducted research into Japanese general trading companies and global shipbuilding industry.
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: 1976-78.
- Adjunct Professor. Taught MBA business policy courses.
Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts: 1974-76.
- Lecturer. Taught management science and manufacturing policy courses.
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts: 1974-75.
- Instructor. Taught mathematical programming.
Seoul School of Integrated Sciences and Technologies (a-SSIST: 서울應用科學大學院): 2003-present.
- Acting Chairman and Director, the Board of Directors.
Korea CEO Forum (한국 CEO포럼): 2001-present.
- Member; President: 2003-present.
National Institute of Arts Foundation (韓國藝術綜合學校發展基金財團): 1992-present.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
The Seoul Forum for International Affairs (서울國際포럼): 1991-present.
- Member; Committee Chairman for Korea-India Joint Forum: 1996-present.
The Twenty-First Cultural Foundation (21世紀文化財團): 1990-present.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Harvard University Korean Alumni Association (하버드大學校韓國總同窓會): 1978-present.
- Member; Vice President: 1998-2000; President: 2000-2002.
International Design School for Advanced Studies (産業디자인大學院), 1997-1998.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Hanwoori Foundation for Readership Culture Enhancement (한우리 讀書文化運動本部), 1995-1998.
- Chairman, the Board of Directors.
The Twenty-First Century Academy (21世紀아카데미): 1993-1998.
- President.
Korea Advanced Education Foundation (韓國高等敎育財團): 1982-1998.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Korea Bio Venture Association (韓國 바이오벤처 協會), Seoul, Korea, 2001-present.
- Advisor.
Kia Motor Co. Ltd., Seoul, 2000-present.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
The Federation of Korean Industries (全國經濟人聯合會): 1985-present.
- Member of the Advisory Committee.
Fourteen of the thirty largest business groups including six of the ten largest, twelve independent firms, and three state enterprises in Korea; and seven multinational corporations based in the U.S. and Asia: 1978-present.
- Consulting on long-term strategic planning, foreign direct investment and joint ventures, competitive strategy, - organizational design, corporate culture, etc.
Locus Co. Ltd., Seoul, 2001-2002.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Dacom Co. Ltd., Seoul, 1999-2001.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Hankook Tyre Co. Ltd., Seoul, 1999-2000.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Korea Gas Corporation (韓國가스公社), Seoul, Korea: 1997-2000.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Kanglim Machinery Co. Ltd. (廣林機械), Seoul, Korea: 1989-1997.
- Advisor to the Chairman.
Korea Electric Power Corporation (韓國電力株式會社), Seoul, Korea: 1987-1996
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Korea Telecom (韓國通信), Seoul, Korea: 1991-1995
- Advisor to the President
Korea First Bank (第一銀行), Seoul, Korea: 1990-95
- Advisor to the President.
Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC-TV), Seoul, Korea: 1989-93
- Member of the Advisory Board.
Kwangju Bank (光州銀行), Kwangju, Korea: 1990-91.
- Advisor to the President.
Pohang Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. (浦港製鐵), Pohang, Korea: 1990-91.
- Advisor to the President.
Korea Broadcasting Systems (KBS-TV), Seoul, Korea: 1986-87.
- Advisor, advised program management system for Seoul Olympic Radio & Television Operation (SORTO).
Boston Consulting Group, Tokyo, Japan: 1976-78.
- Consultant.
Gulf Oil Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: 1976-78.
- Senior Planner at the Corporate Planning Group.
The Government of Finland, Helsinki, Finland: 2004-present.
- Honorary Consul General in Seoul.
Korea Research Institute for Evaluation and Measurement (韓國評價硏究院), Seoul, Korea: 2003-present.
- Chairman: 2003-present.
Korea Trade Commission (韓國貿易委員會), Seoul, Korea: 2002-present.
- Commissioner: 2002-present.
The Institute for Policy and Strategy on International Competitiveness (國際競爭力硏究院), Seoul, Korea:
- Chairman: 2001-present.
System Integration Technology Research Institute (시스템統合技術硏究院), Seoul, Korea: 2000-present.
- Chairman: 2000-present.
The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies (産業政策硏究院): 1993-present.
- Chairman: 1993-present.
- President: 1993-1998.
The Ministry of Industries and Resources (産業資源部), Seoul, Korea: 1992-present.
- Member of the “Industrial Development Deliberative Council (工業發展審議委員會).”
The Committee for Corporate Restructuring (企業構造調整委員會), Seoul, Korea: 1998-2000.
- Member.
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (韓國對外經濟政策硏究院): 1995-1998.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Korea Energy Economics Institute (Energy 經濟硏究院), Seoul, Korea: 1987-1993.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
The Ministry of Energy and Resources (動力資源部), Seoul, Korea: 1980-83.
- Member and Coordinator of the “Policy Advisory Committee.”
The Ministry of Commerce and Industries (商工部), Seoul, Korea: 1980-81.
- Advisor, advised policy changes on the general trading company system.
City of Seoul (서울特別市), Seoul, Korea: 1978-present.
- Member, Seoul 21st Century Committee (21世紀 委員會).
- Member, Promotion Committee for Internationalization (國際化推進協議會).
The Ministry of Health and Society (保健社會部), Seoul, Korea: 1978-present.
- Member, Committee for Hospital Service Evaluation (醫療機關서비스評價協議會).
03-3 “Grundfos Korea (C),” SSIST Case No. S-03-009
03-2 “Grundfos Korea (B),” SSIST Case No. S-03-008
03-1 “Grundfos Korea (A),” SSIST Case No. S-03-007
98-4 “The Department of Economic Development for Northern Ireland,” HSEBA Case No. H-098-004
98-3 “Kone Corporation,” HSEBA Case No. H-098-003
98-2 “Oy Lars Krogius---EESTI A/S (B),” HSEBA Case No. H-098-002
98-1 “Oy Lars Krogius AB (A),” HSEBA Case No. H-098-001
97-1 “Kwangju Bank,” SNU Case No. E9-197-001
96-3 “Daewoo Group, 1990s,” SNU Case No. E9-196-007
96-2 “Daewoo Electronics,” SNU Case No. E9-196-006
96-1 “Sunkyong Group,” SNU Case No. E9-196-005
95-3 “The Jaakko Pory Group,” HSEBA Case No. 9-195-013
95-2 “Marimekko,” HSEBA Case No. 9-195-012
95-1 “Poko Rekords and Finnish Music Recording Industry,” HSEBA Case No. 9-195-011
94-2 “Medident Dental Clinic,” HSEBA Case No. 9-194-010
94-1 “Commit Oy,” HSEBA Case No. 9-194-009
93-1 “Helkama Cable,” HSEBA Case No. 9-193-008
92-9 “Kanglim Co., Ltd.,” SNU Case No. E9-191-005
92-8 “Pohang Iron & Steel Company,” HBS Case No. 9-693-041
92-7 “POSCO (A): USS-POSCO Inc.,” HBS Case, not released.
92-6 “POSCO (B): R&D Investment,” HBS Case, not released.
92-5 “POSCO (C): Diversification,” HBS Case, not released.
92-4 “POSCO (D): Corporate Culture,” HBS Case, not released.
92-3 “POSCO (E): Management Succession,” HBS Case, not released.
92-2 “Sammi Group,” SNU Case No. E9-192-003
92-1 “Sammi Group (A): Acquisition of Atlas Steel Inc.,” SNU Case No. E9-192-004
85-4 “Korea,” HBS Case No. 9-385-013.
85-3 “Daewoo Group,” HBS Case No. 9-385-014.
85-2 “Daewoo Group: Supplement,” HBS Case No. 9-385-510.
85-1 “GoldStar Co. Ltd.,” HBS Case No. 9-385-264.
84-1 “Panther Car Company,” INSEAD.
He has developed approximately 250 cases on Korean companies as well as on U.S., European and Japanese multinational corporations. Topics include strategy development and implementation, competitive strategy, corporate philosophy, entrepreneurship, corporate culture, business-government relations, international business operations, joint venture, export and international marketing, international resources development, etc.
03-02 “Strategies to Enhance Competitiveness of the Culture Industry,” the Ministry of Culture and Tourism
03-01 “Development of Criteria to Measure the Level of Ethical Management at Government-Run Corporations,” the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Commerce, the Republic of Korea
02-01 “Identification of Korea’s Design Identity and Its Industrial Application,” Korea Institute for Design Promotion, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Commerce, the Republic of Korea
01-01 “Estimation of the Size of the Design Industry in Korea,” Korea Institute for Design Promotion, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Commerce, the Republic of Korea
00-01 “Strategies to Enhance National Competitiveness of Korea,” The Ministry of Finance and Economy, the Republic of Korea
98-01 “Industrial Policies to Enhance Competitiveness of Ten Major Cities in Korea,” The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Republic of Korea
97-02 “New Organizational Forms in the Information Age,” Duke University
97-01 “Donga Ilbo-Daily Newspaper Strategic Planning,” Donga Ilbo
96-02 “Long-Term Strategic Planning of Korea Gas Corporation,” Korea Gas Corporation
96-01 “Long-Term Strategic Planning of Korea Trade and Investment Promotion Agency,” The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
95-01 “Korea Telecom: Plan for Enhancing Management Efficiency,” Korea Telecom
94-03 “Studies on Design Industrial Policy,” Hansaem, Ltd.
94-02 “Strategy to Penetrate into Japanese Market,” Korea Trade Association
94-01 “Korea Telecom: Evaluation of Management Efficiency,” Korea Telecom
93-04 “Technology Innovation in the Semiconductor Industry,” the Ministry of Science and Technology
93-03 “Comparative Study of Korean and Japanese Industrial Policies” POSCO and The Twenty-first Korean Research Foundation
93-02 “Chaebol Policy to Strengthen Industrial Competitiveness,” The Ministry of Trade and Industry
93-01 “Plan to Develop Seoul National University Research Park, Seoul National University
92-01 “Industrial Policy to Enhance International Competitiveness and to Remedy Concentration of Economic Power Simultaneously,” Funded by Hitotsubashi University and Japan Foundation
91-03 “Environment Protection Study,” Funded by the Institute of Developing Economies, this project surveyed environmental hazards of Korean industries.
91-02 “Internationalization of Telecommunication Industry,” Funded by Korea Institute of Communication Science, this study focused on the level of internationalization in Koreas telecommunication industry and the strategies to enhance it.
91-01 “Globalization of Koreas Electronics Industry,” Contracted by UNIDO for the study of globalization trends of Korean companies in electronics industry. This study lasted until September 1992
90-02 “Strategies to Enhance International Competitiveness of Korea,” Funded by Korea San Hak Foundation, I developed a new 9-factor model to determine international competitiveness, and evaluated 24 industries in Korea.
90-01 “Plan to Establish Export Trading House (ETH) in Sri Lanka,” Contracted by the Sri Lankan Government, and funded by the World Bank. The project lasted from December 1990 to November 1991. Based on the proposal, the Sri Lankan Government nominated 6 ETHs.
87-01 “Competitive Advantage of Nations,” As part of HBS Professor Michael E. Porters 10-country study, I studied 11 major industries in Korea to evaluate Koreas competitiveness. The study lasted 3 years from 1987 to 1990.
August 2003: Jinan, China, Invited by the Institute of Social Sciences, Shandong Province, China. Seminar presentation on “Competitiveness of Regional Clusters.”
August 1996: Lima, Peru, Invited by the United Nations International Development Organization (UNIDO). Keynote speech on “Determinants of International Competitiveness: How Can a Developing Country Transform Itself to an Advanced Economy?”
February 1995: Honduras; Invited by the Ministry of Trade and Investment Promotion. Consultation on the policy to enhance exportation and inward foreign investment.
June 1992: Izmir, Turkey; Invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Keynote speech on “Sectoral Development Strategy” at the Izmir Congress on Turkish Economy.
February 1991: Colombo, Sri Lanka; Invited by Sri Lanka Economic Development Board. Speech on “Comparison of Japanese and Korean General Trading Companies” for the general audience.
January 1991: Monterrey and Mexico City; Invited by the Exim Bank of Mexico. Series of speeches on “Industrial Policies of the Government” and “Business Strategies of the Private Firms” for general audience.
January 1988: Jakarta, Indonesia; Invited by the Ministry of Industry. Keynote speech on “The Role of the Government in Korean Economic Development” for the Ministry officers.
January 1983: Istanbul, Turkey; Invited by Turkish Trade Association. Keynote speech on “Korean Experience of the General Trading Company” at the International Symposium on Foreign Trade.
Strategic Management Society
- Member: 1986-present.
Academy of Management
- Member: 1985-present.
Academy of International Business
- Member: 1977-present.
- Chairman of the Korean Region: 1985-1995.
- Member of the Membership Committee: 1989-1991
- Program Co-Chairperson with John Stopford of LBS for Seoul Annual Conference: 1995
- Vice President for Administration: 1998-2000
- Fellow: 2002-present..
Korean Academic Society of Business Administration (韓國經營學會)
- Member: 1978-present.
- Executive Director: 1986-1987, 1991-1992.
- Vice President: 2001-2002.
- President: 2005-present.
Leisure and Culture Society
- President: 2003-present
Design Brand Management Society
- Founding Member: 2003- present.
- Founding President: 2003-present.
Korean Academy of International Business
- Founding Member: 1989-present.
- International Coordinator: 1989-1995.
- Executive Director: 1989-1991.
- Auditor: 1991-1994.
- President: 1995-1996.
Korean Economics Association
- Member: 1985-present.
Korean International Economics Association
- Member: 1986- present.
Korea Management Association
- Member: 1978-present.
- Executive Director: 1986-1987, 1991-1992.
- Vice President, 2001-2002.
Korea Resource Economic Association
- Founding Member: 1987-present.
- Executive Director: 1987-91.
- President: 1992-1993.
The Korean Society for Technology Management & Economics
- Member: 1995-present.
Korean Strategic Management Society
- Founding Member: 1997- present.
- Founding President: 1997-2000.
As Guest Editor
- Organization Science, September 1998-99
- International Studies in Management and Organization, November 1997-98
As Associate Editor
- Journal of Far Eastern Business, Oxford University
As Editorial Board Member
- Industry and Innovation
- Competitiveness Review
- International Business Series, Books on International Business Topics, Sage Publications
- Journal of Asian Business, University of Michigan Business School (Editorial Advisory Board)
- Asia Pacific Journal of Management
As Reviewer
- Academy of Management Journal
- Journal of Asia-Pacific Business
- Journal of Business Research
- Journal of Global Marketing
- Journal of International Business & Entrepreneurship
- Journal of International Business Studies
- Strategic Management Journal
As Editor
- International Business Journal
- The Korean Business Journal
- Korean Management Review
As Editorial Board Member
- Journalism and Criticism
“Presidential Honor,” awarded by President Rho Moo-Hyun of Korea, May 2004.
“The Order of Industrial Merit,” awarded by President Kim Dae-jung of Korea, January 2000.
“Award for Free Economics Publication Culture” awarded to The Age of Strategic Management, by The Federation of Korean Industries, January 1994.
“The Economist,” awarded by Maeil Economic Daily, May 1991, for the article “Reformation of Koreas Big Business Groups.
“The Grand Prize on Business Culture,” awarded by New Industry Management Academy, April, 1990.
“The Best Book of the Year in Economics/Business,” awarded to International Resource Management - with a Main Focus on Oil, by Korea Management Association, May 1981.
*English Profile : 060220-DSC-Profile_in_eng.pdf
*Korean Resume
*English Profile
Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts: 1973-77.
- Received Doctor of Business Administration degree. Dissertation title: “International Facility Planning - Regarding the Application of Scientific Approaches.”
- Received George F. Baker Foundation Doctoral Fellowship and 1907 Foundation Fellowship.
INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France: 1973.
- Completed International Teachers Program. Received Ford Foundation Fellowship.
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio: 1972-73.
- Received Master of Business Administration degree. Research Assistant in Marketing.
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea: 1967-71.
- Received Bachelor of Business Administration degree. Ranked first in graduating class.
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea: 1978-present.
- Professor of Strategy and International Business. Courses taught include “Corporate Strategy,” “Competitive Strategy,” “Strategic Planning,” “International Business,” “International Business Strategy,” “General Trading Company,” “Design Management,” “Case Writing Workshop,” “Strategy in Venture Business,” and “E-Business Strategy.”; Assistant Professor: 1978-83; Associate Professor: 1983-88; Professor: 1988-present.
- Dean, College of Business Administration: 2001-2003
- Dean, The School of International and Area Studies: 1999-2001
- Director, The Global-CEO Program: 1996-1997.
- Director, The Case Development Center: 1995-1997.
- Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, College of Business Administration: 1994-95.
- Managing Director of SNU Development Foundation: 1990-91.
- Associate Dean of University Planning and Coordination: 1988-90.
The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina: 1998.
- Visiting Professor. Taught MBA “Corporate Strategy” and “Business in Asia.”
University of Michigan Business School, Ann Arbor, Michigan: 1996.
- Visiting Professor. Taught two sections of MBA “Corporate Strategy”.
The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia: Summer Semester, 1994.
- Visiting Professor. Taught MBA “Business Policy” and “Business in Asia”.
The University of Tokyo (東京大學), Tokyo, Japan: 1993.
- Visiting Research Professor. Research on “Environment Creating Corporation.”
Hitotsubashi University (一橋大學), Kunitachi, Japan: 1992-93.
- Visiting Professor Granted by the Ministry of Education. Research on “Industrial Policies on Big Business Groups.”
Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, Finland: 1991-2000.
- Visiting Professor. Taught an MBA “Corporate Strategy” and an Executive MBA “Strategy Formulation” each year for ten years.
INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France: 1985.
- Visiting Professor. Taught strategy courses in various executive programs.
Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts: 1983-84.
- Visiting Associate Professor of General Management. “Case Writing Seminar” and prepared strategy cases for the Advanced Management Program jointly with Professor Francis Aguilar, and conducted research into the global strategy jointly with Professor Michael Porter.
The Institute of Developing Economies (亞細亞經濟硏究所), Tokyo, Japan: 1983.
- Visiting Research Fellow. Conducted research into Japanese general trading companies and global shipbuilding industry.
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: 1976-78.
- Adjunct Professor. Taught MBA business policy courses.
Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts: 1974-76.
- Lecturer. Taught management science and manufacturing policy courses.
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts: 1974-75.
- Instructor. Taught mathematical programming.
Seoul School of Integrated Sciences and Technologies (a-SSIST: 서울應用科學大學院): 2003-present.
- Acting Chairman and Director, the Board of Directors.
Korea CEO Forum (한국 CEO포럼): 2001-present.
- Member; President: 2003-present.
National Institute of Arts Foundation (韓國藝術綜合學校發展基金財團): 1992-present.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
The Seoul Forum for International Affairs (서울國際포럼): 1991-present.
- Member; Committee Chairman for Korea-India Joint Forum: 1996-present.
The Twenty-First Cultural Foundation (21世紀文化財團): 1990-present.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Harvard University Korean Alumni Association (하버드大學校韓國總同窓會): 1978-present.
- Member; Vice President: 1998-2000; President: 2000-2002.
International Design School for Advanced Studies (産業디자인大學院), 1997-1998.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Hanwoori Foundation for Readership Culture Enhancement (한우리 讀書文化運動本部), 1995-1998.
- Chairman, the Board of Directors.
The Twenty-First Century Academy (21世紀아카데미): 1993-1998.
- President.
Korea Advanced Education Foundation (韓國高等敎育財團): 1982-1998.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Korea Bio Venture Association (韓國 바이오벤처 協會), Seoul, Korea, 2001-present.
- Advisor.
Kia Motor Co. Ltd., Seoul, 2000-present.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
The Federation of Korean Industries (全國經濟人聯合會): 1985-present.
- Member of the Advisory Committee.
Fourteen of the thirty largest business groups including six of the ten largest, twelve independent firms, and three state enterprises in Korea; and seven multinational corporations based in the U.S. and Asia: 1978-present.
- Consulting on long-term strategic planning, foreign direct investment and joint ventures, competitive strategy, - organizational design, corporate culture, etc.
Locus Co. Ltd., Seoul, 2001-2002.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Dacom Co. Ltd., Seoul, 1999-2001.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Hankook Tyre Co. Ltd., Seoul, 1999-2000.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Korea Gas Corporation (韓國가스公社), Seoul, Korea: 1997-2000.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Kanglim Machinery Co. Ltd. (廣林機械), Seoul, Korea: 1989-1997.
- Advisor to the Chairman.
Korea Electric Power Corporation (韓國電力株式會社), Seoul, Korea: 1987-1996
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Korea Telecom (韓國通信), Seoul, Korea: 1991-1995
- Advisor to the President
Korea First Bank (第一銀行), Seoul, Korea: 1990-95
- Advisor to the President.
Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC-TV), Seoul, Korea: 1989-93
- Member of the Advisory Board.
Kwangju Bank (光州銀行), Kwangju, Korea: 1990-91.
- Advisor to the President.
Pohang Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. (浦港製鐵), Pohang, Korea: 1990-91.
- Advisor to the President.
Korea Broadcasting Systems (KBS-TV), Seoul, Korea: 1986-87.
- Advisor, advised program management system for Seoul Olympic Radio & Television Operation (SORTO).
Boston Consulting Group, Tokyo, Japan: 1976-78.
- Consultant.
Gulf Oil Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: 1976-78.
- Senior Planner at the Corporate Planning Group.
The Government of Finland, Helsinki, Finland: 2004-present.
- Honorary Consul General in Seoul.
Korea Research Institute for Evaluation and Measurement (韓國評價硏究院), Seoul, Korea: 2003-present.
- Chairman: 2003-present.
Korea Trade Commission (韓國貿易委員會), Seoul, Korea: 2002-present.
- Commissioner: 2002-present.
The Institute for Policy and Strategy on International Competitiveness (國際競爭力硏究院), Seoul, Korea:
- Chairman: 2001-present.
System Integration Technology Research Institute (시스템統合技術硏究院), Seoul, Korea: 2000-present.
- Chairman: 2000-present.
The Institute for Industrial Policy Studies (産業政策硏究院): 1993-present.
- Chairman: 1993-present.
- President: 1993-1998.
The Ministry of Industries and Resources (産業資源部), Seoul, Korea: 1992-present.
- Member of the “Industrial Development Deliberative Council (工業發展審議委員會).”
The Committee for Corporate Restructuring (企業構造調整委員會), Seoul, Korea: 1998-2000.
- Member.
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (韓國對外經濟政策硏究院): 1995-1998.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
Korea Energy Economics Institute (Energy 經濟硏究院), Seoul, Korea: 1987-1993.
- Director, the Board of Directors.
The Ministry of Energy and Resources (動力資源部), Seoul, Korea: 1980-83.
- Member and Coordinator of the “Policy Advisory Committee.”
The Ministry of Commerce and Industries (商工部), Seoul, Korea: 1980-81.
- Advisor, advised policy changes on the general trading company system.
City of Seoul (서울特別市), Seoul, Korea: 1978-present.
- Member, Seoul 21st Century Committee (21世紀 委員會).
- Member, Promotion Committee for Internationalization (國際化推進協議會).
The Ministry of Health and Society (保健社會部), Seoul, Korea: 1978-present.
- Member, Committee for Hospital Service Evaluation (醫療機關서비스評價協議會).
03-3 “Grundfos Korea (C),” SSIST Case No. S-03-009
03-2 “Grundfos Korea (B),” SSIST Case No. S-03-008
03-1 “Grundfos Korea (A),” SSIST Case No. S-03-007
98-4 “The Department of Economic Development for Northern Ireland,” HSEBA Case No. H-098-004
98-3 “Kone Corporation,” HSEBA Case No. H-098-003
98-2 “Oy Lars Krogius---EESTI A/S (B),” HSEBA Case No. H-098-002
98-1 “Oy Lars Krogius AB (A),” HSEBA Case No. H-098-001
97-1 “Kwangju Bank,” SNU Case No. E9-197-001
96-3 “Daewoo Group, 1990s,” SNU Case No. E9-196-007
96-2 “Daewoo Electronics,” SNU Case No. E9-196-006
96-1 “Sunkyong Group,” SNU Case No. E9-196-005
95-3 “The Jaakko Pory Group,” HSEBA Case No. 9-195-013
95-2 “Marimekko,” HSEBA Case No. 9-195-012
95-1 “Poko Rekords and Finnish Music Recording Industry,” HSEBA Case No. 9-195-011
94-2 “Medident Dental Clinic,” HSEBA Case No. 9-194-010
94-1 “Commit Oy,” HSEBA Case No. 9-194-009
93-1 “Helkama Cable,” HSEBA Case No. 9-193-008
92-9 “Kanglim Co., Ltd.,” SNU Case No. E9-191-005
92-8 “Pohang Iron & Steel Company,” HBS Case No. 9-693-041
92-7 “POSCO (A): USS-POSCO Inc.,” HBS Case, not released.
92-6 “POSCO (B): R&D Investment,” HBS Case, not released.
92-5 “POSCO (C): Diversification,” HBS Case, not released.
92-4 “POSCO (D): Corporate Culture,” HBS Case, not released.
92-3 “POSCO (E): Management Succession,” HBS Case, not released.
92-2 “Sammi Group,” SNU Case No. E9-192-003
92-1 “Sammi Group (A): Acquisition of Atlas Steel Inc.,” SNU Case No. E9-192-004
85-4 “Korea,” HBS Case No. 9-385-013.
85-3 “Daewoo Group,” HBS Case No. 9-385-014.
85-2 “Daewoo Group: Supplement,” HBS Case No. 9-385-510.
85-1 “GoldStar Co. Ltd.,” HBS Case No. 9-385-264.
84-1 “Panther Car Company,” INSEAD.
He has developed approximately 250 cases on Korean companies as well as on U.S., European and Japanese multinational corporations. Topics include strategy development and implementation, competitive strategy, corporate philosophy, entrepreneurship, corporate culture, business-government relations, international business operations, joint venture, export and international marketing, international resources development, etc.
03-02 “Strategies to Enhance Competitiveness of the Culture Industry,” the Ministry of Culture and Tourism
03-01 “Development of Criteria to Measure the Level of Ethical Management at Government-Run Corporations,” the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Commerce, the Republic of Korea
02-01 “Identification of Korea’s Design Identity and Its Industrial Application,” Korea Institute for Design Promotion, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Commerce, the Republic of Korea
01-01 “Estimation of the Size of the Design Industry in Korea,” Korea Institute for Design Promotion, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Commerce, the Republic of Korea
00-01 “Strategies to Enhance National Competitiveness of Korea,” The Ministry of Finance and Economy, the Republic of Korea
98-01 “Industrial Policies to Enhance Competitiveness of Ten Major Cities in Korea,” The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Republic of Korea
97-02 “New Organizational Forms in the Information Age,” Duke University
97-01 “Donga Ilbo-Daily Newspaper Strategic Planning,” Donga Ilbo
96-02 “Long-Term Strategic Planning of Korea Gas Corporation,” Korea Gas Corporation
96-01 “Long-Term Strategic Planning of Korea Trade and Investment Promotion Agency,” The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
95-01 “Korea Telecom: Plan for Enhancing Management Efficiency,” Korea Telecom
94-03 “Studies on Design Industrial Policy,” Hansaem, Ltd.
94-02 “Strategy to Penetrate into Japanese Market,” Korea Trade Association
94-01 “Korea Telecom: Evaluation of Management Efficiency,” Korea Telecom
93-04 “Technology Innovation in the Semiconductor Industry,” the Ministry of Science and Technology
93-03 “Comparative Study of Korean and Japanese Industrial Policies” POSCO and The Twenty-first Korean Research Foundation
93-02 “Chaebol Policy to Strengthen Industrial Competitiveness,” The Ministry of Trade and Industry
93-01 “Plan to Develop Seoul National University Research Park, Seoul National University
92-01 “Industrial Policy to Enhance International Competitiveness and to Remedy Concentration of Economic Power Simultaneously,” Funded by Hitotsubashi University and Japan Foundation
91-03 “Environment Protection Study,” Funded by the Institute of Developing Economies, this project surveyed environmental hazards of Korean industries.
91-02 “Internationalization of Telecommunication Industry,” Funded by Korea Institute of Communication Science, this study focused on the level of internationalization in Koreas telecommunication industry and the strategies to enhance it.
91-01 “Globalization of Koreas Electronics Industry,” Contracted by UNIDO for the study of globalization trends of Korean companies in electronics industry. This study lasted until September 1992
90-02 “Strategies to Enhance International Competitiveness of Korea,” Funded by Korea San Hak Foundation, I developed a new 9-factor model to determine international competitiveness, and evaluated 24 industries in Korea.
90-01 “Plan to Establish Export Trading House (ETH) in Sri Lanka,” Contracted by the Sri Lankan Government, and funded by the World Bank. The project lasted from December 1990 to November 1991. Based on the proposal, the Sri Lankan Government nominated 6 ETHs.
87-01 “Competitive Advantage of Nations,” As part of HBS Professor Michael E. Porters 10-country study, I studied 11 major industries in Korea to evaluate Koreas competitiveness. The study lasted 3 years from 1987 to 1990.
August 2003: Jinan, China, Invited by the Institute of Social Sciences, Shandong Province, China. Seminar presentation on “Competitiveness of Regional Clusters.”
August 1996: Lima, Peru, Invited by the United Nations International Development Organization (UNIDO). Keynote speech on “Determinants of International Competitiveness: How Can a Developing Country Transform Itself to an Advanced Economy?”
February 1995: Honduras; Invited by the Ministry of Trade and Investment Promotion. Consultation on the policy to enhance exportation and inward foreign investment.
June 1992: Izmir, Turkey; Invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Keynote speech on “Sectoral Development Strategy” at the Izmir Congress on Turkish Economy.
February 1991: Colombo, Sri Lanka; Invited by Sri Lanka Economic Development Board. Speech on “Comparison of Japanese and Korean General Trading Companies” for the general audience.
January 1991: Monterrey and Mexico City; Invited by the Exim Bank of Mexico. Series of speeches on “Industrial Policies of the Government” and “Business Strategies of the Private Firms” for general audience.
January 1988: Jakarta, Indonesia; Invited by the Ministry of Industry. Keynote speech on “The Role of the Government in Korean Economic Development” for the Ministry officers.
January 1983: Istanbul, Turkey; Invited by Turkish Trade Association. Keynote speech on “Korean Experience of the General Trading Company” at the International Symposium on Foreign Trade.
Strategic Management Society
- Member: 1986-present.
Academy of Management
- Member: 1985-present.
Academy of International Business
- Member: 1977-present.
- Chairman of the Korean Region: 1985-1995.
- Member of the Membership Committee: 1989-1991
- Program Co-Chairperson with John Stopford of LBS for Seoul Annual Conference: 1995
- Vice President for Administration: 1998-2000
- Fellow: 2002-present..
Korean Academic Society of Business Administration (韓國經營學會)
- Member: 1978-present.
- Executive Director: 1986-1987, 1991-1992.
- Vice President: 2001-2002.
- President: 2005-present.
Leisure and Culture Society
- President: 2003-present
Design Brand Management Society
- Founding Member: 2003- present.
- Founding President: 2003-present.
Korean Academy of International Business
- Founding Member: 1989-present.
- International Coordinator: 1989-1995.
- Executive Director: 1989-1991.
- Auditor: 1991-1994.
- President: 1995-1996.
Korean Economics Association
- Member: 1985-present.
Korean International Economics Association
- Member: 1986- present.
Korea Management Association
- Member: 1978-present.
- Executive Director: 1986-1987, 1991-1992.
- Vice President, 2001-2002.
Korea Resource Economic Association
- Founding Member: 1987-present.
- Executive Director: 1987-91.
- President: 1992-1993.
The Korean Society for Technology Management & Economics
- Member: 1995-present.
Korean Strategic Management Society
- Founding Member: 1997- present.
- Founding President: 1997-2000.
As Guest Editor
- Organization Science, September 1998-99
- International Studies in Management and Organization, November 1997-98
As Associate Editor
- Journal of Far Eastern Business, Oxford University
As Editorial Board Member
- Industry and Innovation
- Competitiveness Review
- International Business Series, Books on International Business Topics, Sage Publications
- Journal of Asian Business, University of Michigan Business School (Editorial Advisory Board)
- Asia Pacific Journal of Management
As Reviewer
- Academy of Management Journal
- Journal of Asia-Pacific Business
- Journal of Business Research
- Journal of Global Marketing
- Journal of International Business & Entrepreneurship
- Journal of International Business Studies
- Strategic Management Journal
As Editor
- International Business Journal
- The Korean Business Journal
- Korean Management Review
As Editorial Board Member
- Journalism and Criticism
“Presidential Honor,” awarded by President Rho Moo-Hyun of Korea, May 2004.
“The Order of Industrial Merit,” awarded by President Kim Dae-jung of Korea, January 2000.
“Award for Free Economics Publication Culture” awarded to The Age of Strategic Management, by The Federation of Korean Industries, January 1994.
“The Economist,” awarded by Maeil Economic Daily, May 1991, for the article “Reformation of Koreas Big Business Groups.
“The Grand Prize on Business Culture,” awarded by New Industry Management Academy, April, 1990.
“The Best Book of the Year in Economics/Business,” awarded to International Resource Management - with a Main Focus on Oil, by Korea Management Association, May 1981.
Chaebol: Koreas Major Conglomerates, with Sang-Hoon Nam and Rosalie Tung, Oxford University Press, London, forthcoming in 2004. (English)
Design Revolution, Design Management (디자인革命, 디자인經營), Design Net, Seoul, 2003. (Korean)
CEO Hiddink Through CEOs’ Lense, (CEO가 본 CEO 히딩크), et. al., Baeknyungul Sarang, Seoul, 2002. (Korean)
Manager Hiddink Through Management Professors’ Lense (經營學者가 본 經營者 히딩크) , et. al., Baeknyungul Sarang, Seoul, 2002. (Korean)
E-Business, E-Strategy (E-비지니스, E-戰略), The Korea Economic Daily (韓國經濟新聞社), Seoul, 2002. (Korean)
E-Business Strategy (E-Business 經營戰略), Electronic Commerce Research Center, Seoul National University, Seoul, 2001. (Korean)
Study of Chairman Chey Jong-Hyun of SK Group (SK그룹 崔鍾賢 硏究), with Kun-Hee Lee, et. al., Sooseo-won, Seoul, 2001. (Korean)
IPS National Competitiveness Report, IPS, Seoul, 2001. (English)
From Adam Smith to Michael Porter: Evolution of Competitiveness Theory, World Scientific, Singapore, 2000. (English)
Tiger Technology: The Creation of a Semiconductor Industry in East Asia, with John Mathews, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000. (English)
International Business for the Twenty-First Century (21世紀를 爲한 國際經營), Kyungmoon-sa (經文社), Seoul, 1997, 2000. (Korean)
Principles of Management for the 21st Century (21世紀를 爲한 經營學), Seoul School of Economics and Business Administration, Seoul, 2000. (Korean)
Three Revolutions Necessary for Opening the Era of Electronic Commerce (電子商去來 時代를 여는데 必要한 세 가지 革命), Electronic Commerce Research Center, Seoul National University, Seoul, 2000. (Korean)
SUPEX of SK Group: Management Theory of Jong-Hyun Chey (SK그룹의 SUPEX: 崔鐘賢 經營學), Seoul School of Economics and Business Administration, Seoul, 1999. (Korean)
Strategic Management for the Twenty-First Century (21世紀를 爲한 戰略經營), IBS Press, Seoul, 1997, 1999. (Korean)
Interesting Stories about Business V (재미있는 經營이야기 V), Seoul School of Economics and Business Administration, Seoul, 1999. (Korean)
“Ways to make Strong Companies and the Strong Nation (강한 기업 강한 국가 어떻게 만들 것인가),” The Korea Economics Research Center, The Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Seoul, 1999.
Korean Economy: No Way for Retreat (한국경제 더 물러설 수 없다), The Korea Economic Daily (韓國經濟新聞社), Seoul, 1999. (Korean)
Imperatives of Restructuring (構造調整 이렇게 하라), Seoul School of Economics and Business Administration, Seoul, 1998. (Korean)
The Environment Creating Mechanism of the Corporation (企業의 環境創造 Mechanism), IBS Press, Seoul, 1997. (Korean)
Strategy Evaluation System (戰略評價 System), with Cheol-Ho Shin and Hyung-Ki Cho, IBS Press, Seoul, 1996. (Korean)
Design, Design Industry, and Design Policy (Design, Design 産業, Design 政策), with Dong-Hyun Lee, Design House, Seoul, 1996. (Korean)
Comparative Study of Japanese and Korean Industrial Policies: 1945-93, Vol. I, II & III (韓日 産業政策 比較硏究 I, II), IBS Press, Seoul, 1994, 1996, 1997. (Korean)
The Integrated Model of 14 Techniques in Innovative Management (14가지 經營革新技法의 統合 Model), with Cheol-Ho Shin, IBS Press, Seoul, 1996. (Korean)
Management Paradigm for the Twenty-First Century (21世紀 經營 Paradigm), Mineum-sa (民音社), Seoul, 1995. (Korean)
The Myth of Korean Semiconductor Industry: The Success Story of Korean Semiconductor Manufacturers in Competition with the U.S. and Japanese Firms (韓國半導體의 神話: 美日에 挑戰한 韓國企業의 成功), Biryong-so (飛龍沼), Seoul, 1995. (Korean)
Long-Range Strategic Planning (長期戰略計劃), The Korea Economic Daily (韓國經濟新聞社), Seoul, 1993. (Korean)
The Age of Strategic Management (이제는 戰略經營時代), Mineum-sa (民音社), Seoul, 1993. (Korean)
Interesting Stories about Business Ⅳ: The Firms with Successful Implementation of Internationalization Strategies (재미있는 經營이야기 Ⅳ: 國際化로 成功한 企業들), UCG Press, Seoul, 1993. (Korean)
Theory of International Business (國際經營學), Kyungmoon-sa (經文社), Seoul, 1985, 1989, 1993. (Korean)
Business Policy and Long-Term Strategic Planning (經營政策과 長期戰略計劃), Youngji- Moonwha-sa (英志文化社), Seoul, 1980, 1983, 1987, 1993. (Korean)
Koreas Competitiveness: A Shortcut to an Advanced Nation (國家競爭力: 先進國으로 가는 지름길), Maekyung-Shinseo (每經新書), Seoul, 1992. (Korean)
Interesting Stories about Business Ⅲ: Firms to Enrich the Society (재미있는 經營이야기 III: 社會를 豊饒롭게 하는 企業), UCG Press, Seoul, 1992. (Korean)
Business Strategy for Practitioners (알기 쉬운 經營戰略), Beebong-Choolpan-sa (比峰出版社), Seoul, 1992. (Korean)
Winning from Competition (競爭에서 이기는 길), with Gwang-Hyeon Lee (李光賢), Kyobo- Munko (敎保文庫), Seoul, 1992. (Korean)
Interesting Stories about Business II: Businessmen with Philosophy (재미있는 經營이야기 II: 哲學이 있는 經營者들), UCG Press, Seoul, 1991. (Korean)
Interesting Stories about Business (재미있는 經營이야기), UCG Press, Seoul, 1990. (Korean)
Chaebol: Korean Business Giant (韓國財閥硏究), Maekyung-Shinseo (每經新書), 1990. (Korean, later to be published in English)
Special Lecture on the General Trading Company (綜合商社特講), UCG Press, Seoul, 1989. (Korean)
Cases on International Business by Korean Multinational (韓國企業의 國際經營事例), with Byung-Soon Kim, Kyungmoon-sa (經文社), Seoul, 1984, 1987. (Korean)
The General Trading Company: Concept and Strategy, Lexington Books, Mass, 1987. (English)
Koreas Oil Industry: Structure and Strategy (石油産業의 構造와 戰略), Bakyoung-sa (博英社), Seoul, 1987. (Korean)
Koreas International Business: System and Performance (韓國의 國際經營 制度와 實積), Kyungmoon-sa (經文社), Seoul, 1986. (Korean)
Koreas General Trading Company: (I) and (II) (韓國의 綜合貿易商社: 上.下), Bupmoon-sa (法文社), Seoul, 1983, 1986. (Korean)
Energy Policy and Korean Economy (에너지 政策과 韓國經濟), Bakyoung-sa (博英社), Seoul, 1983. (Korean)
International Resources Management - With a Main Focus on Oil Industry (國際資源論-石油問題를 中心으로), Bakyoung-sa (博英社), Seoul, 1981. (Korean)
Entry Strategy of a Multinational Corporation into Chinese Market: Economics of Koreas Location (多國籍企業의 中共市場 浸透戰略), Korean International Economic Institute (國際經濟硏究院), Seoul, 1980. (Korean)
Competitive Advantage (競爭優位) by Michael E. Porter, Kyobo-Munko (敎保文庫), Seoul, 1991.
Competitive Strategy (競爭戰略) by Michael E. Porter, with Mong-Joon Chung (鄭夢準), Kyungmoon-sa (經文社), Seoul, 1985.
Manager in the International Economy (國際經營者論) by Raymond Vernon and Louis T. Wells, Jr., with Jong-Wook Ha (河鍾旭), Youngji-Moonwha-sa (英志文化社), Seoul, 1984.
Energy Future (에너지, 오늘과 내일) by Robert Stobaugh and Daniel Yergin, Samsung Arts and Cultural Foundation (三星文化財團), Seoul, 1981.
04-01 “Design, Economic Development, and National Policy: Lessons from Korea,” Design Management Review, Vol. 15, No. 4, Fall 2004 (English)
02-1 “The Environment Creating Mechanism of a Firm: A Road to Sustained Survival and Growth,” Entrepreneurship and Organization: The Role of Entrepreneur in Organizational Innovation, ed. By Lynskey, Michael J., & Seiichiro Yonekura, Oxford University Press, London, July 2002. (English)
02-1 “Cooperative R&D in Japan and Korea: a comparison of industrial policy,” with Mariko Sakakibara, Research Policy, Vol. 31, 2002. (English)
01-2 “The Interactive Effects of Diversification Strategy and Entry Mode on Economic Performance: Empirical Analysis of 30 Major Chaebol Groups in Korea (多角化 戰略과 方法의 相互作用이 經濟的 成果에 미치는 效果에 관한 硏究: 30大 財閥을 中心으로),” with Kisung Park, International Business Review (國際經營 리뷰), Vol. 5, No. 2. 2001. (Korean).
01-1 “E-Generic Strategies for E-Business Environment,” with Yong-Sauk Hau, International Journal of E-Business Strategy Management, Vol. 3, Issue 1, August/September, 2001. (English)
00-3 “A Study on the Case and Reality of Outside Directors in Korean Corporations,” with Joo-Tae Kim, Journal of Strategic Management (戰略經營硏究), Vol. 3, No. 2, Special Issue, December 2000. (Korean)
00-2 “Argumentation Rationality in the German and Korean Automotive Industry,” with Axel v. Werder and Till Talaulicar, Journal of International and Area Studies, 2000. (English)
00-1 “National Competitiveness: A Nine-Factor Approach and Its Empirical Application,” with H. Chang Moon, Journal of International Business and Economy, 2000. (English)
99-3 “Combinative Capabilities and Organizational Learning in Latecomer Firms: the Case of the Korean Semiconductor Industry,” with John Mathews, Journal of World Business, 1999. (English)
99-2 “The Future of Asian Economic Crisis and Korean Economy Based on the Balance of Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces (求心力과 遠心力의 均衡을 通해서 바라본 아시아 經濟危機와 韓國經濟의 未來),” The Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. 33, No. 2, June 1999. (Korean)
99-1 “The Mechanism for Industry Leadership: Seven Cases of Korea’s Environment-Creating Companies,” International Studies of Management & Organization, Vol. 28, No. 4, Winter, 1998-99, 1999. (English)
98-9 “A Proposed Industrial Classification System Based on Core Competences,” with Dong-Hyun Lee, Industry and Innovation, Vol.5, No.2, December, 1998. (English)
98-8 “From National Competitiveness to Bloc and Global Competitiveness,” Competitiveness Review, Vol .8, No. 1, 1998. (English)
98-7 “A Nations International Competitiveness in Different States of Economic Development,” with H. Chang Moon, Advances in Competitiveness Research, Vol. 6, No.1, 1998. (English)
98-6 “Late Comer Advantages: The Experience of Japanese and Korean Semiconductor Industries,” with Dong-Jae Kim and Dong-Kee Rhee, Organization Science, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 489-505, July-August, 1998. (English)
98-5 A New Paradigm in Strategy Theory: ‘ser-M’,” Monash Mt. Eliza Business Review, with Dong-Hyun Lee, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 1998. (English)
98-4 “For the New Era of the Korean Economy,” Korea and World Affairs, Spring 1998. (English)
98-3 “A Study on the Firms Performance: Resource-based View of a Firm Approach (資源據点理論을 利用한 企業間 成果差異에 關한 硏究: 新製品 開發成果를 中心으로),” with Cheol-Ho Shin, Korean Journal of Management (人事.組織硏究), Vol. 6, No. 1, February 1998. (Korean)
98-2 “Korea’s Economic Crisis: Causes, Significance and Agenda for Recovery,” Korea Focus, January-February 1998. (English)
98-1 “Strategic Supplier Segmentation: The Next ‘Best Practice’ in Supply Chain Management,” with Jeffrey H. Dyer and Wujin Chu, California Management Review, Vol. 40, No. 2, Winter 1998. (English)
97-5 “The Effect of Strategic Alliance on Performance: a Study of International Airline Industry” with Namgyoo K. Park, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp.155-164, 1997. (English)
97-4 “Educating Managers for the 21st Century (21世紀 未來經營者育成을 爲한 經營敎育方法), Management Education Review (經營敎育硏究), Vol. 1, No. 2, November 1997. (Korean)
97-3 “What Can We Learn from Sun-Tzus Art of War?---Chinas Ancient Military Strategy vs. Modern Business Strategy,” Seoul Journal of Business, Vol. 3, No. 1, Fall 1997. (English)
97-2 “Strategies to Utilize DB in the 21st Century Corporations (21世紀型 企業에서의 DB活用戰略,” the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. 31, No. 3, September 1997. (Korean)
97-1 “Empirical Studies on the Formation of Firm-Specific Competitive Advantages in Korean Corporations (韓國企業의 企業特有 競爭優位形成에 關한 實證的硏究),” International Business Journal (國際經營硏究), Vol. 8, August 1997. (Korean)
96-3 “Comparative Study of Korean and Japanese Industrial Policies: on the Mechanism of Policy Formulation and Implementation (韓.日 産業政策 比較硏究: 政策樹立과 實行 메커니즘을 中心으로),” with Dong-Hyun Lee, Journal of Economics (經濟學硏究), Vol. 44, No. 4, December. 1996 (Korean)
96-2 “A Comparative Study of Korean and Japanese Industrial Policies Through Content Analysis of Official Documents,” with Dong-Hyun Lee, Shi-Jin Ryu, Daewhan Cho, and Dong-Jae Kim, Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 31, No. 1, October 1996. (English)
96-1 “What is the Firm?” Seoul Journal of Business, Vol. 1, No. 1, September 1996 (English)
95-3 “Strategy of Dualization and Sequential Migration (二元化 多階化 戰略),” International Business Journal (國際經營硏究), 1995. (Korean)
95-2 “Dynamic Integration of Generic Strategies (本源的 戰略의 動態的 結合),” Korean Journal of Management (經營學硏究), Vol. XXIV, No. 3, August 1995. (Korean)
95-1 “Japanese and Korean Industrial Policies: Analysis of Government Records (官報分析을 통한 韓日産業政策 比較硏究),” Korean Journal of Management (經營學硏究), 1995. (Korean)
94-3 “A Dynamic Approach to International Competitiveness: The Case of Korea,” Journal of Far Eastern Business, The Competitive Advantages of Far Eastern Business, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 17-36, ed. by Robert Fitzgerald, Frank Cass, London, U.K., 1994. (English)
94-2 “Determinants of Bargaining Power in OEM Negotiations,” with Wujin Chu, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol 23, 1994. (English)
94-1 “International Advertising Strategies by NIC Multinationals: The Case of a Korean Firm,” with Jinah Choi & Youjae Yi, International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 13. pp. 77-92, 1994. (English)
93-1 “The Effect of Management Succession Patterns on Diversification Strategy - The Case of Korean Chaebol (韓國財閥의 企業承繼類型이 多角化戰略에 미친 影響),” with Jee-Whan Lee (李智渙), Korean Journal of Management (經營學硏究), Vol. XXI, 1992. (Korean)
92-4 “From Subsidizer to Regulator - The Changing Role of Korean Government,” Long Range Planning, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 48-55, 1992. (English)
92-3 “Comparison of Competitiveness between Jonghap-Sangsa and Sogo-Shosha in the Korean Market (韓國市場에서 綜合商社와 總合商社의 競爭力 比較),” with Hyun-Duck Cho, International Business Journal (國際經營硏究), Vol. 3, August 1992. (Korean)
92-2 “Green Strategy of Firms Against Environmental Pollution (環璟汚染問題에 對應한 企業의 그린戰略),” with Joong-Seok Lee (李重石), Korea Journal of Resource Economics (資源經濟學會誌), Vol. 2, No. 1, June 1992. (Korean)
92-1 “Management Innovation: Paradox of Competition and Cooperation (經營革新: 競爭과 協力의 패러독스),” Seokang Harvard Business (西江하버드 비즈니스), Vol. 43, March-April 1992. (Korean)
91-3 “Determinants of GTCs Competitiveness (綜合商社의 競爭力에 관한 槪念的 硏究)” with Cheol-Ho Shin (申哲昊), the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. 25, No. 3, September 1991. (Korean)
91-2 “Sources of International Competitiveness of Korean Industries (韓國産業의 國際競爭力源泉),” Seokang Harvard Business (西江하버드 비즈니스), Vol. 40, July-August 1991. (Korean)
91-1 “Managing by Patriarchal Authority in Korea,” Management: Asian Context, ed. by Joseph M. Putti, Mcgraw-Hill Book Co., 1991. (English)
90-1 “Promotion Policy of the Maritime Industry in the 21st Century,” Ocean Policy Research (海洋政策硏究), Vol. Ⅴ, No. 3-4, Fall-Winter, 1990. (Korean)
89-4 “Corporate Strategies to Cope with High Wage,” Seokang Harvard Business (西江 하버드 비즈니스), Vol. 29, November-December 1989. (Korean)
89-3 “Gold Star Co. Ltd.,” Management Behind Industrialization: Readings in Korean Business, Dong-ki Kim and Linsu Kim (ed.), Korea University Press, Seoul, 1989. (English)
89-2 “Daewoo Group,” Management Behind Industrialization: Readings in Korean Business, Dong-ki Kim and Linsu Kim (ed.), Korea University Press, Seoul, 1989. (English)
89-1 “Diversification Strategy of Korean Corporations: Analysis of Structure and Performance by Industry,” Structure and Strategy of Korean Corporations (韓國企業의 構造와 戰略), Hak-chong Lee (李學鍾), et. al., Bupmoon-sa (法文社), Seoul, 1989. (Korean)
88-2 “Review of Academic Researches in the Field of Business Policy,” Thirty Years of Business Administration in Korea: Retrospect and Prospect, Jin-Duk So (蘇眞德), et. al., Seoul National University Press, 1988. (Korean)
88-1 “Comparative Analysis of Big Business Groups in 5 Countries from the Sociological Point of View,” the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol, 22, No. 4, December 1988. (Korean)
87-1 “Changing Global Industry Leadership: The Case of Shipbuilding,” with Michael E. Porter, Competition in Global Industries, ed. by Michael E. Porter, Boston, Harvard Business School Press, 1987. (English)
86-1 “On Writing Theses in the Field of the Social Science,” the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. XX, No. 4, December 1986. (Korean)
85-1 “The Sogo-Shosha Transplanted,” Euro-Asia Business Review, Vol. 4, No. 3, July 1985. (English)
84-3 “Shipbuilding Industry: Trends, Characteristics, and Global Competition,” V.R.F. Series, No. 111, Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, Japan, July 1984. (English)
84-2 “Diversification Strategies of the General Trading Company and the Multinational Corporation,” Working Paper 9-785-005, Division of Research, Harvard Business School, July 1984. (English)
84-1 “Incentives and Restraints: Changing Government Roles in Bilateral Direct Investment Between Korea and the United States,” From Patron to Partner: The U.S.-Korean Economic and Business Relationship, ed. by Karl Moskowitz, Lexington Books, 1984. (English); and the same title (韓美 經濟交流의 變化와 展望), Sekyung-sa (世經社), 1984. (Korean)
83-1 “From Unilateral Asymmetry to Bilateral Symmetry: Retrospect of the Economic Relationship between Korea and the United States 1882-1981,” Korea and the United States: A Century of Cooperation, ed. by Young-Nok Koo and Dae-Sook Suh, University of Hawaii Press, 1984. (English); The U.S. and Korea, ed. by Young-Nok Koo (具永錄), Bakyoung-sa (博英社), 1983. (Korean)
82-2 “On the Management of Information by General Trading Company,” Trade Promotion Policy in the 1980s, Seoul, Korean International Economic Institute, July 1982. (Korean)
82-1 “Korean Business Perspectives: Definition and Direction (I),” with Yoo-Keun Shin (愼侑根) and Jong-Won Lim (林鍾沅), the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. XVI, No. 2, Seoul National University, June 1982. (Korean)
81-3 “Korean Overseas Direct Investment: Structure and Performance,” Korean Economic Journal (經濟論集), Vol. XX, No. 1, September 1981. (Korean)
81-2 “Survey on Management of Korean General Trading Company,” the Practice of Management (經營事例硏究所), Vol. XV, No. 1, June 1981. (Korean)
81-1 “The Effects of the Governments Policy on Korean General Trading Companies Performance: A Quantitative Approach,” the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. XV, No. 2, June 1981. (Korean)
80-1 “Anatomy of Korean General Trading Company,” the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. XIV, No. 1, April 1980. (English)
79-1 “Chinese nergy Potentials: With a Main Focus on Oil,” Korean Economic Review, Vol. XIII, No. 1, December 1979. (English)
78-1 “International Facility Planning: Theory and Practice,” the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. XII, No. 3, September 1978. (English)
77-1 “Application of Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis to Korean Transportation Systems,” the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. XI, No. 4, December 1977. (English)
04-04 “The Mechanism-Based View: A New Paradigm of Strategy in the 21st Century,” Keynote Paper at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Academic Association for Organizational Science, Tokyo, June 19, 2004 (English)
04-03 “The Development of E-Business Index in Korea,” with Hye Jung Kim, Kyoung Jun Lee & Chang Han Lee, the Annual Conference of the International Academy of Electronic Business, Atlantic City, March 30, 2004. (English)
04-02 “Total Ethics Management (TIM): Concept and Implications,” Keynote speech in the Annual Conference of Yunkyung Forum (倫競포럼) on “Ethics is the Source of Competitiveness,” March 10, 2004. (Korean)
04-01 “Business-Government Relations in the Cultural Industry: The Evolution of the Government’s Role in Korea,” with Wijin Park, Conference on “International Business & Government Relations in the 21st Century,” Thunderbird: The American Graduate School of International Management, Phoenix, January, 2004. (English)
03-11 “Bloc Competitiveness: Regional Cooperation among China, Korea and Japan,” with Mi-Hwa Park, Conference on Competitiveness, International Business School, Nankai University, Tianjin, September 2003. (English)
03-10 “National Competitiveness: Theory, Methodology, and Policy Implications,” with Hwy-Chang Moon, Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Monterey, July 2003. (English)
03-9 “The Impact of Copyright Protection on the Choice of Governance Mode in the Country with Market Duality: an Integrative Perspective of Transaction Cost Economics and Resource-Based Theory,” with Wijin Park, Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Monterey, July 2003. (English)
03-8 “Role of Internal Markets in Emerging Market Business Groups: Evidence from Korean and Indian Business Groups,” with Chinmay Pattnaik, Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Monterey, July 2003. (English)
03-7 “Conditions for Implementation Effectiveness of Outside Directors: Empirical Testing on Korean Firms,” with Joo-Tae Kim, Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Monterey, July 2003. (English)
03-6 “Fiction and Truth of Japanese Firms (日本企業의 虛와 實),” Annual Conference, Pusan University, June 21, 2003, (Korean)
03-5 “Measuring Country Image: the Case of South Korea,” IMAGE Conference on Advertising and Consumer Psychology, the Society for Consumer Psychology, June 6, 2003. (English)
03-4 “Contents and Issues of Strategic Management Education (戰略經營敎育의 內容과 이슈),” Keynote Speech at the Korean Strategic Management Society (韓國戰略經營學會), April 26, 2003. (Korean)
03-3 “Design Revolution, Design Theory, Design Management (디자인革命, 디자인理論, 디자인經營),” Keynote Speech at the Korea Costume Culture Society (韓國復飾文化學會), April 12, 2003. (Korean)
03-2 “Firm Policies of the New Government toward Strengthening National Competitiveness (國家競爭力 强化를 위한 新政府의 企業政策,” Keynote Speech at the Special Seminar on the New Government’s Firm Policies (新政府의 企業政策세미나), The Korean Academy of Business Administration (韓國經營學會), April, 11, 2003. (Korean)
03-1 “Integrated Design Strategy: A New Road to Innovation,” Human Resources and Entrepreneurship Conference, Jhejiang University, March 31, 2003. (English)
02-6 “IPS National Competitiveness Report,” with Hwy-Chang Moon, 2002 World Knowledge Forum, October 17, 2002. (English)
02-5 “Measuring National Brand Values,” 2002 World Knowledge Forum, October 17, 2002. (English)
02-4 “Mechanism as a New Paradigm in Strategy Theory,” Annual Conference of Strategic Management Society, Paris, September 2002. (English)
02-3 “National Competitiveness: A Case Study of Korea,” with Hwy-Chang Moon, Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Puerto Rico, June 2002. (English)
02-2 “The Competitiveness of Korean entertainment Industry,” The 2002 ICCM Conference, National Sun-Yat-Sun University, Taiwan, May 24, 2002. (English)
02-1 “China’s Entry into WTO (ChEW) and its Impact,” The 2002 Asia Business Conference, Harvard Business School, Boston, February 2, 2002. (English)
01-9 “IPS National Competitiveness Report: A New Model for Developing Economies and Its Application to Korea,” Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Sydney, November 2001. (English)
01-8 “Korean Economy and Business: the Effect of Corporate Restructuring,” Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Sydney, November 2001. (English)
01-7 “The Effect of TMT and Technological Innovation on the Performance of IT Venture Firms at Different Organization Life Cycle Stages,” with Jaeyoung Kang, Annual Conference of Strategic Management Society, San Francisco, November 2001. (English)
01-6 “Four Stages of Design Revolution: Expansion of the Design Domain and Development of Grand Principles of Design,” Biannual Conference of International Council of Societies of Industrial Design, Seoul, October 2001. (English)
01-5 “Effect of The Digital-Network Environment in E-Business on Governance Mechanism,” with Jootae Kim and Yong-Sauk Hau, Annual Conference of International Academy of Electronic Business, San Francisco, March 2001. (English)
01-4 “Future of Traditional Intermediaries in B2b Market Place: an Analysis of Korean General Trading Companies (GTCs),” with Chinmay Pattnaik, Annual Conference of International Academy of Electronic Business, San Francisco, March 2001. (English)
01-3 “A Typology Of Cybermediaries In South Korea,” with Ji-Yoon Jung, Annual Conference of International Academy of Electronic Business, San Francisco, March 2001. (English)
01-2 “Late Comers’ International Competitiveness and Catching-Up under E-Commerce Environment,” with Xiyou He, Annual Conference of International Academy of Electronic Business, San Francisco, March 2001. (English)
01-1 “The General Trend of E-Commerce in South Korea for the Strategic Benefit,” Jang-Hoon Kim, and Yong-Sauk Hau, Annual Conference of International Academy of Electronic Business, San Francisco, March 2001. (English)
00-13 “Refactory, Korean-style Technique in Management Innovation: Model Building and a Case Study,” with Cheol-Ho Shin, Jae-Young Kang, No-Ryun Park, Annual Conference, Academy of International Business, Phoenix, November 2000 (English)
00-12 “Dynamic Analysis of the SER-M Paradigm Based on the Quadratic Vector Analysis Model,” with Qiang Cui, Annual Conference, Academy of International Business, Phoenix, November 2000 (English)
00-11 “Competitiveness Impacts of Electronic Commerce: SCM Perspective,”
with Sangwook Park and Hwy-Chang Moon, Annual Conference, Academy of International Business, Phoenix, November 2000 (English)
00-10 “National Competitiveness Reports: Critical Comparison of Their Theoretical and Methodological Soundness, with Hwy-Chang Moon, Annual Conference, Academy of International Business, Phoenix, November 2000 (English)
00-9 “Effectiveness of Outside Directors in Korean Companies: Institution Theory Perspective,” with Jootae Kim, Annual Conference, Academy of International Business, Phoenix, November 2000 (English)
00-8 “The Integration Model of 14 Innovative Management Techniques,” Annual Conference, Academy of Management, Toronto, August 2000 (English)
00-7 “Corporate Governance and Professional Management in the Era of Post-chaebol Venture Corporations,” July Conference, Korean Institute for Human Resources Development, Seoul, July 2000 (Korean)
00-6 “Venture Strategy in the Era of 3D---Digital, DNA and Design,” Keynote Speech at the Inaugural Conference of Korea Bio-venture Association, Seoul, July 2000 (Korean)
00-5 “Engineering Technology and National Competitiveness,” Keynote Speech at the Annual Conference of Korean Industrial Chemistry, Seoul, May 2000 (Korean)
00-4 “Consumer Finance Industry in Korea,” Keynote Speech at the Waseda Conference on Consumer Finance Industry, Tokyo, March 2000 (English)
00-3 “Korea-India Cooperation in Information Technology,” National Association of Software and Service Companies, Bangalore, May 2000 (English)
00-2 “Paradigm Shift in the Corporate Sector and Growth of Venture Firms: Korean Experiences,” Korea-Australia Economic Seminar, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Melbourne, April, 2000 (English)
00-1 “The ser-M Paradigm for Making a Strong Corporation and a Strong Nation,” The First Conference on “ser-M” Paradigm, Seoul, January 2000 (Korean)
99-8 “Financial Sector Reforms and Restructuring in Korea and India,” The Third Korea-India Dialogue, New Delhi, December 1999 (English)
99-7 “A Research on The Effects of Ownership Structure on Diversification Strategy: Empirical Analysis of Korean Firms,” Academy of International Business, Charleston, November 1999 (English)
99-6 “Corporate Governance in Korea: Myth and Truth,” The Conference on Asia in Economic Recovery: Policy Options for Growth and Stability, The Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore, June 1999 (English)
99-5 “The Encounter of Design and Management,” Annual Conference of Korea Design Association, Seoul, May 1999 (Korean)
99-4 “Feasibility Study and Policy Recommendation for Overseas Petroleum Development,” Annual Conference, Korea Petroleum Association, Seoul, April, 1999 (Korean)
99-3 “Cooperative R&D in Japan and Korea: A Comparison of Industrial Policy,” with Mariko Sakakibara, Annual Conference, The Academy of International Business, Charleston, November 1999 (English)
99-3 “Financial Crisis Management: Korean Experience,” The Korea-UK Forum, Seoul, April 1999 (English)
99-2 “Restructuring of the Korean Government,” The Public Hearing, The Korean Government, Seoul, March 1999 (Korean)
99-1 “Competitiveness of Industrial Design Industry,” The Association for Industrial Design, The Federation of Korean Industries, Seoul, January 1999 (Korean)
98-2 “The Interactive Effects of Diversification Strategy and Entry Mode on Economic Performance: Empirical Analysis of 30 Major Chaebol Groups in Korea,” with Ki-Sung Park, Annual Conference, Academy of International Business, Vienna, October 1998. (English)
98-1 “The Environment Creating Mechanism of a Firm: A Road to Sustained Survival and Growth,” The 25th Fuji Business History Conference, Tokyo and Kyoto, January 1998. (English)
97-11 “Korean Firms Investment Abroad: Advantage Creating Mechanism,” The Second Korea-India Dialogue, Seoul, November, 1997.(English)
97-10 “Restructuring of the Korean Economy: The Challenge for the Entry to an Advanced Economy (韓國經濟의 리스트럭처링: 先進國으로의 進入을 爲한 課題),” The Autumn Special Seminar of the Korea Strategic Management Society (韓國戰略經營學會 秋季 特別세미나), Seoul, September, 1997. (Korean)
97-9 “The Competitive Advantage of Late Movers: What Types of Markets Should They Choose?” with Jinah Choi and H. Chang Moon, Academy of International Business, Monterey, Mexico, October 1997 (English)
97-8 “Asian Networking of Korean Firms: Triplization, Leapfrogging, and Global Networking Strategy,” with Yun-Cheol Lee, Academy of International Business, Monterey, Mexico, October 1997 (English)
97-7 “Dynamics of Key Success Factors: Inter-national vs. Intra-national Evolution of Semiconductor Industries in the U.S., Japan and Korea 1960-1995,” with Jang-Hoon Kim, The Strategic Management Society, Barcelona, October 1997 (English)
97-6 “A New Industrial Classification System Based on Core Competence,” with Dong-Hyun Lee, The 41st Annual Meeting, The International Society for the Systems Sciences, Seoul, July 1997 (English)
97-5 “Management Innovation Techniques as Action Types of Organization Change,” with Cheol-Ho Shin, The 41st Annual Meeting, The International Society for the Systems Sciences, Seoul, July 1997 (English)
97-4 “Harmony of National Competitiveness and Corporate Competitiveness,” The 41st Annual Meeting, The International Society for the Systems Sciences, Seoul, July 1997 (English)
97-3 “Family Succession and Diversification: A New Agency Problem in Diversification,” with Choelsoon Park and Ji-Hwan Lee, The 41st Annual Meeting, The International Society for the Systems Sciences, Seoul, July 1997 (English)
97-2 “Harmony and Balance between National Competitiveness and City Competitiveness,” Joint Academic Conference on “National Policy and Systematic Thought for Korea in the Twenty-First Century,” Korean Society for System Science, The Association of Scholars in Politics and Economics, and the Korean Strategic Management Society, Seoul, May 1997 (English)
97-1 “The Balancing Mechanism of Centripetal Force and Centrifugal Force: A New Paradigm for the New Age,” The Conference on Convergence and Diversity, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, March 1997 (English)
96-6 “A New Look at the Effectiveness of the Industrial Policy: Comparison of Korean and Japanese Industrial Policies 1946-93,” Strategic Management Society, Phoenix, Arizona, November 1996 (English)
96-5 “Transferability of the Mechanism as a Criterion of Relatedness in Diversification: Case Studies of Daewoo, Hyundai, LGF and Samsung,” Strategic Management Society, Phoenix, Arizona, November 1996 (English)
96-4 “From National Competitiveness to Bloc and Global Competitiveness,” Academy of International Business, Banff, Canada, September 1996 (English)
96-3 “A Nations International Competitiveness in Different Stages of Economic Development,” Academy of International Business, Banff, Canada, September 1996 (English)
96-2 “Three Strategies of Japanese FDI in Asia: Dualization, Sequential-migration and Network Structuring,” Academy of International Business, Banff, Canada, September 1996 (English)
96-1 “Empirical Study on Life Cycle Model of National Competitiveness: The Case of Korea,” Academy of International Business, Banff, Canada, September 1996 (English)
95-2 “SER-M: A New Paradigm in Strategy Theory,” Strategic Management Society, Mexico City, October 1995. (English)
95-1 “Deregulation and International Competitiveness of Energy Industry (에너지産業의 規制緩和와 國際競爭力),” Korean Association of Resource Economics (資源經濟學會), 1995. (Korean)
94-1 “A New Approach in Industry Classification Based on Core Competitive Advantages (核心競爭優位를 통한 産業分類),” Korean Association of Business Administration (韓國經營學會), 1994. (Korean)
93-6 “Sequential and Migration Strategy,” Academy of International Business, Boston, 1994. (English)
93-5 “New Paradigm of International Competitiveness,” SMS Annual Conference, Chicago, October 1993. (English)
93-4 “Dynamic Integration of Generic Strategy,” SMS Annual Conference, Chicago, October 1993. (English)
93-3 “Dynamic Integration of Generic Strategies (本源的戰略의 動態的 結合),” Korean Association of Business Administration (韓國經營學會), 1993. (Korean)
93-2 “Comparative Analysis of Korean and Japanese Industrial Policies Through Government Documents (官報分析을 通한 韓日産業政策 比較硏究),” Korean Association of Business Administration (韓國經營學會), 1993. (Korean)
93-1 “The Content Analysis of Industrial Policy as a Means to Strengthen International Competitiveness (國際競爭力 强化를 위한 産業政策 內容에 관한 硏究),” The Korean Association of Industrial Organization (産業組織學會), 1993. (Korean)
92-2 “Strategies to Invigorate Business Activities as a Means to Upgrade Industrial Competitiveness (産業競爭力 提高를 위한 企業活動 振作方案),” keynote paper at the Symposium of the Korea Chamber of Commerce (大韓商工會議所), September 24, 1992. (Korean)
92-1 “Tasks and Policy Directions of Small-and Medium Companies in the Midst of Changing Industrial Structure (産業構造調整過程에 있어서 中小企業의 課題와 政策方向),” keynote speech at the Fourth Symposium about the Spoort Process of Small-and Medium Companies, The Industrial Bank (中小企業銀行), September 17, 1992. (Korean)
91-1 “The International Advertising Strategy: A Case of a Korean MNC,” with Jin-Ah Choi, presented at the Annual Conference of Academy of International Business, Miami, October 1991. (Engligh)
90-3 “The Concept of General Trading Company,” China Development Institute, 1990.
90-2 “Business-Government Relation in Korean Private Sector,” SMS Annual Conference, 1990. (English)
90-1 “Competitiveness of GTC: Conceptual Study,” Pan-Pacific Conference, 1990. (English)
89-3 “A Comparative Analysis of Chinas Military Strategy and Modern Strategy,” presented at the Annual Conference of Academy International Business, Singapore, November 1989. (English)
89-2 “Koreas Big Business Group: Strategy, Structure and Performance,” with Jae-Yong Song, presented at the Annual Conference of Academy of International Business, Singapore, November 1989. (English)
89-1 “Factors of Foreign Reinvestment in Korea,” with Ki-Sung Park, presented at the Annual Conference of Academy of International Business, Singapore, November 1989. (English)
84-2 “Global Competition and Global Strategies: A Case of the Shipbuilding Industry,” presented at the International Conference of the Academy of International Business, Singapore, June 14-16, 1984. (English)
84-1 “Incentives and Restraints: Changing Government Roles in Bilateral Direct Investment Between Korea and the United States,” presented at the Conference on U.S.-Korea Business and Economic Relations, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 19, 1983. (English)
82-4 “Anatomy of Korean General Trading Company (Revised),” presented at the Second Asia-Pacific Conference of the Academy of International Business, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 1982. (English)
82-3 “On the Management of Information by General Trading Company,” invited paper at the Seminar on the Trade Promotion Policy, Korea Institute on Industry, Economics and Technology, April 1982
82-2 “From Unilateral Asymmetry to Bilateral Symmetry: Retrospect of the Economic Relationship between Korea and the United States 1882-1981,” Invited paper at the Centennial Conference on American-Korean Relations, jointly sponsored by American Studies Institute, Seoul National University and Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 1982.
82-1 “Korean General Trading Company: Structure, Past Performance, Current Status, and Future Prospects,” Keynote paper at the Research Seminar of the Korean Management Association, Seoul, Korea, February 1982. (Korean)
81-3 “Chinese Market: Its Potentials, MNCs Penetration Strategies, and its Relevance to Asian Countries,” with Se-Joe Oh, presented at the AIB/EIBA Joint International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, December 1981. (English)
81-2 “Introduction to Korean General Trading Company,” keynote paper at the 1st Joint Conference of Korea/Canada Business Council, Seoul, Korea, September 1981. (English)
81-1 “Commonalities of Three Oil Industries in Korea,” invited paper at the 11th International Conference on the Policies of National Resources in the 1980s: Energy and Security, Seoul, Korea, June 1981. (English)
80-4 “Multinationalization of Korean Small Companies,” keynote paper at the 5th Conference of the Academy of Korea Medium and Small Industry, Daejun, Korea, October 1980. (Korean)
80-3 “Multinationalism of the U.S. Corporations: The Case of Korea,” invited paper at the 15th American Studies International Seminar, Kyoungju, Korea, September 1980. (English)
80-2 “Stages of Internationalization: The Case of Korean Enterprise,” invited paper at the International Seminar on Internationalization Strategies of Korean Business in a Changing World Economy, Seoul, Korea, May 1980. Also published in Korean Journal of International Business, Vol. I, Korea University, July 1980. (English)
80-1 “Challenges for Korean Managers in the 1980s” invited paper at the Seminar on Korean Economy and Management Today. The Federation of Korean Industries, January 1980. Also published in Korean Business Review, FKI, March 1980. (English)
79-1 “Evaluation of the Korean Government Strategies to Develop General Trading Companies,” presented at the Asia-Pacific Conference of the Academy of International Business, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 1979. (English)
77-1 “Application of Scientific Approaches to International Facility Planning,” presented at the 23rd International Meeting to TIMS, Athens, Greece, July 1977. (English)
90-1 “Reformation of Koreas Big Business Groups (財閥改造論),” Chosun Monthly (月刊朝鮮), May 1990. (Korean)
89-4 “Current Status of Korean Petroleum Industry (韓國石油産業의 現況),” Petroleum (石油), Vol. 11, No. 3, Korea Petroleum Development Corporation, September 1989. (Korean)
89-3 “Why Does the Society Criticize Chaebol?” (왜 社會는 財閥을 批判하는가?) Journalism and Criticism (言論과 批評), Vol. I, No. 4, September 1989. (Korean)
89-2 “Foreign Investment Strategy: Finding Advantageous Factors in Local Market,” the Monthly Modern Management (月刊現代經營), Korea Management Association, July 1989. (Korean)
89-1 “Future of Corporation and Conditions of Corporate Excellence,” Forum Paper, Vol. 11, Korea Institute for Socio-Economic Affairs (韓國産業經濟硏究所), April 1989. (Korean)
88-1 “Corporate Internationalization and Foreign Investment Strategy,” International Trade, No. 264, Korea Foreign Trade Association, August 1988. (Korean)
87-2 “Trade Frictions and Korean Policies” (貿易摩擦과 韓國의 政策), Chun-Kyung-Ryun Monthly, No. 270, The Federation of Korean Industries, May 1987. (Korean)
87-1 “Four Factors to Know : Must-Win Strategy in the Era of Strategic Management,” the Monthly Modern Management, Korea Management Association, January 1987. (Korean)
86-1 “Internationalization of Koreas Medium-to-Small Companies,” Monthly Economic Review, Industrial Bank of Korea, March 1986. (Korean)
82-1 “Global Oil Situation and Korean Energy Policy,” The Korean Petroleum Association Bulletin, Vol. 15, Korea Petroleum Association, May 1982. (Korean)
81-1 “Effects of the 88 Seoul Olympics on Korean Exports,” International Trade, Korean Traders Association, November 1981. (Korean)
80-1 “The Third Energy Crisis: Causes and Effects,” Petroleum, Vol. II, No. 4, Korea Petroleum Development Corporation, December 1980. (Korean)
79-1 “Effects of Oil Industry on Korean Economic Development,” Petroleum, Vol. I, No. 4, Korea Petroleum Development Corporation, December 1979. (Korean)
Chaebol: Koreas Major Conglomerates, with Sang-Hoon Nam and Rosalie Tung, Oxford University Press, London, forthcoming in 2004. (English)
Design Revolution, Design Management (디자인革命, 디자인經營), Design Net, Seoul, 2003. (Korean)
CEO Hiddink Through CEOs’ Lense, (CEO가 본 CEO 히딩크), et. al., Baeknyungul Sarang, Seoul, 2002. (Korean)
Manager Hiddink Through Management Professors’ Lense (經營學者가 본 經營者 히딩크) , et. al., Baeknyungul Sarang, Seoul, 2002. (Korean)
E-Business, E-Strategy (E-비지니스, E-戰略), The Korea Economic Daily (韓國經濟新聞社), Seoul, 2002. (Korean)
E-Business Strategy (E-Business 經營戰略), Electronic Commerce Research Center, Seoul National University, Seoul, 2001. (Korean)
Study of Chairman Chey Jong-Hyun of SK Group (SK그룹 崔鍾賢 硏究), with Kun-Hee Lee, et. al., Sooseo-won, Seoul, 2001. (Korean)
IPS National Competitiveness Report, IPS, Seoul, 2001. (English)
From Adam Smith to Michael Porter: Evolution of Competitiveness Theory, World Scientific, Singapore, 2000. (English)
Tiger Technology: The Creation of a Semiconductor Industry in East Asia, with John Mathews, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000. (English)
International Business for the Twenty-First Century (21世紀를 爲한 國際經營), Kyungmoon-sa (經文社), Seoul, 1997, 2000. (Korean)
Principles of Management for the 21st Century (21世紀를 爲한 經營學), Seoul School of Economics and Business Administration, Seoul, 2000. (Korean)
Three Revolutions Necessary for Opening the Era of Electronic Commerce (電子商去來 時代를 여는데 必要한 세 가지 革命), Electronic Commerce Research Center, Seoul National University, Seoul, 2000. (Korean)
SUPEX of SK Group: Management Theory of Jong-Hyun Chey (SK그룹의 SUPEX: 崔鐘賢 經營學), Seoul School of Economics and Business Administration, Seoul, 1999. (Korean)
Strategic Management for the Twenty-First Century (21世紀를 爲한 戰略經營), IBS Press, Seoul, 1997, 1999. (Korean)
Interesting Stories about Business V (재미있는 經營이야기 V), Seoul School of Economics and Business Administration, Seoul, 1999. (Korean)
“Ways to make Strong Companies and the Strong Nation (강한 기업 강한 국가 어떻게 만들 것인가),” The Korea Economics Research Center, The Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Seoul, 1999.
Korean Economy: No Way for Retreat (한국경제 더 물러설 수 없다), The Korea Economic Daily (韓國經濟新聞社), Seoul, 1999. (Korean)
Imperatives of Restructuring (構造調整 이렇게 하라), Seoul School of Economics and Business Administration, Seoul, 1998. (Korean)
The Environment Creating Mechanism of the Corporation (企業의 環境創造 Mechanism), IBS Press, Seoul, 1997. (Korean)
Strategy Evaluation System (戰略評價 System), with Cheol-Ho Shin and Hyung-Ki Cho, IBS Press, Seoul, 1996. (Korean)
Design, Design Industry, and Design Policy (Design, Design 産業, Design 政策), with Dong-Hyun Lee, Design House, Seoul, 1996. (Korean)
Comparative Study of Japanese and Korean Industrial Policies: 1945-93, Vol. I, II & III (韓日 産業政策 比較硏究 I, II), IBS Press, Seoul, 1994, 1996, 1997. (Korean)
The Integrated Model of 14 Techniques in Innovative Management (14가지 經營革新技法의 統合 Model), with Cheol-Ho Shin, IBS Press, Seoul, 1996. (Korean)
Management Paradigm for the Twenty-First Century (21世紀 經營 Paradigm), Mineum-sa (民音社), Seoul, 1995. (Korean)
The Myth of Korean Semiconductor Industry: The Success Story of Korean Semiconductor Manufacturers in Competition with the U.S. and Japanese Firms (韓國半導體의 神話: 美日에 挑戰한 韓國企業의 成功), Biryong-so (飛龍沼), Seoul, 1995. (Korean)
Long-Range Strategic Planning (長期戰略計劃), The Korea Economic Daily (韓國經濟新聞社), Seoul, 1993. (Korean)
The Age of Strategic Management (이제는 戰略經營時代), Mineum-sa (民音社), Seoul, 1993. (Korean)
Interesting Stories about Business Ⅳ: The Firms with Successful Implementation of Internationalization Strategies (재미있는 經營이야기 Ⅳ: 國際化로 成功한 企業들), UCG Press, Seoul, 1993. (Korean)
Theory of International Business (國際經營學), Kyungmoon-sa (經文社), Seoul, 1985, 1989, 1993. (Korean)
Business Policy and Long-Term Strategic Planning (經營政策과 長期戰略計劃), Youngji- Moonwha-sa (英志文化社), Seoul, 1980, 1983, 1987, 1993. (Korean)
Koreas Competitiveness: A Shortcut to an Advanced Nation (國家競爭力: 先進國으로 가는 지름길), Maekyung-Shinseo (每經新書), Seoul, 1992. (Korean)
Interesting Stories about Business Ⅲ: Firms to Enrich the Society (재미있는 經營이야기 III: 社會를 豊饒롭게 하는 企業), UCG Press, Seoul, 1992. (Korean)
Business Strategy for Practitioners (알기 쉬운 經營戰略), Beebong-Choolpan-sa (比峰出版社), Seoul, 1992. (Korean)
Winning from Competition (競爭에서 이기는 길), with Gwang-Hyeon Lee (李光賢), Kyobo- Munko (敎保文庫), Seoul, 1992. (Korean)
Interesting Stories about Business II: Businessmen with Philosophy (재미있는 經營이야기 II: 哲學이 있는 經營者들), UCG Press, Seoul, 1991. (Korean)
Interesting Stories about Business (재미있는 經營이야기), UCG Press, Seoul, 1990. (Korean)
Chaebol: Korean Business Giant (韓國財閥硏究), Maekyung-Shinseo (每經新書), 1990. (Korean, later to be published in English)
Special Lecture on the General Trading Company (綜合商社特講), UCG Press, Seoul, 1989. (Korean)
Cases on International Business by Korean Multinational (韓國企業의 國際經營事例), with Byung-Soon Kim, Kyungmoon-sa (經文社), Seoul, 1984, 1987. (Korean)
The General Trading Company: Concept and Strategy, Lexington Books, Mass, 1987. (English)
Koreas Oil Industry: Structure and Strategy (石油産業의 構造와 戰略), Bakyoung-sa (博英社), Seoul, 1987. (Korean)
Koreas International Business: System and Performance (韓國의 國際經營 制度와 實積), Kyungmoon-sa (經文社), Seoul, 1986. (Korean)
Koreas General Trading Company: (I) and (II) (韓國의 綜合貿易商社: 上.下), Bupmoon-sa (法文社), Seoul, 1983, 1986. (Korean)
Energy Policy and Korean Economy (에너지 政策과 韓國經濟), Bakyoung-sa (博英社), Seoul, 1983. (Korean)
International Resources Management - With a Main Focus on Oil Industry (國際資源論-石油問題를 中心으로), Bakyoung-sa (博英社), Seoul, 1981. (Korean)
Entry Strategy of a Multinational Corporation into Chinese Market: Economics of Koreas Location (多國籍企業의 中共市場 浸透戰略), Korean International Economic Institute (國際經濟硏究院), Seoul, 1980. (Korean)
Competitive Advantage (競爭優位) by Michael E. Porter, Kyobo-Munko (敎保文庫), Seoul, 1991.
Competitive Strategy (競爭戰略) by Michael E. Porter, with Mong-Joon Chung (鄭夢準), Kyungmoon-sa (經文社), Seoul, 1985.
Manager in the International Economy (國際經營者論) by Raymond Vernon and Louis T. Wells, Jr., with Jong-Wook Ha (河鍾旭), Youngji-Moonwha-sa (英志文化社), Seoul, 1984.
Energy Future (에너지, 오늘과 내일) by Robert Stobaugh and Daniel Yergin, Samsung Arts and Cultural Foundation (三星文化財團), Seoul, 1981.
04-01 “Design, Economic Development, and National Policy: Lessons from Korea,” Design Management Review, Vol. 15, No. 4, Fall 2004 (English)
02-1 “The Environment Creating Mechanism of a Firm: A Road to Sustained Survival and Growth,” Entrepreneurship and Organization: The Role of Entrepreneur in Organizational Innovation, ed. By Lynskey, Michael J., & Seiichiro Yonekura, Oxford University Press, London, July 2002. (English)
02-1 “Cooperative R&D in Japan and Korea: a comparison of industrial policy,” with Mariko Sakakibara, Research Policy, Vol. 31, 2002. (English)
01-2 “The Interactive Effects of Diversification Strategy and Entry Mode on Economic Performance: Empirical Analysis of 30 Major Chaebol Groups in Korea (多角化 戰略과 方法의 相互作用이 經濟的 成果에 미치는 效果에 관한 硏究: 30大 財閥을 中心으로),” with Kisung Park, International Business Review (國際經營 리뷰), Vol. 5, No. 2. 2001. (Korean).
01-1 “E-Generic Strategies for E-Business Environment,” with Yong-Sauk Hau, International Journal of E-Business Strategy Management, Vol. 3, Issue 1, August/September, 2001. (English)
00-3 “A Study on the Case and Reality of Outside Directors in Korean Corporations,” with Joo-Tae Kim, Journal of Strategic Management (戰略經營硏究), Vol. 3, No. 2, Special Issue, December 2000. (Korean)
00-2 “Argumentation Rationality in the German and Korean Automotive Industry,” with Axel v. Werder and Till Talaulicar, Journal of International and Area Studies, 2000. (English)
00-1 “National Competitiveness: A Nine-Factor Approach and Its Empirical Application,” with H. Chang Moon, Journal of International Business and Economy, 2000. (English)
99-3 “Combinative Capabilities and Organizational Learning in Latecomer Firms: the Case of the Korean Semiconductor Industry,” with John Mathews, Journal of World Business, 1999. (English)
99-2 “The Future of Asian Economic Crisis and Korean Economy Based on the Balance of Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces (求心力과 遠心力의 均衡을 通해서 바라본 아시아 經濟危機와 韓國經濟의 未來),” The Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. 33, No. 2, June 1999. (Korean)
99-1 “The Mechanism for Industry Leadership: Seven Cases of Korea’s Environment-Creating Companies,” International Studies of Management & Organization, Vol. 28, No. 4, Winter, 1998-99, 1999. (English)
98-9 “A Proposed Industrial Classification System Based on Core Competences,” with Dong-Hyun Lee, Industry and Innovation, Vol.5, No.2, December, 1998. (English)
98-8 “From National Competitiveness to Bloc and Global Competitiveness,” Competitiveness Review, Vol .8, No. 1, 1998. (English)
98-7 “A Nations International Competitiveness in Different States of Economic Development,” with H. Chang Moon, Advances in Competitiveness Research, Vol. 6, No.1, 1998. (English)
98-6 “Late Comer Advantages: The Experience of Japanese and Korean Semiconductor Industries,” with Dong-Jae Kim and Dong-Kee Rhee, Organization Science, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 489-505, July-August, 1998. (English)
98-5 A New Paradigm in Strategy Theory: ‘ser-M’,” Monash Mt. Eliza Business Review, with Dong-Hyun Lee, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 1998. (English)
98-4 “For the New Era of the Korean Economy,” Korea and World Affairs, Spring 1998. (English)
98-3 “A Study on the Firms Performance: Resource-based View of a Firm Approach (資源據点理論을 利用한 企業間 成果差異에 關한 硏究: 新製品 開發成果를 中心으로),” with Cheol-Ho Shin, Korean Journal of Management (人事.組織硏究), Vol. 6, No. 1, February 1998. (Korean)
98-2 “Korea’s Economic Crisis: Causes, Significance and Agenda for Recovery,” Korea Focus, January-February 1998. (English)
98-1 “Strategic Supplier Segmentation: The Next ‘Best Practice’ in Supply Chain Management,” with Jeffrey H. Dyer and Wujin Chu, California Management Review, Vol. 40, No. 2, Winter 1998. (English)
97-5 “The Effect of Strategic Alliance on Performance: a Study of International Airline Industry” with Namgyoo K. Park, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp.155-164, 1997. (English)
97-4 “Educating Managers for the 21st Century (21世紀 未來經營者育成을 爲한 經營敎育方法), Management Education Review (經營敎育硏究), Vol. 1, No. 2, November 1997. (Korean)
97-3 “What Can We Learn from Sun-Tzus Art of War?---Chinas Ancient Military Strategy vs. Modern Business Strategy,” Seoul Journal of Business, Vol. 3, No. 1, Fall 1997. (English)
97-2 “Strategies to Utilize DB in the 21st Century Corporations (21世紀型 企業에서의 DB活用戰略,” the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. 31, No. 3, September 1997. (Korean)
97-1 “Empirical Studies on the Formation of Firm-Specific Competitive Advantages in Korean Corporations (韓國企業의 企業特有 競爭優位形成에 關한 實證的硏究),” International Business Journal (國際經營硏究), Vol. 8, August 1997. (Korean)
96-3 “Comparative Study of Korean and Japanese Industrial Policies: on the Mechanism of Policy Formulation and Implementation (韓.日 産業政策 比較硏究: 政策樹立과 實行 메커니즘을 中心으로),” with Dong-Hyun Lee, Journal of Economics (經濟學硏究), Vol. 44, No. 4, December. 1996 (Korean)
96-2 “A Comparative Study of Korean and Japanese Industrial Policies Through Content Analysis of Official Documents,” with Dong-Hyun Lee, Shi-Jin Ryu, Daewhan Cho, and Dong-Jae Kim, Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 31, No. 1, October 1996. (English)
96-1 “What is the Firm?” Seoul Journal of Business, Vol. 1, No. 1, September 1996 (English)
95-3 “Strategy of Dualization and Sequential Migration (二元化 多階化 戰略),” International Business Journal (國際經營硏究), 1995. (Korean)
95-2 “Dynamic Integration of Generic Strategies (本源的 戰略의 動態的 結合),” Korean Journal of Management (經營學硏究), Vol. XXIV, No. 3, August 1995. (Korean)
95-1 “Japanese and Korean Industrial Policies: Analysis of Government Records (官報分析을 통한 韓日産業政策 比較硏究),” Korean Journal of Management (經營學硏究), 1995. (Korean)
94-3 “A Dynamic Approach to International Competitiveness: The Case of Korea,” Journal of Far Eastern Business, The Competitive Advantages of Far Eastern Business, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 17-36, ed. by Robert Fitzgerald, Frank Cass, London, U.K., 1994. (English)
94-2 “Determinants of Bargaining Power in OEM Negotiations,” with Wujin Chu, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol 23, 1994. (English)
94-1 “International Advertising Strategies by NIC Multinationals: The Case of a Korean Firm,” with Jinah Choi & Youjae Yi, International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 13. pp. 77-92, 1994. (English)
93-1 “The Effect of Management Succession Patterns on Diversification Strategy - The Case of Korean Chaebol (韓國財閥의 企業承繼類型이 多角化戰略에 미친 影響),” with Jee-Whan Lee (李智渙), Korean Journal of Management (經營學硏究), Vol. XXI, 1992. (Korean)
92-4 “From Subsidizer to Regulator - The Changing Role of Korean Government,” Long Range Planning, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 48-55, 1992. (English)
92-3 “Comparison of Competitiveness between Jonghap-Sangsa and Sogo-Shosha in the Korean Market (韓國市場에서 綜合商社와 總合商社의 競爭力 比較),” with Hyun-Duck Cho, International Business Journal (國際經營硏究), Vol. 3, August 1992. (Korean)
92-2 “Green Strategy of Firms Against Environmental Pollution (環璟汚染問題에 對應한 企業의 그린戰略),” with Joong-Seok Lee (李重石), Korea Journal of Resource Economics (資源經濟學會誌), Vol. 2, No. 1, June 1992. (Korean)
92-1 “Management Innovation: Paradox of Competition and Cooperation (經營革新: 競爭과 協力의 패러독스),” Seokang Harvard Business (西江하버드 비즈니스), Vol. 43, March-April 1992. (Korean)
91-3 “Determinants of GTCs Competitiveness (綜合商社의 競爭力에 관한 槪念的 硏究)” with Cheol-Ho Shin (申哲昊), the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. 25, No. 3, September 1991. (Korean)
91-2 “Sources of International Competitiveness of Korean Industries (韓國産業의 國際競爭力源泉),” Seokang Harvard Business (西江하버드 비즈니스), Vol. 40, July-August 1991. (Korean)
91-1 “Managing by Patriarchal Authority in Korea,” Management: Asian Context, ed. by Joseph M. Putti, Mcgraw-Hill Book Co., 1991. (English)
90-1 “Promotion Policy of the Maritime Industry in the 21st Century,” Ocean Policy Research (海洋政策硏究), Vol. Ⅴ, No. 3-4, Fall-Winter, 1990. (Korean)
89-4 “Corporate Strategies to Cope with High Wage,” Seokang Harvard Business (西江 하버드 비즈니스), Vol. 29, November-December 1989. (Korean)
89-3 “Gold Star Co. Ltd.,” Management Behind Industrialization: Readings in Korean Business, Dong-ki Kim and Linsu Kim (ed.), Korea University Press, Seoul, 1989. (English)
89-2 “Daewoo Group,” Management Behind Industrialization: Readings in Korean Business, Dong-ki Kim and Linsu Kim (ed.), Korea University Press, Seoul, 1989. (English)
89-1 “Diversification Strategy of Korean Corporations: Analysis of Structure and Performance by Industry,” Structure and Strategy of Korean Corporations (韓國企業의 構造와 戰略), Hak-chong Lee (李學鍾), et. al., Bupmoon-sa (法文社), Seoul, 1989. (Korean)
88-2 “Review of Academic Researches in the Field of Business Policy,” Thirty Years of Business Administration in Korea: Retrospect and Prospect, Jin-Duk So (蘇眞德), et. al., Seoul National University Press, 1988. (Korean)
88-1 “Comparative Analysis of Big Business Groups in 5 Countries from the Sociological Point of View,” the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol, 22, No. 4, December 1988. (Korean)
87-1 “Changing Global Industry Leadership: The Case of Shipbuilding,” with Michael E. Porter, Competition in Global Industries, ed. by Michael E. Porter, Boston, Harvard Business School Press, 1987. (English)
86-1 “On Writing Theses in the Field of the Social Science,” the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. XX, No. 4, December 1986. (Korean)
85-1 “The Sogo-Shosha Transplanted,” Euro-Asia Business Review, Vol. 4, No. 3, July 1985. (English)
84-3 “Shipbuilding Industry: Trends, Characteristics, and Global Competition,” V.R.F. Series, No. 111, Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, Japan, July 1984. (English)
84-2 “Diversification Strategies of the General Trading Company and the Multinational Corporation,” Working Paper 9-785-005, Division of Research, Harvard Business School, July 1984. (English)
84-1 “Incentives and Restraints: Changing Government Roles in Bilateral Direct Investment Between Korea and the United States,” From Patron to Partner: The U.S.-Korean Economic and Business Relationship, ed. by Karl Moskowitz, Lexington Books, 1984. (English); and the same title (韓美 經濟交流의 變化와 展望), Sekyung-sa (世經社), 1984. (Korean)
83-1 “From Unilateral Asymmetry to Bilateral Symmetry: Retrospect of the Economic Relationship between Korea and the United States 1882-1981,” Korea and the United States: A Century of Cooperation, ed. by Young-Nok Koo and Dae-Sook Suh, University of Hawaii Press, 1984. (English); The U.S. and Korea, ed. by Young-Nok Koo (具永錄), Bakyoung-sa (博英社), 1983. (Korean)
82-2 “On the Management of Information by General Trading Company,” Trade Promotion Policy in the 1980s, Seoul, Korean International Economic Institute, July 1982. (Korean)
82-1 “Korean Business Perspectives: Definition and Direction (I),” with Yoo-Keun Shin (愼侑根) and Jong-Won Lim (林鍾沅), the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. XVI, No. 2, Seoul National University, June 1982. (Korean)
81-3 “Korean Overseas Direct Investment: Structure and Performance,” Korean Economic Journal (經濟論集), Vol. XX, No. 1, September 1981. (Korean)
81-2 “Survey on Management of Korean General Trading Company,” the Practice of Management (經營事例硏究所), Vol. XV, No. 1, June 1981. (Korean)
81-1 “The Effects of the Governments Policy on Korean General Trading Companies Performance: A Quantitative Approach,” the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. XV, No. 2, June 1981. (Korean)
80-1 “Anatomy of Korean General Trading Company,” the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. XIV, No. 1, April 1980. (English)
79-1 “Chinese nergy Potentials: With a Main Focus on Oil,” Korean Economic Review, Vol. XIII, No. 1, December 1979. (English)
78-1 “International Facility Planning: Theory and Practice,” the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. XII, No. 3, September 1978. (English)
77-1 “Application of Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis to Korean Transportation Systems,” the Korean Business Journal (經營論集), Vol. XI, No. 4, December 1977. (English)
04-04 “The Mechanism-Based View: A New Paradigm of Strategy in the 21st Century,” Keynote Paper at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Academic Association for Organizational Science, Tokyo, June 19, 2004 (English)
04-03 “The Development of E-Business Index in Korea,” with Hye Jung Kim, Kyoung Jun Lee & Chang Han Lee, the Annual Conference of the International Academy of Electronic Business, Atlantic City, March 30, 2004. (English)
04-02 “Total Ethics Management (TIM): Concept and Implications,” Keynote speech in the Annual Conference of Yunkyung Forum (倫競포럼) on “Ethics is the Source of Competitiveness,” March 10, 2004. (Korean)
04-01 “Business-Government Relations in the Cultural Industry: The Evolution of the Government’s Role in Korea,” with Wijin Park, Conference on “International Business & Government Relations in the 21st Century,” Thunderbird: The American Graduate School of International Management, Phoenix, January, 2004. (English)
03-11 “Bloc Competitiveness: Regional Cooperation among China, Korea and Japan,” with Mi-Hwa Park, Conference on Competitiveness, International Business School, Nankai University, Tianjin, September 2003. (English)
03-10 “National Competitiveness: Theory, Methodology, and Policy Implications,” with Hwy-Chang Moon, Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Monterey, July 2003. (English)
03-9 “The Impact of Copyright Protection on the Choice of Governance Mode in the Country with Market Duality: an Integrative Perspective of Transaction Cost Economics and Resource-Based Theory,” with Wijin Park, Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Monterey, July 2003. (English)
03-8 “Role of Internal Markets in Emerging Market Business Groups: Evidence from Korean and Indian Business Groups,” with Chinmay Pattnaik, Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Monterey, July 2003. (English)
03-7 “Conditions for Implementation Effectiveness of Outside Directors: Empirical Testing on Korean Firms,” with Joo-Tae Kim, Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Monterey, July 2003. (English)
03-6 “Fiction and Truth of Japanese Firms (日本企業의 虛와 實),” Annual Conference, Pusan University, June 21, 2003, (Korean)
03-5 “Measuring Country Image: the Case of South Korea,” IMAGE Conference on Advertising and Consumer Psychology, the Society for Consumer Psychology, June 6, 2003. (English)
03-4 “Contents and Issues of Strategic Management Education (戰略經營敎育의 內容과 이슈),” Keynote Speech at the Korean Strategic Management Society (韓國戰略經營學會), April 26, 2003. (Korean)
03-3 “Design Revolution, Design Theory, Design Management (디자인革命, 디자인理論, 디자인經營),” Keynote Speech at the Korea Costume Culture Society (韓國復飾文化學會), April 12, 2003. (Korean)
03-2 “Firm Policies of the New Government toward Strengthening National Competitiveness (國家競爭力 强化를 위한 新政府의 企業政策,” Keynote Speech at the Special Seminar on the New Government’s Firm Policies (新政府의 企業政策세미나), The Korean Academy of Business Administration (韓國經營學會), April, 11, 2003. (Korean)
03-1 “Integrated Design Strategy: A New Road to Innovation,” Human Resources and Entrepreneurship Conference, Jhejiang University, March 31, 2003. (English)
02-6 “IPS National Competitiveness Report,” with Hwy-Chang Moon, 2002 World Knowledge Forum, October 17, 2002. (English)
02-5 “Measuring National Brand Values,” 2002 World Knowledge Forum, October 17, 2002. (English)
02-4 “Mechanism as a New Paradigm in Strategy Theory,” Annual Conference of Strategic Management Society, Paris, September 2002. (English)
02-3 “National Competitiveness: A Case Study of Korea,” with Hwy-Chang Moon, Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Puerto Rico, June 2002. (English)
02-2 “The Competitiveness of Korean entertainment Industry,” The 2002 ICCM Conference, National Sun-Yat-Sun University, Taiwan, May 24, 2002. (English)
02-1 “China’s Entry into WTO (ChEW) and its Impact,” The 2002 Asia Business Conference, Harvard Business School, Boston, February 2, 2002. (English)
01-9 “IPS National Competitiveness Report: A New Model for Developing Economies and Its Application to Korea,” Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Sydney, November 2001. (English)
01-8 “Korean Economy and Business: the Effect of Corporate Restructuring,” Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Sydney, November 2001. (English)
01-7 “The Effect of TMT and Technological Innovation on the Performance of IT Venture Firms at Different Organization Life Cycle Stages,” with Jaeyoung Kang, Annual Conference of Strategic Management Society, San Francisco, November 2001. (English)
01-6 “Four Stages of Design Revolution: Expansion of the Design Domain and Development of Grand Principles of Design,” Biannual Conference of International Council of Societies of Industrial Design, Seoul, October 2001. (English)
01-5 “Effect of The Digital-Network Environment in E-Business on Governance Mechanism,” with Jootae Kim and Yong-Sauk Hau, Annual Conference of International Academy of Electronic Business, San Francisco, March 2001. (English)
01-4 “Future of Traditional Intermediaries in B2b Market Place: an Analysis of Korean General Trading Companies (GTCs),” with Chinmay Pattnaik, Annual Conference of International Academy of Electronic Business, San Francisco, March 2001. (English)
01-3 “A Typology Of Cybermediaries In South Korea,” with Ji-Yoon Jung, Annual Conference of International Academy of Electronic Business, San Francisco, March 2001. (English)
01-2 “Late Comers’ International Competitiveness and Catching-Up under E-Commerce Environment,” with Xiyou He, Annual Conference of International Academy of Electronic Business, San Francisco, March 2001. (English)
01-1 “The General Trend of E-Commerce in South Korea for the Strategic Benefit,” Jang-Hoon Kim, and Yong-Sauk Hau, Annual Conference of International Academy of Electronic Business, San Francisco, March 2001. (English)
00-13 “Refactory, Korean-style Technique in Management Innovation: Model Building and a Case Study,” with Cheol-Ho Shin, Jae-Young Kang, No-Ryun Park, Annual Conference, Academy of International Business, Phoenix, November 2000 (English)
00-12 “Dynamic Analysis of the SER-M Paradigm Based on the Quadratic Vector Analysis Model,” with Qiang Cui, Annual Conference, Academy of International Business, Phoenix, November 2000 (English)
00-11 “Competitiveness Impacts of Electronic Commerce: SCM Perspective,”
with Sangwook Park and Hwy-Chang Moon, Annual Conference, Academy of International Business, Phoenix, November 2000 (English)
00-10 “National Competitiveness Reports: Critical Comparison of Their Theoretical and Methodological Soundness, with Hwy-Chang Moon, Annual Conference, Academy of International Business, Phoenix, November 2000 (English)
00-9 “Effectiveness of Outside Directors in Korean Companies: Institution Theory Perspective,” with Jootae Kim, Annual Conference, Academy of International Business, Phoenix, November 2000 (English)
00-8 “The Integration Model of 14 Innovative Management Techniques,” Annual Conference, Academy of Management, Toronto, August 2000 (English)
00-7 “Corporate Governance and Professional Management in the Era of Post-chaebol Venture Corporations,” July Conference, Korean Institute for Human Resources Development, Seoul, July 2000 (Korean)
00-6 “Venture Strategy in the Era of 3D---Digital, DNA and Design,” Keynote Speech at the Inaugural Conference of Korea Bio-venture Association, Seoul, July 2000 (Korean)
00-5 “Engineering Technology and National Competitiveness,” Keynote Speech at the Annual Conference of Korean Industrial Chemistry, Seoul, May 2000 (Korean)
00-4 “Consumer Finance Industry in Korea,” Keynote Speech at the Waseda Conference on Consumer Finance Industry, Tokyo, March 2000 (English)
00-3 “Korea-India Cooperation in Information Technology,” National Association of Software and Service Companies, Bangalore, May 2000 (English)
00-2 “Paradigm Shift in the Corporate Sector and Growth of Venture Firms: Korean Experiences,” Korea-Australia Economic Seminar, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Melbourne, April, 2000 (English)
00-1 “The ser-M Paradigm for Making a Strong Corporation and a Strong Nation,” The First Conference on “ser-M” Paradigm, Seoul, January 2000 (Korean)
99-8 “Financial Sector Reforms and Restructuring in Korea and India,” The Third Korea-India Dialogue, New Delhi, December 1999 (English)
99-7 “A Research on The Effects of Ownership Structure on Diversification Strategy: Empirical Analysis of Korean Firms,” Academy of International Business, Charleston, November 1999 (English)
99-6 “Corporate Governance in Korea: Myth and Truth,” The Conference on Asia in Economic Recovery: Policy Options for Growth and Stability, The Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore, June 1999 (English)
99-5 “The Encounter of Design and Management,” Annual Conference of Korea Design Association, Seoul, May 1999 (Korean)
99-4 “Feasibility Study and Policy Recommendation for Overseas Petroleum Development,” Annual Conference, Korea Petroleum Association, Seoul, April, 1999 (Korean)
99-3 “Cooperative R&D in Japan and Korea: A Comparison of Industrial Policy,” with Mariko Sakakibara, Annual Conference, The Academy of International Business, Charleston, November 1999 (English)
99-3 “Financial Crisis Management: Korean Experience,” The Korea-UK Forum, Seoul, April 1999 (English)
99-2 “Restructuring of the Korean Government,” The Public Hearing, The Korean Government, Seoul, March 1999 (Korean)
99-1 “Competitiveness of Industrial Design Industry,” The Association for Industrial Design, The Federation of Korean Industries, Seoul, January 1999 (Korean)
98-2 “The Interactive Effects of Diversification Strategy and Entry Mode on Economic Performance: Empirical Analysis of 30 Major Chaebol Groups in Korea,” with Ki-Sung Park, Annual Conference, Academy of International Business, Vienna, October 1998. (English)
98-1 “The Environment Creating Mechanism of a Firm: A Road to Sustained Survival and Growth,” The 25th Fuji Business History Conference, Tokyo and Kyoto, January 1998. (English)
97-11 “Korean Firms Investment Abroad: Advantage Creating Mechanism,” The Second Korea-India Dialogue, Seoul, November, 1997.(English)
97-10 “Restructuring of the Korean Economy: The Challenge for the Entry to an Advanced Economy (韓國經濟의 리스트럭처링: 先進國으로의 進入을 爲한 課題),” The Autumn Special Seminar of the Korea Strategic Management Society (韓國戰略經營學會 秋季 特別세미나), Seoul, September, 1997. (Korean)
97-9 “The Competitive Advantage of Late Movers: What Types of Markets Should They Choose?” with Jinah Choi and H. Chang Moon, Academy of International Business, Monterey, Mexico, October 1997 (English)
97-8 “Asian Networking of Korean Firms: Triplization, Leapfrogging, and Global Networking Strategy,” with Yun-Cheol Lee, Academy of International Business, Monterey, Mexico, October 1997 (English)
97-7 “Dynamics of Key Success Factors: Inter-national vs. Intra-national Evolution of Semiconductor Industries in the U.S., Japan and Korea 1960-1995,” with Jang-Hoon Kim, The Strategic Management Society, Barcelona, October 1997 (English)
97-6 “A New Industrial Classification System Based on Core Competence,” with Dong-Hyun Lee, The 41st Annual Meeting, The International Society for the Systems Sciences, Seoul, July 1997 (English)
97-5 “Management Innovation Techniques as Action Types of Organization Change,” with Cheol-Ho Shin, The 41st Annual Meeting, The International Society for the Systems Sciences, Seoul, July 1997 (English)
97-4 “Harmony of National Competitiveness and Corporate Competitiveness,” The 41st Annual Meeting, The International Society for the Systems Sciences, Seoul, July 1997 (English)
97-3 “Family Succession and Diversification: A New Agency Problem in Diversification,” with Choelsoon Park and Ji-Hwan Lee, The 41st Annual Meeting, The International Society for the Systems Sciences, Seoul, July 1997 (English)
97-2 “Harmony and Balance between National Competitiveness and City Competitiveness,” Joint Academic Conference on “National Policy and Systematic Thought for Korea in the Twenty-First Century,” Korean Society for System Science, The Association of Scholars in Politics and Economics, and the Korean Strategic Management Society, Seoul, May 1997 (English)
97-1 “The Balancing Mechanism of Centripetal Force and Centrifugal Force: A New Paradigm for the New Age,” The Conference on Convergence and Diversity, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, March 1997 (English)
96-6 “A New Look at the Effectiveness of the Industrial Policy: Comparison of Korean and Japanese Industrial Policies 1946-93,” Strategic Management Society, Phoenix, Arizona, November 1996 (English)
96-5 “Transferability of the Mechanism as a Criterion of Relatedness in Diversification: Case Studies of Daewoo, Hyundai, LGF and Samsung,” Strategic Management Society, Phoenix, Arizona, November 1996 (English)
96-4 “From National Competitiveness to Bloc and Global Competitiveness,” Academy of International Business, Banff, Canada, September 1996 (English)
96-3 “A Nations International Competitiveness in Different Stages of Economic Development,” Academy of International Business, Banff, Canada, September 1996 (English)
96-2 “Three Strategies of Japanese FDI in Asia: Dualization, Sequential-migration and Network Structuring,” Academy of International Business, Banff, Canada, September 1996 (English)
96-1 “Empirical Study on Life Cycle Model of National Competitiveness: The Case of Korea,” Academy of International Business, Banff, Canada, September 1996 (English)
95-2 “SER-M: A New Paradigm in Strategy Theory,” Strategic Management Society, Mexico City, October 1995. (English)
95-1 “Deregulation and International Competitiveness of Energy Industry (에너지産業의 規制緩和와 國際競爭力),” Korean Association of Resource Economics (資源經濟學會), 1995. (Korean)
94-1 “A New Approach in Industry Classification Based on Core Competitive Advantages (核心競爭優位를 통한 産業分類),” Korean Association of Business Administration (韓國經營學會), 1994. (Korean)
93-6 “Sequential and Migration Strategy,” Academy of International Business, Boston, 1994. (English)
93-5 “New Paradigm of International Competitiveness,” SMS Annual Conference, Chicago, October 1993. (English)
93-4 “Dynamic Integration of Generic Strategy,” SMS Annual Conference, Chicago, October 1993. (English)
93-3 “Dynamic Integration of Generic Strategies (本源的戰略의 動態的 結合),” Korean Association of Business Administration (韓國經營學會), 1993. (Korean)
93-2 “Comparative Analysis of Korean and Japanese Industrial Policies Through Government Documents (官報分析을 通한 韓日産業政策 比較硏究),” Korean Association of Business Administration (韓國經營學會), 1993. (Korean)
93-1 “The Content Analysis of Industrial Policy as a Means to Strengthen International Competitiveness (國際競爭力 强化를 위한 産業政策 內容에 관한 硏究),” The Korean Association of Industrial Organization (産業組織學會), 1993. (Korean)
92-2 “Strategies to Invigorate Business Activities as a Means to Upgrade Industrial Competitiveness (産業競爭力 提高를 위한 企業活動 振作方案),” keynote paper at the Symposium of the Korea Chamber of Commerce (大韓商工會議所), September 24, 1992. (Korean)
92-1 “Tasks and Policy Directions of Small-and Medium Companies in the Midst of Changing Industrial Structure (産業構造調整過程에 있어서 中小企業의 課題와 政策方向),” keynote speech at the Fourth Symposium about the Spoort Process of Small-and Medium Companies, The Industrial Bank (中小企業銀行), September 17, 1992. (Korean)
91-1 “The International Advertising Strategy: A Case of a Korean MNC,” with Jin-Ah Choi, presented at the Annual Conference of Academy of International Business, Miami, October 1991. (Engligh)
90-3 “The Concept of General Trading Company,” China Development Institute, 1990.
90-2 “Business-Government Relation in Korean Private Sector,” SMS Annual Conference, 1990. (English)
90-1 “Competitiveness of GTC: Conceptual Study,” Pan-Pacific Conference, 1990. (English)
89-3 “A Comparative Analysis of Chinas Military Strategy and Modern Strategy,” presented at the Annual Conference of Academy International Business, Singapore, November 1989. (English)
89-2 “Koreas Big Business Group: Strategy, Structure and Performance,” with Jae-Yong Song, presented at the Annual Conference of Academy of International Business, Singapore, November 1989. (English)
89-1 “Factors of Foreign Reinvestment in Korea,” with Ki-Sung Park, presented at the Annual Conference of Academy of International Business, Singapore, November 1989. (English)
84-2 “Global Competition and Global Strategies: A Case of the Shipbuilding Industry,” presented at the International Conference of the Academy of International Business, Singapore, June 14-16, 1984. (English)
84-1 “Incentives and Restraints: Changing Government Roles in Bilateral Direct Investment Between Korea and the United States,” presented at the Conference on U.S.-Korea Business and Economic Relations, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 19, 1983. (English)
82-4 “Anatomy of Korean General Trading Company (Revised),” presented at the Second Asia-Pacific Conference of the Academy of International Business, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 1982. (English)
82-3 “On the Management of Information by General Trading Company,” invited paper at the Seminar on the Trade Promotion Policy, Korea Institute on Industry, Economics and Technology, April 1982
82-2 “From Unilateral Asymmetry to Bilateral Symmetry: Retrospect of the Economic Relationship between Korea and the United States 1882-1981,” Invited paper at the Centennial Conference on American-Korean Relations, jointly sponsored by American Studies Institute, Seoul National University and Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 1982.
82-1 “Korean General Trading Company: Structure, Past Performance, Current Status, and Future Prospects,” Keynote paper at the Research Seminar of the Korean Management Association, Seoul, Korea, February 1982. (Korean)
81-3 “Chinese Market: Its Potentials, MNCs Penetration Strategies, and its Relevance to Asian Countries,” with Se-Joe Oh, presented at the AIB/EIBA Joint International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, December 1981. (English)
81-2 “Introduction to Korean General Trading Company,” keynote paper at the 1st Joint Conference of Korea/Canada Business Council, Seoul, Korea, September 1981. (English)
81-1 “Commonalities of Three Oil Industries in Korea,” invited paper at the 11th International Conference on the Policies of National Resources in the 1980s: Energy and Security, Seoul, Korea, June 1981. (English)
80-4 “Multinationalization of Korean Small Companies,” keynote paper at the 5th Conference of the Academy of Korea Medium and Small Industry, Daejun, Korea, October 1980. (Korean)
80-3 “Multinationalism of the U.S. Corporations: The Case of Korea,” invited paper at the 15th American Studies International Seminar, Kyoungju, Korea, September 1980. (English)
80-2 “Stages of Internationalization: The Case of Korean Enterprise,” invited paper at the International Seminar on Internationalization Strategies of Korean Business in a Changing World Economy, Seoul, Korea, May 1980. Also published in Korean Journal of International Business, Vol. I, Korea University, July 1980. (English)
80-1 “Challenges for Korean Managers in the 1980s” invited paper at the Seminar on Korean Economy and Management Today. The Federation of Korean Industries, January 1980. Also published in Korean Business Review, FKI, March 1980. (English)
79-1 “Evaluation of the Korean Government Strategies to Develop General Trading Companies,” presented at the Asia-Pacific Conference of the Academy of International Business, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 1979. (English)
77-1 “Application of Scientific Approaches to International Facility Planning,” presented at the 23rd International Meeting to TIMS, Athens, Greece, July 1977. (English)
90-1 “Reformation of Koreas Big Business Groups (財閥改造論),” Chosun Monthly (月刊朝鮮), May 1990. (Korean)
89-4 “Current Status of Korean Petroleum Industry (韓國石油産業의 現況),” Petroleum (石油), Vol. 11, No. 3, Korea Petroleum Development Corporation, September 1989. (Korean)
89-3 “Why Does the Society Criticize Chaebol?” (왜 社會는 財閥을 批判하는가?) Journalism and Criticism (言論과 批評), Vol. I, No. 4, September 1989. (Korean)
89-2 “Foreign Investment Strategy: Finding Advantageous Factors in Local Market,” the Monthly Modern Management (月刊現代經營), Korea Management Association, July 1989. (Korean)
89-1 “Future of Corporation and Conditions of Corporate Excellence,” Forum Paper, Vol. 11, Korea Institute for Socio-Economic Affairs (韓國産業經濟硏究所), April 1989. (Korean)
88-1 “Corporate Internationalization and Foreign Investment Strategy,” International Trade, No. 264, Korea Foreign Trade Association, August 1988. (Korean)
87-2 “Trade Frictions and Korean Policies” (貿易摩擦과 韓國의 政策), Chun-Kyung-Ryun Monthly, No. 270, The Federation of Korean Industries, May 1987. (Korean)
87-1 “Four Factors to Know : Must-Win Strategy in the Era of Strategic Management,” the Monthly Modern Management, Korea Management Association, January 1987. (Korean)
86-1 “Internationalization of Koreas Medium-to-Small Companies,” Monthly Economic Review, Industrial Bank of Korea, March 1986. (Korean)
82-1 “Global Oil Situation and Korean Energy Policy,” The Korean Petroleum Association Bulletin, Vol. 15, Korea Petroleum Association, May 1982. (Korean)
81-1 “Effects of the 88 Seoul Olympics on Korean Exports,” International Trade, Korean Traders Association, November 1981. (Korean)
80-1 “The Third Energy Crisis: Causes and Effects,” Petroleum, Vol. II, No. 4, Korea Petroleum Development Corporation, December 1980. (Korean)
79-1 “Effects of Oil Industry on Korean Economic Development,” Petroleum, Vol. I, No. 4, Korea Petroleum Development Corporation, December 1979. (Korean)