Emeritus Faculty

Strategy and International Management

Professor Introduction

Sang Kee Min is Professor of International Finance at Seoul National University. He was an Executive Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Graduate School. He received his PhD at the University of Michigan.
Academically, he was the Founding President of the Korea Association of Derivatives and President of the Korea Money and Finance Association. In government, he served as Commissioner of the Stock Exchange Commission, Chairperson of the Committee for Financial Development at Ministry of Finance and Economy, and as Chairperson of the Public Funds Oversight Committee.
His research focuses on international financial issues. His research has appeared in Korea Securities Association, Midwest Finance Association, and Academy of International Business.

Education & Experiences


1970 B. A. in Economics, College of Commerce, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
1973 Master of Business Administration, Asian Institute of Management, Makati, Philippines
1976 Ph.D. in International Business, The University of Michigan


1977-Present Professor of International Finance, Seoul National University
2000.12-2001.11 Executive Vice Chancellor & Dean of the Graduate school, SNU
2001.4-2002.4 Dean of School of International and Area studies, SNU
2000.1-2000.12 Dean of Planning and Coordination, SNU
2001-Present Chairman, Committee for Financial Development,
Ministry of Finance & Economy
2002-Present Chairman, Korea Money and Finance Association
1996-Present Chairman, Advisory Committee, Korea Futures Exchange
1999-2001 Member, Managing Board. Korean Center for International Finance
1997-1998 Commissioner, Korea Stock Exchange Commission
1990-1997 Advisor, Korea Export Import Bank
1994-1995 President, Korean Academy of International Business
1991-1993 Founding President, Korea Association of Futures and Options
1986-1987 Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo
1984-1987 Special Adviser to President on International Finance,
Korea Electric Power Corporation
1984-1986 Member of Advisory Committee, Economic Planning Board



Hedge Theories in Futures Market (1996)
Global Financial Strategy (1998)
Causes of Korean Crisis (1998)
Cross-border Movement of Short Term Capital (1998)


- 1997
*Universal Banking Systems vs. Specialized Banking Systems: Do Economies of Scope in Universal Banking System Exist?
*Price Volatility and Trading Volume in the Foreign Exchange Market
*Foreign Exchange Market Efficiency: A Time Varying Volatility Approach
Performance Premium of Universal Banking System
Effectiveness of Stack Hedge: A Case study on Metalgesellschaft

- 1998
The Effect of Futures Transaction on Domestic Financial Market
Supervision on the Risk Management in Securities Industry
Effectiveness of Central Bank Intervention
*Asian Perspective on the Regional Crisis.
*Korean Crisis
*Asian Crisis

- 1999
Contagion Effects in Asian Crisis
What Is the Hedge Fund?
*Redesigning Channels of Capital Flow in the Age of Global Finance

- 2000
The Unfinished Symphony (Financial Restructuring in 3 East Countries)
The Asian Puzzle: Understanding the 1997 crisis, Asian Institute of Management

- 2001
FDI in Asia: Academy of International Business
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