[일반] [생산서비스운영 초청 세미나] 미국 Arizona State University Thomas Choi 교수님
서울대학교 경영대학 생산서비스운영 전공에서 아래와 같이 해외 연사 초청 세미나를 개최하고자 합니다.
관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.
- 주제: The Nature of Supply Networks
- 일시: 10월 16일 (수) 17:00 - 18:30
- 장소: 59동 120호 (대면 진행)
- 발표자: Thomas Choi 교수 (Professor of Supply Chain Management, AT&T Professor of Business;
Regents Professor of Arizona State University;
Co-Director, Complex Adaptive Supply Networks Research Accelerator (CASN-RA);
Author of The Nature of Supply Networks) - 초록: Supply chains are networks. This talk will incorporate network concepts to understand how companies work together in dyads and triads, how they manage their supply base and extended supply chains, and how they are ultimately embedded in larger networks. To theorize their behavior, supply networks are framed as complex adaptive systems. Synthesizing decades of research, the talk will offer an overview of a recently published book, The Nature of Supply Networks (Oxford University Press, 2023), that considers the dynamic patterns of supply networks and how to strategically manage them for more
resilience. - 담당 조교: 전현주 (
- 참석 가능 대상: 전공불문 학부생 및 대학원생 누구나 (사전 신청 불필요)