
[일반] [생산서비스운영 초청 세미나] 미국 Iowa State University 박영웅 교수님

2024-05-22l Hit 439
서울대학교 경영대학 생산서비스운영 전공에서 아래와 같이 해외 연사 초청 세미나를 개최하고자 합니다.
관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다. 
  • 주제: Coarsened Robust and Inclusive Matching
  • 일시: 5월 31일 (금) 14:00 - 15:30 
  • 장소: 58동 120호 (대면 진행)
  • 발표자: 박영웅 교수 (Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics, Debbie and Jerry Ivy College of Business, Iowa State University)
  • 논문 초록: Matching is used to isolate the effect of treatment and establish causal relationships, especially when dealing with observational data, where units are not randomly assigned to treatment or control groups, or selection bias exists. In this talk, we propose a new imbalance measure, coarsened robust matching, by extending the coarsened exact matching and using multiple histograms. We develop a mixed integer linear program to optimize the imbalance measures, show computational complexity, and develop algorithms to build more robust matched samples. Further, we propose a mixed integer linear program to create a more inclusive matched data set by preserving the proportions of protected or minority group samples. The computational experiment based on popular benchmark data sets shows that the proposed models and algorithms can significantly reduce the absolute symmetric mean difference and variance ratio from the benchmarks in the literature. In addition, our algorithms demonstrate robust and consistent results across the number of histogram bin choices. Utilizing a grocery coupon usage data, we investigate the effectiveness of the proposed models and discuss how inclusive matching helps reducing the biases in causal inference for the effect of customized coupons on trip revenue and customer visits. 
  • 담당 조교: 전현주 (
  • 참석 가능 대상: 전공불문 학부생 및 대학원생 누구나 (사전 신청 불필요)
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