[일반] 생산서비스운영 전공 세미나 안내
강연자: 카이스트 산업공학과 민승기 교수
일시: 5/23일(월) 16:00-17:30
장소: 58동 119호
세미나 언어: 영어
주제: Introduction to bandit optimization
초록: Bandit optimization deals with the situations where the decision maker wants to optimize his/her decision while learning about the environment, and the bandit algorithms have been actively applied to a wide range of business applications such as recommender systems, A/B testing, dynamic pricing, etc. In this lecture, a brief overview on the area of bandit optimization will be provided: the issue of exploration-exploitation trade-off, a mathematical formulation of a bandit optimization problem, and some popular bandit algorithms. If time permits, dynamic programming approaches to Bayesian bandit optimization will also be discussed.
강연자: Kansas State University 김명교 교수
일시: 6/13일(월) 16:30-18:00
장소: 58동 119호
세미나 언어: 영어
주제: Supplier Governance and Manufacturing Competitiveness: A Contingency Perspective
초록: Supplier governance is a critical strategic issue for the success of supply chain management. This study aims to address the following research questions: 1) What are the usage and effectiveness of governance mechanisms in reducing the opportunism and adaptation problems? and 2) How does the state of economic development or other contingency factors influence the adoption of governance mechanisms?