
[일반] 일본 NUCB Winter Program 홍보

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경영대학과 협정을 맺고 있는 일본 Nagoya University of Commerce and Business(NUCB)의 윈터프로그램 홍보입니다. 관심있는 학생들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

1. 프로그램명: Entrepreneurial Thinking
2. 프로그램 기간: 6일 (2022년 1월 21일: 오리엔테이션, 24일-27일: 강의 & 발표, 31일: 파이널 프로젝트) 
3. 지원마감일: 2022년 1월 3일 (월) 
4. 온라인 등록 및 비용지불마감일: 2022년 1월 16일 (일)
5. 프로그램 비용:
  - 협정교 학생: 35,000 JPY
  - 과거/현재 교환학생 그리고 2022학년도 봄학기 교환학생: 20,000 JPY
  - 과거 단기프로그램 참가자: 20,000 JPY
6. 특전:
  - 3 ECTS 학점 (2 NUCB 학점)
  - 수료증명서 (Certificate of Completiton)
  - 성적증명서
7. 문의처: 경영대학 국제교류실 김재연 (, 내선: 8597)

Present the NUCB Virtual Winter Program
Entrepreneurial Thinking

The NUCB Undergraduate School and the NUCB Business School are proud to continue their joint cooperation of offering seasonal short-term programs with the Virtual Winter Program, Entrepreneurial Thinking. Providing an opportunity for interaction and academic growth during the winter break, the program consists of a week of lectures for bachelor and master (MSc) students, supplemented by presentations from industry experts and culminating in a final group project and presentation.

Much is made of the incredible ability to uniquely identify ripe opportunities for innovation that has been exhibited by the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. By establishing a model for this dynamic capability, innovating application of resources, technologies, and behavioral tools toward advantageous ends, this program aims to demystify the keys to their success. The sessions throughout the program will empower participants to articulate novel insights and exploit opportunities of their own discovery.

Completion of the program will earn participants academic credits and a Certificate of Completion, as well as an international network with participants and speakers from all over the world!

What are the benefits of this program?
  • Discover the entrepreneur’s mindset and tools to find new insights
  • Make this the first step prior to coming to Japan in the near future
  • Ideal to maximize opportunities during quarantine period
  • Enjoy live interactions with experts and participants from all over the world
  • Group project to develop intercultural & decision-making competences
  • Certificate of Completion and extra credits this winter

Day Day 0

January 21
Day 1

January 24
Day 2

January 25
Day 3

January 26
Day 4

January 27
Day 5

January 31
15:00 - 17:00

Orientation & Welcome Party
11:00 - 12:40



11:00 - 12:40


Learn to Pitch

11:00 - 12:40


Tech for Social Entrepreneurship

11:00 - 12:40


Future of Entertaintment Industry
11:00 - 17:50

Group Project 
13:40 - 17:20


Insights from Entrepreneurs

Prof. Lim
13:40 - 17:20


Innovative Application of Resources

Prof. Goi
13:40 - 17:20


Leveraging Technology for Innovation

Prof. Wong
13:40 - 17:20


Gaining Behavioral Insights and Nudging

Prof. Qin

Program Details
Duration: 6 days (Jan. 21st: orientation, 24th - 27th: lectures & presentations, 31st: final project)

  • 3 ECTS credits (2 NUCB credits)
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Transcript of Grades

Program fee:

  • Students from partner universities: 35,000 JPY
  • Past/current exchange and Spring 2022 exchange students: 20,000 JPY
  • Past short-term program participants: 20,000 JPY

Syllabus: Click here to access the program's syllabus.

Read Tesimonials of past Short-term Programs

This program draws from the success of our seasonal short-term programs and participants will now dwell into a topic that is befitting of what is considered as the golden era of entrepreneurship. Leveraging technology, purposefully adopting the use of resources, gaining behavioral insights, participants will become able to adopt a mindset that enables them to be innovative in order to find new insights and create new values. 

Please share this information with your students and contact us through the form below for your inquiries.

Inquiry Form

 Insights from Entrepreneurs
Prof. Ricardo Lim

Innovative Application of Resources
Prof. Goi Hoe Chin

Leveraging Technology for Innovation
Prof. Louie Wong

Gaining Behavioral Insights and Nudging
Prof. Dan Qin

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