SNUbiz News

2023 Management Camp Held in Four Years

October 18, 2023l Hit 297
The 2023 Management Camp (hereinafter Management Camp) was held on August 12, Saturday, at the SUPEX HALL, Building No. 58 of the SNU Business School, with high school mentees from various parts of Korea and student mentors and staff. Hosted by the 37th SNU Business School Student Union “Hanghae (Voyage),” this event was attended by 39 high school students in their second grade who came from various parts of the country, 8 student mentors, 14 student staff, along with Vice Dean of Student Affairs Professor Woojin Kim, and Professor Dong Beom Choi.

This year’s event was significant as it was the first Management Camp to be held in four years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Management Camp has played a crucial role as a window for SNU Business School students to transfer their experience and knowledge to high school students who aspire to study business management. This year’s event was even more special as participants were selected in consideration of regional equality, which was a part of the organizer’s efforts to take on social responsibility and contribute to alleviating the regional gap for educational opportunities.

The 2023 Management Camp was 13 hours long, starting with the registration of the mentees at 8:30 a.m. and ending with the closing remarks and certification ceremony at 9:30 p.m. Although the event was a long one that began early in the morning and ended late at night, the atmosphere of the event was heated with the enthusiasm of the mentees.

The Management Camp began with opening remarks from Vice Dean of Student Affairs Professor Woojin Kim. This was followed by a fascinating and succinct special lecture on corporate finance, which allowed the mentees to think, question, and learn about "what management is."

In the ice-breaking session, the mentors and mentees of each group spent more time getting to know each other, and in the session on introducing the department and student life, a lecture was given to introduce mentees to a brief introduction of SNU Business School, and routines and study tips from SNU students.

In the afternoon, mentees participated in a management simulation program where they tried to provide solutions for existing corporations to reach their goals. This program was divided into education, activities, and presentation and evaluation sessions. Despite the time limit, the mentees worked well in teams under the guidance of their mentors and succeeded in giving excellent presentations. Professor Dong Beom Choi served as the evaluator, and the group that consulted “Disney+” won first place and received gifts.

The Camp ended with closing remarks from Professor Dong Beom Choi and a certification ceremony. There were no safety issues until the end of the event, as all participants went home safely.

Eight members of the Student Support Team and student mentors and staff worked tirelessly to program the 2023 Management Camp. A successful end to the 2023 Management Camp would not have been possible without the enthusiasm and endeavor of the students found in every part of the event, such as designing and making uniforms for the event, planning and preparing various programs, and researching companies for management simulation activities.

After a long COVID-19-induced hiatus, high school students aspiring to study management and university students eager to share their talents reconnected through the 2023 Management Camp, an event that planted a seed of hope in the local community. Hopefully, this event will become a starting point for the SNU Business School to make even more contributions to the local community.
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