SNUbiz News

From a Hyundai Man to a Golf Course CEO, the Magic of Golf According to CEO Jae-sub Chung

October 18, 2023l Hit 203

Q: Please introduce yourself to our readers.
A: I am Jae-sub Chung, and I enrolled in the College of Business Administrations at Seoul National University in 1982. After graduating in 1986, I worked at the Hyundai Group, a multinational corporation and an M&A company. I founded and currently run the Royal Links Country Club in Taean, Chungcheongnam-do.

Q: How did you first join the Hyundai Group?
A: My advisor, Professor Jongwon Lim, was a marketing specialist and an adviser for the Hyundai Motor Company. In the final months of my second year, I developed a fascination with cars. The natural course for me was to consider joining the Hyundai Motor Company, and when I was hoping to work on exporting products by competing with foreign companies, I had the opportunity to work in the department responsible for such tasks at the Hyundai Group.

Q: What attracted you to golf, and what makes it so fascinating?
A: I initially played golf for business meetings for work. However, I had the opportunity to learn how to golf seriously by enrolling in the Professional Golfers Career College in California, where I grew more interested in the sport. The time I spent learning allowed me to appreciate golf itself as a sport.
One of the biggest attractions of golf is its sportsmanship. In my opinion, golf is the only sport that allows players from multiple generations to play together. Golf has multiple tee boxes (teeing ground), which allows you to play golf at a tee box (teeing ground) that matches your skill level, depending on your physical conditions and golfing skills. It embodies a spirit of fair competition. Unlike other sports, which often involve forceful movements, golf is also played for over four hours as players go through 18 holes, so players can spend time together in conversations. Moreover, golf is a sport that demands consideration towards other players. Unlike other sports, golf does not have any umpires, so players need to know and adhere to the rules and be considerate to fellow players. It was these values that made golf more enjoyable for me. In the process of promoting these values in Korea, I provided consultations for multiple golf courses and served as a golf commentator for SBS before establishing my own golf course.

Q: Many entrepreneurs starting businesses these days face difficulties. As an entrepreneur who experienced such challenges beforehand, please share your advice with budding entrepreneurs following in your footsteps.
A: First and foremost, it is important to remember your initial intentions. You might have the temptation to give up when things are excruciatingly difficult. However, I believe it is even more critical in those moments to reflect on your original intentions, redirect yourself if necessary, and persevere until the very end. I also had an experience putting in a great deal of effort to defend my initial intentions in difficult times by visiting and persuading my investors in person.

Q: What is your advice for students concerned about their career path?
A: As a parent myself, I would like to share what I have told my children. I have not lived in the ever-changing world that you currently experience. In my days, we lived our lives working for a single company. However, you will now have longer average life spans and have multiple life cycles before you. You will also make mistakes along the way. Nevertheless, I hope that you continue to be motivated throughout such experiences. To stay motivated, consider what field you like or are interested in. You will be able to overcome any challenges once you carefully consider what you want to do, what you enjoy, or what you think you would enjoy doing.

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