SNUbiz News

Orientation Held for Exchange/ Visiting Students of the First Semester of 2023

May 18, 2023l Hit 491

SNU Business School held a welcoming orientation for both international exchange and visiting students on February 27, Monday. This event, which was held in person for the first time in four years since the COVID-19 outbreak, was organized to help both exchange and visiting students adjust to school life and instill with a sense of pride and belonging as members of the Business School.

Conducted by Office of International Relations, orientation was attended by 48 exchange and visiting students, Business School student union “Voyage,” and Professor Woojin Kim, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. Opening with Associate Dean’s welcome remarks, orientation helped students adjust to the university by introducing them to academic curriculum, course registration procedures, and school facilities. In addition, Business School student union “Voyage” also gave a brief presentation on student activities, adding to their expectation of life at SNU.

Various games were prepared for the ice-breaking session and led students to interact with each other. Souvenirs were given to the winners of the games and added to the excitement.
Q&A session was held after the event, where students could receive answers to their questions. Students commented that the orientation was an enjoyable and informative event that provided much information on the SNU Business School.
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