SNUbiz News
Orientation Held for International Students
1) Networking Session held for International Recipients of the Global Korea Scholarship
The SNU Business School held a networking session for the second semester of 2022 for the international students participating in the Global Korea Scholarship Invitation Program to bond and get to know each other better. The event was held virtually via Zoom to avoid the spread of COVID-19.
Beginning with a welcoming remark from Professor Woojin Kim, the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, this event provided information about the SNU Business School and instilled the students with a sense of belonging as members of the Business School. Students received the Business School English web brochure for the second semester of 2022, followed by an introduction to the Business School and academic information, an introduction to the student council Boreum, and an ice-breaking session with games.
After an introduction to the university and academic information from the staff at the Office of International Exchange, the student council Boreum introduced the student council and its upcoming projects. The GM Team at Boreum shared a link to an open chat room and encouraged the international students receiving the Global Korea Scholarship to join the chat room to share information and make friends.
In the Ice-breaking session, the students played the "Name the Words," "You, too? Me, too!" and "Guess the Business School Facilities" games. For the "Name the Words" games, the international students took turns to think of words or names that fit the theme "When I go to Business School." The theme of the "You, too? Me, too!" game was "Your Favorite Korean Food," and students shared the same words they chose. For the "Guess the Business School Facilities" game, students were shown pictures of the facilities and gained an understanding of them by guessing their names. Despite this being a virtual event, the students quickly became closer and got to know each other better thanks to the games.
The event ended with a Q&A session with the international students participating in the Global Korea Scholarship Invitation Program. Students who participated in the session commented that this networking session was enjoyable and helpful as they acquired much information about life at SNU.
Mahsa Behnamrad(Doctoral Program, Matriculating Class of 2022) from India said, "I am thankful to study at a university with a good curriculum." Mahsa added, "It is a little bit unfortunate that we had to meet virtually due to COVID-19, but I look forward to sharing information and becoming good friends with other GKS students."
2) Orientation for Exchange/Visiting Students
Now that the sweltering heat has passed and autumn has come, many exchange/visiting students from all over the world have joined the campus, welcoming the beginning of the new second semester of 2022. The Business School held an orientation to greet the students on August 31 to introduce them to its major facilities and curriculum.
A total of 43 students with varying nationalities from 32 universities joined the Business School as exchange or visiting students this semester. This orientation introduced the students to the Business School's various facilities and curriculum. The student council Boreum also introduced the council and future events. The student council especially encouraged the students to join the open chat room and created an opportunity to share information.
The introductory session was followed by an ice-breaking session through which the exchange students became acquainted and got to know more about each other. To break the ice, the students played the "Guess the Business School Facilities" game. Similarly to the networking session between the GKS students, students had to see the photos of Business School facilities and guess their names, which helped them learn more about the Business School.
Julius Thomas Schneider from Germany said, "The Business School is the only department at SNU that has an orientation session for exchange students. We were able to acquire information about the academic curriculum and life on campus. Thank you for allowing us to ask questions and communicate with each other."
The exchange students could receive more information about their upcoming semester on campus and become friends by exchanging information in the Q&A session after the event.