SNUbiz News

Greetings from Dean Sang-Hoon Kim

March 10, 2022l Hit 746
Greetings from Dean Sang-Hoon Kim
Dean Sang-Hoon Kim (College of Business Administration, Class of '84) majored in business administration at Seoul National University, earned an MBA at the University of Chicago, and his doctoral degree in business at Standford University. He teaches and researches high-tech marketing and art and cultural marketing. He currently serves as the Dean of the Seoul National University Business School.
Dear members and alumni of the SNU Business School,

Greetings! I am Sang-Hoon Kim, who becamse the Dean of the Business School in late January. I still clearly remember the moment I became the Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs two years ago when the entire university went into a panic due to the unprecedented pandemic. While we may not have fully overcome COVID-19, we can all agree that now is the time to return to our "normal" lives.

The SNU Business School Newsroom will continue pursuing the mission set by our former dean, Professor Youjae Yi, who has actively and earnestly communicated with our fellow alumni during the past two years. We will share the news, however big or small, through the SNUbiz Newsletter and continue to upload interviews and columns with professors and alumni. I wonder how you are doing in these time of rapid transformation. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any special news or special announements to make. A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved, and happiness shared will return to us tenfold and even a hundredfold. 

I wish you good health and sincerely hope that all your wishes for this year come true. The SNU Business School, which has been quietly building up its strength during the past two years, plans to take a giant step this year. I greatly appreciate your attention and support.
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