SNUbiz News

The 10th  BEST Alliance Symposium

December 3, 2021l Hit 466

On November 12 2021, the 10th BEST Alliance Symposium was held. SNU Business School first signed MOU for the BEST Business School Alliance in 2012 with Guanghua School of Management, Peking University in China and Hitotsubashi University, School of International Corporate Strategy in Japan to form a full-fledged partnership collaborating education, research, and other mutual interest. Three schools shall take turns to serve as a secretariat for the alliance year by year. Due to Covid-19, 2021 BEST Symposium hosted by Peking University was held virtually by Teams. Participants were leadership and faculty from each school as Dean Youjae Yi, Associate Dean of Student Affairs Kyoungmi Lee and staffs at Office of International Relations from SNU Business school attended the Symposium.

Opening with welcome address by Dean Qiao Liu from Peking, Dean Youjae Yi from SNU and Dean Kazuo Ichijo of Hitotsubashi greeted and introduced members from each school. Dean Liu said, "The BEST Alliance has been able to grow based on mutual cooperation, partnership, and faith since 2012. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to this collaboration and congratulate 10th anniversary this year”. Peking University prepared a short congratulatory video to look back on the footsteps of the 10th anniversary. Dean Yi from SNU mentioned curriculum reform of full-time MBA, which was reformed from 1.5 years to 1 year as of August 2021, and said we would share know-how, curriculum management and other aspects of implementation result when available in the future. In addition, Dean Yi said some classes have been held face-to-face at SNU since October after the transition to With-Corona and we shall expect incoming students to take some face-to-face classes next spring.

Next, we had time to share MBA Program Review over the past two years and discuss academic plan of AY 2022-2023. Associate Dean Kyoungmi Lee from SNU said we are pleasure to host new batch of Dual degree and exchange students within reformed curriculum and look forward to fruitful collaboration in the future. At this year’s Symposium, a total of three joint research papers were selected were presented by faculty members. Professor Jack Chiang of Peking and Professor Satoshi Akutsu of Hitotsubashi did joint research on the theme of "The Trickle-Down Effect of China Top Managers' Paradoxical Leadership on Employee Creativity". Along with Professor Mai Li, Zefeng Chen of Peking and Professor Masazumi Hattori of Hitotsubashi researched on the theme of "The Crowding Out Effect of Fiscal Expansion on Corporate Borrowing." Finally, Professor Hiroshi Ono of Hitotsubashi presented “Forging a Gender-Inclusive Workplace in an Era of Changing Workstyle”, joint research with Professor Hilary Holbrow of Indiana University. Dean Liu addressed closing remarks to wrap up the Symposium committing continued cooperation and partnership between three schools and look forward to meet face-to-face in 2022.
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