SNUbiz News

The 36th Business School Student Council ‘Boreum’

December 1, 2021l Hit 565
Introduction to the 36th Business School Student Council ‘Boreum’

Q) Please Introduce the 36th Business School Student Council 'Boreum'
A) Fulfill everyone's wishes, it's [Boreum]. Hello, we are Yoo-yeol Choi, the president of the 36th Business School Student Council, and Min-ji Heo, the vice president. [Boreum] means the full moon. The full moon shows the most stable circular shape among the changing moon. On Jeongwol Daeboreum or Chuseok, we put our hands together to make a wish towards full moon. [Boreum] wants to become a full moon-like student council for business school students. It contains our wish to create the most stable form of the student council in the changing environment of COVID-19

Q) How do you feel about leading ‘Boreum’?
A) First of all, it is a great honor to be the student council president team of Seoul National University Business School. After becoming the president team, it was new to be able to see the way the business school student society was operated at the forefront, which we could not see when we were members of a bureau. However, on the other hand, we feel a great sense of responsibility as the representatives of the Business School Student Council. We have been contemplating fiercely for the development of the business school student society since we served as members of a bureau in the executive department. Now, we are happy to put these concerns into practice rather than just thinking about them.

Q) Vision of ‘Boreum’?
A) First of all, the project that the student council president team wants to plan the most is a new welcoming project for incoming freshmen. We would like to return the new welcoming project, which has suffered a lot of difficulties for the past two years because of the COVID-19, to its normal track. Of course, it may not be completely the same as “Saeteo” and “Shinhwanhoe” before COVID-19, but we will continue to work hard for active interactions and communication among schoolfellows.

[Boreum] will also hold an official discussion contest of business school to create an opportunity for many students to share their knowledge. In addition, we are planning to extend the operation time of Dongwon-gwan convenience store to 24-hour unmanned operation, which is currently until 6 pm, and to operate a classes-cross-family system, which doesn’t put restrictions on student number and classes.

Q) Messages to the people of SNUbiz
A) Over the past two years, the student society has gone through a period of constant changes. COVID-19 has greatly changed the way students interact, including the teaching plan, and these changes have created a severance of interactions and communication. [Boreum] wants to become a student council that listens to the wishes of our schoolfellows. [Boreum] will do our best until the day when a clear full moon appears in the daily life of the business school blurred by the COVID-19. We will become [Boreum] that fulfills the wishes of schoolfellows together. Be your 2022 with a brightly rising [Boreum]! Happy New Year. :)
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