
김병도 교수
교수 / Database Marketing, Statistical and Econometric Issues in Marketing


Byung-Do Kim is Professor of Marketing at Business School of Seoul National University. He has also taught at the Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University, for four years. He received his bachelor’s degree from Seoul National University, master’s degree from New York University, and Ph.D. in marketing from The University of Chicago.
His current research interests include various econometric and statistical modeling issues on consumer choice behavior, e-commerce, rewards program, recommendation system and database marketing.
His previous research has appeared in Management Science, the Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, the Journal of Interactive Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Retailing, Marketing Letters, Marketing Science and the Journal of Database Marketing, among other journals. With Bob Blattberg and Scott Neslin, he has recently published a book titled Database Marketing: Analyzing and Managing Customers.


Ph. D. in Marketing (May 1992)
Graduate School of Business, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
September 1988 - May 1992
Dissertation: "Household Heterogeneity in the Intensity of Preference for Quality"
Dissertation Chairs: Professor Robert C. Blattberg and Peter Rossi

M.B.A. in Business Administration (February 1985)
Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University, New York, New York
February 1983 - February 1985

B.B.A. in Business Administration (February 1982)
College of Business Administration, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
March 1978 - February 1982

[학술활동 및 교외봉사활동]
[1] 현재 서울대학교 경영대학 교무부학장, 경영학과 학과장, 경영전문대학원 부원장
[2] 현재 한국철도시설공단 사외이사
[3] 현재 한국마케팅학회 부회장
[4] 전 Harvard University 경영대학원 초빙교수
[5] 전 Carnegie Mellon University 경영대학원 교수
[6] 전 Seoul Journal of Business 편집장
[7] The 2001 William R. Davidson Awards, Journal of Retailing
[8] Oscar Mayer Fellowship, Oscar Mayer Foundation (1991)


[1]김병도, 주영혁, 한국백화점역사, 서울대학교 출판부, 2006.
[2]김병도, 코카콜라는 어떻게 산타에게 빨간 옷을 입혔는가, 21세기북스, 2003.
[3]김병도, 서울대 데이터베이스마케팅 연구회, CRM을 이끄는 세계적 기업 21, 서울대학교 출판부, 2001.
[4]김병준, 김병도, 출판경영론, 지경사, 1999.
[5]Blattberg, R., Byung-Do Kim, and Ye, Jianming, "Large-Scale Databases: The New Marketing Challenges, " Marketing Information Revolution, USA Harvard Business Press, 1994.

[1] 김병도, 홍성태, 전종근, 손보형 컨설팅시스템으로 통합보험시장을 개척한 삼성화재의 슈퍼보험, 한국마케팅저널 7, pp.105-119, 한국마케팅학회, 2005
[2] 김병도, 홍성태, 신종칠, 강명수, 대한민국 데이터베이스 마케팅 인프라 구축을 위한 KT 소디스 사업의 마케팅 전략, 한국마케팅저널 7, pp.121-141, 한국마케팅학회, 2005
[3] Jung, Hoon and Byung-Do Kim, The Role of the Buyout Price in the Internet Auction, Seoul Journal of Business 10, pp.17-26, Seoul National University, 2004
[4] 김병도, 김지경, 우상진, CRM 관련 마케팅 투자가 기업가치에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구, 경영학연구 33, pp.1185-1200, 한국경영학회, 2004-08
[5] Kim, Byung-Do, Mengze Shi and Srinivasan, Kannan, Managing Capacity Through Reward Programs, Marketing Science 50, pp.503-520, The Institute of Management Sciences / Operations Research Society of America, 2004-04
[6] 김병도, 이등기업의 마케팅 전략, 경영논집 37, pp.37-60, 서울대학교 경영대학 경영연구소, 2003-09
[7] Joo, Y., Jun, J. and Kim, B, Encouraging Customers to Pay Less for Mobile Telecommunication Services, Journal of Database Marketing 9, pp.350-359, Henry Stewart Publications, 2002-07
[8] 김병도, 표태영, 개봉 전 영화의 수요예측모형, 경영논집 36, pp.1-23, 서울대학교 경영대학 경영연구소, 2002-03
[9] Kim, B. and Kim. S., A New Recommender System to Combine Content-Based and Collaborative Filtering System, Journal of Database Marketing 8, pp.244-252, Henry Stewart Publications, 2001-09
[10] Kim, B., M. Shi and Srinivasan, K., Reward Programs and Tacit Price Collusions, Marketing Science 20, pp.99-120, The Institute of Management Sciences / Operations Research Society of America, 2001-06
[11] 김병도, 노상규, 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 비모수 회귀분석, 경영정보학연구 11, pp.61-73, 한국경영정보학회, 2001-03
[12] 김병도, 비보상적 컨조인트 분석법의 연구, 경영논집 34, pp.34-47, 서울대학교 경영대학 경영연구소, 2000
[13] Kim, Byung-Do, Sung-O Min and Jong-Chil Shin, Calculating Lifetime Values of Business Customers for a Telecommunications Company, Journal of Database Marketing 7, pp.254-264, Henry Stewart Publications, 2000
[14] Gonul, Fusun, Byung-Do Kim and Mengze Shi, Mailing Smarter to Catalog Customers, Journal of Interactive Marketing 14, pp.2-16, Direct Marketing Educational Foundation, 2000
[15] Kim, Byung-Do and Sun-Ok Kim, Measuring Up-selling Potential of Life Insurance Customers: Application of a Stochastic Frontier Model, Journal of Interactive Marketing 13, pp.2-9, Direct Marketing Educational Foundation, 1999
[16] Kim, Byung-Do, Kannan Srinivasan and Ronald Wilcox, Indentifying Price Sensitive Customers: The Relative Merits of Demographic vs. Purchase Pattern Information, Journal of Retailing 75, pp.1-21, New York University, Institute of Retail Management, 1999
[17] 김병도, 광고효과의 올바른 분석을 위한 데이터 간격의 연구, 경영논집 33, pp.85-109, 서울대학교 경영대학 경영연구소, 1999
[18] 김병도, 김선옥, 모형의 불확실성을 고려한 모형의 선택, 마케팅연구 14, pp.93-107, 한국마케팅학회, 1999-03
[19] 김병도, 선형회귀모형에서의 효과적인 변수 선택법, 경영논집 32, pp.1-19, 서울대학교 경영대학 경영연구소, 1998
[20] 김병도, 상용고객 보상제도의 이론과 응용, 경영논집 32, pp.29-43, 서울대학교 경영대학 경영연구소, 1998
[21] Byung-Do Kim and Jiwoong Shin, Maximizing the Value of Credit Card Customers: Credit Scoring, Revenue Scoring, or Both?, Journal of Database Marketing 6, pp.164-173, Henry Stewart Publications, 1998
[22] Byung-Do Kim, and Mary Sullivan, The Effect of Parent Brand Experience on Line Extension Trial and Repeat Purchase, Marketing Letters 9, pp.181-193, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998
[23] Kim, Byung-Do and Park, Kyungdo, Studying Patterns of Consumer's Grocery Shopping Trip, Journal of Retailing 73(4), pp.501-517, New York University, 1997
[24] 김병도, 선택 모델의 개발과 엔트로피 최적화, 경영논집 30(3, 4), pp.148-167, 1996
[25] Robert C. Blattberg, Byung-Do Kim, Jianming Ye, Defining Baseline Sales In a Competitive Environment, Seoul Journal of Business 2(1), pp.1-38, 1996
[26] Wagner A. Kamakura, Byung-Do Kim, Jonathan Lee, Modeling Preference and Structural Heterogeneity in Consumer Choice, Marketing Science 15(2), pp.152-172, 1996
[27] Kim, Byung-Do, R. Blattberg, and P. Rossi, Modeling the Distribution of Price Sensitivity and Implications for Optimal Retail Pricing, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 13, pp.291-303, American Statistical Associations, 1995
[28] Kim, Byung-Do, Incorporating Heterogeneity with Store-Level Aggregate Data, Marketing Letters 6, pp.159-169, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995
[29] Hoch, S., Byung-Do Kim, A. Montgomery, and P. Rossi, Determinants of Store-Level Price Elasticity, Journal of Marketing Research 32, pp.17-29, American Marketing Association, 1995
[30] Kim, Byung-Do. and Rossi, Peter., Purchase Frequency, Sample Selection and Price Sensitivity: The Heavy-User Bias, Marketing Letters 5, pp.57-67, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994

[1] 김병도, CRM: 기업이익극대화를 위한 새로운 패러다임, Marketing Communication Review 7(2), pp.3-20, 금강기획 마케팅전략연구소, 2001-12

[1] Kim, Byung-Do and Jiwoong Shin, Maximizing the Value of Credit Card Customers: Credit Scoring, Revenue Scoring or Both?, 1998 Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Conference Decision Science Institute, 1998
[2] 김병도, 김선옥, Modeling Up-selling Potential of Life Insurance Customers: Application of a Stochastic Frontier Model, 한국경영학회 추계학술발표회 논문집 한국경영학회, 1998
[3] Kim, Byung-Do and Sangkyu Rho, Nonparametric Regression with Genetic Algorithm, Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems pp.217-227, WITS, 1998
[4] 김병도, Optimal Mailing Policy for Catalog Customers, 한국경영학회 추계학술발표회 논문집 pp.481-503, 1996