
석승훈 교수
석승훈 SEOG, S. HUN
교수 / 재무금융


서울대학교 경영대학 교수로서 서울대학교에서 경영학 학사, 석사를, 미국 펜실베니아대학교 와튼스쿨 석사, 박사를 받았다. 연구관심분야는 위험학, 보험학, 정보경제학과 그들을 응용한 개인, 기업 등의 조직 및 사회 위험관리 분야이다. 현재 다양한 국내외 학회의 회원으로서 활동하고 있다.
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연구분야 (Research Area): 위험, 보험, 금융 (Risk, Insurance, Finance)

Ph. D. Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (1995)
(전공: Insurance and Risk Management)
M.A. Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
(전공: Insurance and Risk Management)
경영학 석사(MBA) 서울대학교 대학원 경영학과
경영학 학사(BBA) 서울대학교 경영학과


서울대학교 경영대학 교수: 2009.9.1 - 현재



1. 한국금융학회 우수논문상, 2014: Lee, Sunae and S. Hun Seog (2013), A Distinction between Business Groups and Diversified Firms: The Limited Liability Effect, 금융연구 (Journal of Money & Finance) 27 (2) (6월): 125-143; 한국금융학회 (2014.6.13, 대구)
2. 한국재무학회 우수논문상, 2013: Lee, Sunae and S. Hun Seog (2013), A Diversification Discount with Efficient Internal Capital, 재무연구 [Asian Review of Financial Research] 26 (1) (2월): 101-121; 한국재무학회 (2013.11.22)
3. 보험학회 우수논문상, 2013: 생명보험 전매제도가 보험시장에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 (보험학회지 92, 2012.8); 보험학회 (2013.5.10)
4. 보험학회 제1회 한동호 학술상 (최고논문상), 2011: 의사가 진료수준을 정할 때 건강보험에서의 도덕적 해이에 대한 이론적 고찰 (보험학회지 86, 2010. 8); 보험학회 (2011.5.13)
5. Outstanding Research Award, 2008: KAIST (2008. 5)
6. Select Paper, 2004: Strategic Demand for Insurance; American Risk and Insurance Association (2004. 8)
7. Outstanding Paper Award, 1998: Equilibrium Price Dispersion under Competition among a Finite Number of Sellers: Implications for the Insurance Market: Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Conference (1998. 7)

강의 분야

* 위험과 경영: 학부
*기업가치금융: 학부
* 위험과 보험: 학부, 석사
* 재무관리: 학부, 석사
* 보험경제학: 박사

연구 분야

* Risk and Society
* Insurance & Risk Management
* Contract Theory and Application
* Finance


학술지 발표


1. Seog, S. Hun (2012), Moral Hazard and Health Insurance when Treatment is Preventive, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 79 (4): 1017-1038, online (4/11/2012: DOI: 10.1111/j.1539-6975.2011.01459.x).
2. Seog, S. Hun and Yoon-Suk Baik (2012), Inefficient Investment, Information Asymmetry, and Competition for Managers, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 14 (6), 12월: 971-995.
3. Seog, S. Hun (2010), Double-Sided Adverse Selection in the Product Market and the Role of the Insurance Market, International Economic Review, 51 (1) February: 125-142.
4. Seog, S. Hun and Sungwhee, Shin (2009), Comparison between the Financial Theory and the Cooperative Game Theory in Risk Capital Allocation, Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance, 4 (1), November: 1-16.
5. Seog, S. Hun and Yong J. Hyun (2009), Financing as a Marketing Strategy, Marketing Science, 28 (3) May-June: 526-540.
6. Seog, S. Hun (2009), Insurance Markets with Differential Information, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 76 (2): 279-294.
7. Seog, S. Hun (2008), Informational Cascade in the Insurance Market, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 75 (1): 145-165.
8. Ahn, Seongje, Hosun Rhim, and S. Hun Seog (2008), Response Time and Vendor-Assembler Relationship in a Supply Chain, European Journal of Operational Research 184 (2): 652-666.
9. Seog, S. Hun (2006), The Strategic Role of Insurance: The Warranty Case, Journal of Insurance Issues 29 (1): 33-50.
10. Seog, S. Hun (2006), Limited Competition, Information Asymmetry, and the Organizational Forms, Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance 2 (1): 64-76.
11. Seog, S. Hun (2006), Strategic Demand for Insurance, Journal of Risk and Insurance 73 (2): 279-295.
12. Seog, S. Hun (2005), Distribution Systems and Operating Leverage, Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance 1 (1): 45-61.
13. Seog, S. Hun (2002), Equilibrium Price Dispersion in the Insurance Market, Journal of Risk and Insurance 69 (4): 517-536.
14. Doherty, Neil A. and S. Hun Seog (2000), A Dynamic Model of the Coexistence of Distribution Systems: An Insurance Example, Singapore International Insurance and Actuarial Journal 4 (1): 19-36.
15. Seog, S. Hun (1999), The Coexistence of Distribution Systems When Consumers Are not Informed, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory 24 (2): 173-192.
16. Baik, Yun-Sug and S. Hun Seog (1998), Analysis of Public Investment Decision-Making under Information Asymmetry, International Journal of Urban Sciences 2 (2): 150-159.


1. 홍지민, 석승훈 (2013), 생명보험 전매제도 도입에 따른 단기 효과 분석 [On the Short Term Effect of Life Settlement Market], 경영논집[Korean Business Journal] 47 (통합호) (12월) (N): 113-133.
2. 석승훈, 홍지민 (2013), 생명보험의 2차 시장의 효과에 대한 연구 [On the Secondary Market of Life Insurance], 경영논집 [Korean Business Journal] 47 (통합호) (12월) (N): 81-112.
3. Seog, S. Hun and Jimin Hong (2013), Demutualization of Insurance Companies, 경영사례연구 [Journal of Management Case Research] 47 (1) (N): 17-27.
4. Seog, S. Hun (2013), Protecting from Flood in the U.S.A., 경영사례연구 [Journal of Management Case Research] 47 (1) (N): 1-15.
5. Lee, Sunae and S. Hun Seog (2013), A Distinction between Business Groups and Diversified Firms: The Limited Liability Effect, 금융연구 [Journal of Money & Finance] 27 (2) (6월): 125-143.
6. Lee, Sunae and S. Hun Seog (2013), A Diversification Discount with Efficient Internal Capital, 재무연구 [Asian Review of Financial Research] 26 (1) (2월): 101-121.
7. 석승훈, 홍지민 (2012), 독점보험 시장에서 생명보험 전매제도 도입에 대한 이론적 고찰 [A Study on the Introduction of Life Settlement Based on Monopoly Insurance Market], 리스크관리연구 23 (2), 가을호(12월): 1-34.
8. 홍지민, 석승훈 (2012), 생명보험 전매제도가 보험시장에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 [A Study of the Effect on the Life Insurance Market of Life Settlement], 보험학회지 92 (8월): 23-50.
9. 석승훈(2012), 건강보험에서의 도덕적 해이 문제의 재고찰 [A Reexamination of Moral Hazard in the Health Insurance], 리스크관리연구 23 (1): 1-23.
10. Seog, S. Hun (2011), On the Multi-Picture Agreement: An Investor's Perspective, 문화경제연구 [Review of Cultural Economics] 14 (1) (2011.6): 163-180.
11. 석승훈 (2010), 의사가 진료수준을 정할 때 건강보험에서의 도덕적 해이에 대한 이론적 고찰 [A Study on the Moral Hazard in the Health Insurance when Treatment is Determined by the Doctor], 보험학회지 86 (2010. 8): 1 -21.
12. 김서경, 석승훈 (2007), 블랙잭시장에 대한 전망이론적 분석 [Prospect Theoretic Approach to Blackjack Market], 금융학회지 12 (1): 141-180.
13. 장준경, 석승훈, 김준석 (2007), 공정공시 도입 전후의 영업이익 공시에 대한 정보효과 [The Information Effects of Regulation Fair Disclosure on Earnings], 금융학회지 12 (1): 107-139.
14. 네티즌 펀딩에서의 위험분담과 보험의 역할에 대해서 [Risk Sharing and Insurance in Netizen Funding]: 보험학회지 7: 1-22, 2005.8.
15. 영상산업의 공급사슬에서의 위험과 수익의 공유 및 보험의 역할[Risk and Revenue Sharing in the Supply Chain in the Movie and Video Industry]: 보험학회지 59: 75-100, 2001. 8 with 안성제
16. 비용구조의 관점에서 본 보험시장 마케팅 채널 [Marketing Channels in the Insurance Industry: A Cost Strucutre Approach]: 산경논집 16 (1): 113-122, 2001. 2.
17. 리얼 옵션을 이용한 최적재고 결정 [Real Option Approach to the Optimal Inventory Decision Model]: 산경논집[서울시립대학교 산업경영연구소] 15 (1): 71-84, 2000. 2 with 안성제 [Ahn, Seongje]
18. 양형의 불확실성과 범행 인센티브[Uncertainty in Sentencing and Incentives for Crime]: 리스크관리연구 12: 289-315, 1999. 가을
19. 독점과 전략적 보험 구매 [Monopoly and Strategic Insurance Demand]: 산경논집[서울시립대학교 산업경영연구소] 14 (1):77-88, 1999. 2
20. 대체불가능재화, 배경위험, 그리고 보험의 구매 [Irreplaceable Good, Background Risk, and Insurance Demand]: 서울시립대학교 논문집 33: 81-95, 1999
21. 정보 비대칭 하에서의 비효율적 공공 투자 [Inefficiency in Public Investment Under Information Asymmetry]: 도시과학논총[서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원] 24: 311-321, 1998. 12 with 백윤석[Baik, Yun-Sug]
22. 생산물 시장과 보험의 전략적 역할 [Product Market and the Strategic Role of Insurance]: 리스크관리연구 10: 113-128, 1998. 가을
23. 극단적 보험 구매 [Bang-bang Insurance Demand]: 서울시립대학교 논문집 32: 39-55, 1998
24. 보험가격 자유화와 가격 분포 [Price Deregulation and Dispersion in the Insurance Market]: 리스크관리연구 7: 113-127, 1997. 봄
25. 독립 대리점제 도입의 보험시장에의 영향 [The Effects of Independent Agency on the Insurance Markets]: 보험개발연구, 1996. 8
26. 가격이 효용 함수에 영향을 미칠 때의 최적 소비 형태 [Optimal Consumption Behavior When Price Affects Utility Function]: 서경대논문집 13, 1997. 2
27. 불확실한 규제, 제도의 적용이 효율성에 미치는 영향 [The Effect of Uncertain Application of Regulation and Institution on Efficiency]: 산업경영연구[서경대학교], 1996. 12

[N: 무심사]

[Book & Book Chapters]
1. 석승훈 (2014.9.30), 경영학 무엇을 말해야 하는가 (위즈덤 하우스, 경기도 고양시), ISBN: 978-89-6086-735-2.
2. Seog, S. Hun (2013.2.28), Chapter 2. CAT Bond of Tokyo Disneyland, 서울대학교 경영연구소 경영사례시리즈 31 (총11인 공저, 출판사: 우듬지): 57~69.
3. Seog, S. Hun (2013.2.28), Chapter4. Earthquake Insurance in the USA, 서울대학교 경영연구소 경영사례시리즈 30 (총12인 공저, 출판사: 우듬지): 89-104.
4. Seog, S. Hun and Jongwoon Hong (2013.2.28), Chapter 3. Samsung Life Going Public, 서울대학교 경영연구소 경영사례시리즈 29 (총10인 공저, 출판사: 우듬지): 74-94.
5. Seog, S. Hun and Sanghee Lee (2013.2.28), Chapter 2. The Specs of SPACs, 서울대학교 경영연구소 경영사례시리즈 28 (총10인 공저, 출판사: 우듬지), 39-54.
6. Seog, S. Hun (2010), The Economics of Risk and Insurance, Wiley-Blackwell (Malden: MA, USA), 2010.3.22. ISBN: 978-1-4051-8552-3.
7. 석승훈 (2008), CEO를 위한 전략적 기업재무, 경문사 (서울), 2008.2. ISBN: 978-89-420-0471-3.
8. 석승훈 (2004), 제7장 우리나라 산재보험 선보장에 관한 고찰, 외국의 산재보험제도 연구 R11;선보장, 후정산제도를 중심으로- (한국노동연구원 정책연구 2004-14), 2004.

[기타 논문집]
1. 석승훈 (2010), 의사가 진료수준을 정할 때 건강보험에서의 도덕적 해이에 대한 이론적 고찰 [A Study on the Moral Hazard in the Health Insurance when Treatment is Determined by the Doctor], 서울대학교 경영대학 윤계섭교수 정년기념논문집: 131-149 (보험학회지로부터 전재).
2. 석승훈, 이윤진 (2002) 엔터테인먼트 펀딩에 대한 고찰 [A Study on the Entertainment Funding]: 조덕구박사 정년기념논문집, 2002: 309-329.
3. 석승훈 (1997) 주행세와 인센티브 문제: 조덕구박사 화갑기념논문집, 1997. 8

학술대회 발표:

1. Hong, Jimin and S. Hun Seog, Moral Hazard and Loss Reduction under State Dependent Utility
A. Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association Conference (2014.7, Moscow, Russia (7.27-7.30))
2. Hong, Jimin and S. Hun Seog, Life Insurance Settlement and the Monopolistic Insurance Market
A. 한국재무학회 학술대회(2013.11.22, 서울 고려대학교, 한국), Korean Finance Association Conference
B. Western Risk and Insurance Association Conference (2014.1.7, Napa Valley, USA (1.5-1.8))
C. 한국리스크관리학회 학술대회(2014.3.28, 서울 보험연구원), Korea Risk Management Society Conference.
D. American Risk and Insurance Association (2014. 8, Seattle, USA (8.3-8.6))
3. 석승훈(Seog, S. Hun), 홍지민(Hong, Jimin), 생명보험의 2차 시장의 효과에 대한 연구 (On the Secondary Market of Life Insurance)
A. 한국재무학회 학술대회(2013.11.22, 서울 고려대학교, 한국), Korean Finance Association Conference
4. Seog, S Hun, The Economics of Life Insurance Settlement
A. American Risk and Insurance Association (2012. 8, Minneapolis, MN, USA)
5. 석승훈(Seog, S. Hun), 홍지민(Hong, Jimin), 생명보험 전매제도 도입에 대한 이론적 고찰 (A Study on the Introduction of Life Settlement)
A. 한국금융학회 학술대회 (2012.6.9, 강원도 원주, 한국), Korea Money and Finance Association Conference
6. 홍지민(Hong, Jimin), 석승훈(Seog, S. Hun), 생명보험 전매제도가 보험시장에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 (A Study of the Effect on the Life Insurance Market of Life Settlement)
A. 한국생산성학회 학술대회 (2012.5.18, 서울, Korea), Korea Productivity Association Conference
7. 석승훈 (Seog, S. Hun), 건강보험에서의 도덕적 해이 문제의 재고찰 (A Reexamination of Moral Hazard in the Health Insurance)
A. 한국리스크관리학회 춘계학술대회(2012.3.30, Seoul, Korea) Korea Risk Management Society Conference: 1-17.
8. 석승훈 (Seog, S. Hun), 생명보험 전매제도의 효율성에 대해서 (On the Efficiency of Life Settlement)
A. 한국생산성학회 춘계학술발표대회 (2011.5.20, Seoul, Korea) Korea Productivity Association Conference: 177-186.
9. Seog, S. Hun, Non-Extractible Rent and Compensation for Insurance Intermediaries
A. World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress (2010.7.25-7.29, Singapore).
B. Korea Money and Finance Association (2010. 6.11, Seoul, Korea) 한국금융학회
10. Seog, S. Hun, Moral Hazard and Health Insurance (건강보험에서의 도덕적 해이에 대한 이론적 고찰)
A. Conference in Celebration of Dr. Yun, Ke Sop's Retirement (2010.6.4, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea) 윤계섭교수 정년기념 학술대회
11. Hong, Jong-Woon and S. Hun Seog, Analysis on the Impact of the Corporate Governance on the Efficiency of Korean Non-life Insurance Companies
A. 2009 Joint Conference of Korean Insurance Academic Society and Korea Risk Management Society (2010.2.18, Geumsan, Korea) 보험학회-리스크관리학회 공동학술대회
12. Hong, Jong-Woon and S. Hun Seog, Market Deregulation and the Role of the Korean Bureau
A. The Korean Insurance Academic Society Conference (2009.5,Seoul Korea) 보험학회
13. Seog, S. Hun, Moral Hazard and Health Insurance when Treatment is Preventive
A. American Risk and Insurance Association (2009. 8, Providence, RI, USA)
B. Risk Theory Society Conference (2009. 4, Austin Texas, USA)
C. 2009 Economics Joint Conference of Korea (2009. 2. Seoul, Korea) 2009 경제학 공동학술대회
14. Hong, Jong-Woon and S. Hun Seog, The Effect of Corporate Governance on the Performance of Insurance Company: Evidence from Korean Insurance Industry
A. Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (2008. 7. Sydney, Australia)
15. Lee, Sunae and S. Hun Seog, A Distinction between Business Groups and Conglomerates: The Limited Liability Effect
A. Joint Conference of Korean Finance Associations (2008.5. 충남 아산) 5개 재무 학회 공동학술대회
16. Lee, Sunae and S. Hun Seog, Diversification Discount under the Efficient Internal Capital Market
A. Southern Finance Association 2007 Annual Meeting (2007. 11. Charleston, USA)
B. The 34th European Finance Association meeting (2007. 8. Ljubljana, Slovenia)
C. The 18th Meeting of Asian Finance Association (2007. 7, Hong Kong, China)
D. The Korea Financial Management Association (proceedings)(2005. 11, Seoul, Korea) 한국재무관리학회
17. Seog, S. Hun and Sunae Lee, Costly External Financing and the Capital Shock Theory of the Insurance Cycle
A. American Risk and Insurance Association (2008. 8, Portland, USA)
B. International Conference of the Korean Insurance Academic Society (2008. 5, Seoul, Korea) 한국보험학회 국제학술대회
C. Risk Theory Society Conference (2008. 4, Fort Collins, USA)
D. Korea Finance Association (2007. 11, Seoul, Korea) 한국재무학회
E. Korea Money and Finance Association (proceedings) (2007. 6, Seoul, Korea). 한국금융학회
18. Kang, Chang Mo and S. Hun Seog, Double Adverse Selection in the Insurance Market: Risk and Fraud (formerly, Equilibrium in the Insurance Market with Adverse Selection and Fraud)
A. Korea Risk Management Society (2009. 4. 17, Seoul, Korea) 한국리스크관리학회
B. American Risk and Insurance Association (2007. 8, Quebec City, Canada)
C. Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (proceedings) (2007. 7, Taipei, Taiwan
D. Korea Money and Finance Association (proceedings) (2007. 6, Seoul, Korea) 한국금융학회
19. Jung, Hae Won and S. Hun Seog, Product and Price Competition in a Cross City Model
A. European Economic Association & Econometric Society 2007 Parallel Meetings (2007. 8, Budapest, Hungary)
B. The 12th International Conference of the Korea Economic Association (proceedings) (2006. 8, Seoul, Korea) 한국경제학회 국제학술대회
20. Seog, S. Hun, Insurance Markets with Differential Information
A. American Risk and Insurance Association (2006. 8, Washington DC, USA).
B. Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (proceedings) (2006.7, Tokyo, Japan)
C. Korean Insurance Academic Society Conference (proceedings) (2006. 5, Seoul, Korea 한국보험학회
21. Seog, S. Hun, A Blessing in Disguise: Corporate Governance, Firm Value and Competition
A. Korean Finance Association Conference (proceedings) (2006. 5). 한국재무학회
22. Seog, S. Hun and Sungwhee Shin, Capital Allocation Using the Cooperative Game Theory
A. World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress (proceedings) (2005.8 Salt Lake City, USA).
23. MacMinn, Richard and S. Hun Seog, Distribution of Price and Quality under Information Asymmetry
A. World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress (proceedings) (2005.8 Salt Lake City, USA).
24. Seog, S. Hun, Risk Sharing in Netizen Funding (네티즌 펀딩에서의 위험분담에 대하여)
A. Korean Insurance Academic Society Conference (proceedings, 7-22) (2005. 5). 한국보험학회
25. Seog, S. Hun and Yong J. Hyun, Financing or Marketing: A Netizen Fund Paradox
A. Korea Finance Association Conference (proceedings) (2004. 11) 한국재무학회
B. Korea Association of Cultural Economics Conference (proceedings) (2004. 10). 한국문화경제학회
C. Korean Society of Consumer Studies (proceedings) (2004.10) 한국소비자학회
26. Seog, S. Hun, Strategic Demand for Insurance
A. Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association Conference (proceedings) (2004.7)
B. American Risk and Insurance Association Conference (2004. 8).
27. Seog, S. Hun and Jangkoo Kang, Indexing Catastrophe Securities
A. Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (proceedings) (2004.7)
B. American Risk and Insurance Association (2004. 8)
C. Korea Association of Futures and Options Conference (2004. 12). 한국선물학회
28. Seog, S. Hun, Informational Cascade in the Insurance Market
A. Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (proceedings) (2003.7)
B. American Risk and Insurance Association (2003. 8).
29. Seog, S. Hun, Distribution Systems and Operating Leverage
A. Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Conference (proceedings) (2002. 7)
B. American Risk and Insurance Association Conference (2002. 8).
30. Seog, S. Hun, Double-Sided Adverse Selection in the Product Market and the Role of the Insurance Market
A. Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Conference (proceedings) (2002. 7)
B. American Risk and Insurance Association Conference (2001. 8).
31. Seog, S. Hun, Public Investment, Information Asymmetry, and Insurance Market
A. Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Conference (proceedings: 271-279) (1999. 7).
32. Seog, S. Hun, Equilibrium Price Dispersion under Competition among a Finite Number of Sellers: Implications for the Insurance Market
A. Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Conference (proceedings: 228-239) (1998. 7).
33. Seog, S. Hun, The Strategic Role of Insurance: Interaction between Product Market and Insurance Market
A. Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Conference (proceedings) (1997. 7).