Journal Articles

* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
No. Faculty Title Author Journal Vol. No. Page Year Evaluation IF
2618 장정주 Technostress and ICT-enabled Productivity: The Moderating Role of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation = 테크노스트레스가 ICT 활용 생산성에 미치는 영향: 외재적 및 내재적 동기의 조절효과 검증 Sungho Yoon, Boram Kwon, Jungjoo Jahng 28(4) 123-147 2023 KCI
2617 이우종 The Intermediary Role of ESG Ratings in the Relation between the Issuance of Sustainability Reports and the Cost of Equity Capital HEE-YEON SUNWOO, A-REUM JUNG, SEHEE KIM, WOO-JONG LEE 29(2) 1-30 2023 KCI
2616 이관휘 Commonality in Tail Risk Premia around the World = 꼬리 위험프리미엄의 동조화 현상에 대한 연구: 전세계 주식시장을 중심으로 Kuan-Hui Lee, Shu-Feng Wang 52(6) 979-1008 2023 SCOPUS
2615 오정석 An Exploratory Study of Generative AI Service Quality using LDA Topic Modeling and Comparison with Existing Dimensions YaeEun Ahn, Jungsuk Oh
서비스 연구
13(4) 191-205 2023 KCI
2614 신재용 The Effect of Market Competition on Executive Pay Cap Sohee Park, Jae Yong Shin 48(6) 29-51 2023 SCOPUS
2613 박진수 Evaluating the Current State of ChatGPT and Its Disruptive Potential: An Empirical Study of Korean Users Jiwoong Choi, Jinsoo Park, Jihae Suh 33(4) 1058-1092 2023 SCOPUS
2612 박원우 통제변수의 활용: 변수의 선택과 투입 절차에 관한 제언 = Control Variable Usage: Recommendations for Procedures of Selection and Inclusion 박원우, 오민주, 유민준 52(6) 1293-1324 2023 KCI
2611 김우진 Control Beyond Ownership: Open-Book Accounting in Unbalanced Supply Chain Networks Yunxiao Liu, Woojin Kim, Jongsub Lee 52(6) 979-1013 2023 SCOPUS
2610 김우진 Comply or Explain 원칙 재검토: 기업지배구조 보고서상 핵심지표 준수 여부 신뢰도와 설명 충실도 검증 = Re-evaluation of Comply or Explain Rule: Testing Credibility of Self-Disclosed Corporate Governance Reports in Korea 김우진, 이민형, 김유경 20(3) 305-332 2023 KCI
2609 백복현 외부감사인의 감사조정 결정과 회계품질: 감사 전˙후 재무제표 비교를 통한 실증분석 = Auditors’ Audit Adjustment Decisions and Financial Reporting Quality: Comparative Analysis on Pre- and Post-Audit Financial Information 백복현, 한승엽, 김우진, 이찬석 48(6) 121-162 2023 SCOPUS